Walking during the winter



  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I walk outside year round. If you dress for it, it's not bad and you warm up quickly.
    It has not been above zero for 4 days here.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Have you thought about snowshoes? It makes the winter walking thing a lot more fun if you have access to trails.

    If it's minus 40 out, obviously there are limitations for how long you can be outside without freezing your skin off, but if we're talking 15 degrees then all you really need is the right layers to stay comfortable when you're moving - good socks, warm mittens, a hat and scarf, and a couple underlayers under your outerwear will be plenty if you're not a fan of the cold.
  • norasariah
    norasariah Posts: 3 Member
    15 Minute 1 mile walk by Leslie Sansonne in her Walk At Home videos are good. You can find it on YouTube.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Unless it's raining, I'll walk outdoors. When it's too wet I'll walk at the mall...good workout if you ignore the Cinnabon's.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    pbandz wrote: »
    I've been doing inclines as well as watching movies, I just want to be able to help my brother get active too. We may actually go to the mall to be honest

    BigBox home improvement stores are good too. Pretty wide open...no Cinnabon temptation.

    Leslie Sansone walking DVDs are great. There is no dancing involved. Check out a few on YouTube and see if your brother would be interested. DVDs are nice because many have a music only option (in case Leslie is too chatty).


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    If you live in a large city with big museums, you can walk there and enjoy the museum as well. Denver's Art Museum has lots of stairs and floor space, it is a great place to walk. I know Chicago also has some big museums that would be great as well. I'm sure any decent city with a decent museum would work as well.

    I also second the big box stores, mall, bundling up, etc. Leslie isn't the only walker on youtube, just look for her and others as well.

    I don't like to walk outside when it is under 0 and windy. I also can't stand treadmills, so I can always find some other way.

    I think it is great you want to get your brother involved. Don't forget that dancing can result in lots of steps, either at home or clubbing, just don't drink calories if you select the clubs >:)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    pbandz wrote: »
    I've been doing inclines as well as watching movies, I just want to be able to help my brother get active too. We may actually go to the mall to be honest

    I'm hearing "Robin Sparkles" in my head ... "Let's go to the mall, TODAY!!!" :smiley:
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    I layer up - snow pants, ski gloves and hat, and if it's really windy a face mask. Heavy boots and wool socks are a must. Yaktrax on the boots are great if it is icy - I can run on ice with them. Also, I purchased snow shoes - $89 at costco 2 yrs ago and they are great for trails and parks once the roads get narrow and it's too dangerous trying to compete with the cars on the roads.
  • thatdawngirl16
    thatdawngirl16 Posts: 1 Member
    it's winter here and this girl not going outside to walk it's not even fit to walk my dog right now :):) .. So I have been doing Leslie Sansone's walk at home (The Miracle Miles) 5 miles each day -Sundays is rest day
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    edited January 2016
    Outside all the time. Right now I push the stroller to daycare and then continue on to the gym. It is a 3 km trip. I repeat to pick him up. We are allbundled up nicely, though if it reaches -10 C then we'll drive that day....