Is it possible to lose 138.8 lbs (63 kg) by Jan 1st 2017?

Im 173 cm tall and I currently weigh 275.6 lbs (125 kgs)
Is it possible on a 1200 cal diet with minimum of 30 min exercise 5 days a week (exercise will increase as my weight goes down)?



  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    It is but it's not healthy, or sustainable. You need to have a more realistic goal. Losing so much so fast on a 1200 calorie diet is going to leave you weak, with a ton of extra skin and quite possible malnourished. Aim for 2 lbs a week loss, maximum
  • many_splendored
    many_splendored Posts: 113 Member
    I'm with Amy. Putting yourself through that for a whole year is gonna be very difficult and it may not even work out to that weight amount. You want to be down at 220 or so by next year, that seems a little more accurate and certainly lets you live a bit better.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Let's call that 50 weeks. That's 2.8 pounds per week. No, that's not realistic. Additionally, at 275.6 pounds and 5'8", you should be eating way more than 1200 calories. When you plug your stats into MFP and select a weekly weight loss goal of 2 pounds per week, how many calories does it tell you to eat?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Not a good idea. That would mean losing almost 3 lb a week which is not healthy for the long run or sustainable. Set your goals to lose a maximum of 2 lb a week to start, then drop your goal as you lose. 18-24 months to lose that amount would be a much healthier goal.
  • DogRiverDude
    DogRiverDude Posts: 433 Member
    People will call you crazy and say that it's dangerous but I lost 113 in 10 months (could have been 9 months if not for two calorie binging vacays). PLEASE pay close attention to nutrition though --> with reduced calories, nutrition may suffer causing a lack of energy. Best of luck achieving your goal!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    It is but it's not healthy, or sustainable. You need to have a more realistic goal. Losing so much so fast on a 1200 calorie diet is going to leave you weak, with a ton of extra skin and quite possible malnourished. Aim for 2 lbs a week loss, maximum

    Yes, you are more likely to have loose skin if you lose weight rapidly.

    ...Lose Weight at a Reasonable Pace

    There's a correlation between how quickly one loses weight and the amount of loose skin they end up with.

    In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. When the deficit is reasonable and you're losing one to two pounds per week, a majority of the weight lost is fat. While a more aggressive deficit will result in faster weight loss, there's a higher risk that this weight loss will come from muscle tissue, especially when done over a prolonged period of time.

    Keep a slow and steady pace and a caloric deficit of around 15% below your maintenance calories. You'll retain much more muscle tissue, thus keeping your skin "tight."
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Get started and stick to a process you can live with and the weight will come off in time. By next January, even if you don't lose as much as you'd like today, you will feel better and look better. The times I've done the best are when I ate enough to feel satisfied and exercised but without overdoing it. The book "Eat More, Weigh Less" is very good. I don't follow the strict guidelines, but it helped me to understand that I can still feel satisfied and eat without feeling like I'm "dieting." Also, there is newly published research that shows if you keep your eating to a block of about 12 hours a day (say 7 am to 7 pm), you will lose somewhat more weight than if you ate later in the day. For me, this has helped a bit, too. The main thing is, experiment and see what works for you. Best of luck to you!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    At a 2lb loss per week - you are looking at roughly 69-70 weeks, or meeting your goal somewhere in mid-May of 2017. You still must consider the possibility of hitting a plateau, which is quite common. If/when a plateau comes about - adjust food or exercise or both and then keep at it until your body gets back to losing.

    Mid-May is not far off from your January time frame... good luck!!
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    I agree with those that believe this too much too fast. You might be able to start out with a high loss rate, but you won't be able to sustain it since your bodies calorie requirements will drop as you lose weight, so the 1200 (or whatever count you use) calories will result in a smaller deficit. I would also suggest not doing the entire deficit with reduced amounts of food, but limit it to say 1.5 lbs per week and get the extra deficit with exercise.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    did you put that weight on in one year? Doubtful. Have realistic expectations or you will fail and give up. 1lb a week is a healthy weight loss rate, and sustainable.
  • kissmez
    kissmez Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    What you're looking for is a lifestyle change, don't worry so much about how *quickly* you lose the weight, because at the end of the day you just want to be healthy and reach that healthy weight (and maintain it, the most difficult part). I gained 70lbs during pregnancy and was only able to lose 25lbs of that by 18months post-partum. I started going to the gym and paying attention to what I eat, and now that my daughter is 3 years old, I've hit and maintained my pre-pregnancy weight but it's ridiculously difficult to go any lower than this 200lbs. I've been at this point for a year now... road block!! But my arms and stomach have gotten much smaller in the last year despite not losing any weight.

    Just focus on making healthier decisions and exercising. Focus less on your weight.
  • disturbedlusha
    disturbedlusha Posts: 19 Member
    Ok thanks all. I guess I didn't look at how unrealistic I was being because I just want to get rid of this weight already! My husband said that when I get back to that then I will be able to go back home and take my toddlers to meet my side of the family who I haven't seen for 3 years. Why are flights to the otherside of the earth so expensive!! Ah well at least I know that I can still get there it might just take a little longer.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    Possible? Maybe.
    Probable? No.
    Advisable? Definitely not!

    You'd have to lose at a rate of 2.776 lbs/week, which is more than is advised for even morbidly obese people unless they are under medical supervision. You can likely hit that rate of loss in the first few weeks by dropping water weight, but sustaining that loss rate for 12 months would be both difficult and dangerous for your body.

    I'd start with a 2 lb/week goal and lower it to 1.5 lb or 1 lb/week as you get closer to your goal.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Im 173 cm tall and I currently weigh 275.6 lbs (125 kgs)
    Is it possible on a 1200 cal diet with minimum of 30 min exercise 5 days a week (exercise will increase as my weight goes down)?

    Under doctors supervision it may be possible.
    Have done similar.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    kissmez wrote: »
    What you're looking for is a lifestyle change, don't worry so much about how *quickly* you lose the weight, because at the end of the day you just want to be healthy and reach that healthy weight (and maintain it, the most difficult part). I gained 70lbs during pregnancy and was only able to lose 25lbs of that by 18months post-partum. I started going to the gym and paying attention to what I eat, and now that my daughter is 3 years old, I've hit and maintained my pre-pregnancy weight but it's ridiculously difficult to go any lower than this 200lbs. I've been at this point for a year now... road block!! But my arms and stomach have gotten much smaller, despite not losing the weight.

    Just focus on making healthier decisions and exercising. Focus less on your actual weight.

    Yes, I'm happier with my increased energy, health, and strength (being able to go up and down stairs, being able to hike, improved ability to practice yoga) then I am about the numbers on the scale.

    I'm learning good habits that I can take into maintenance.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Also: why does your husband figure in this in any way? You've set up an unrealistic goal for yourself to 'earn' something that should not even be a special privilege?? You should visit family anytime finances allow. Just a whole lot of 'nope' going on in what you just said. Work on that & losing the weight will be EASY!
  • KarolineSM
    KarolineSM Posts: 3 Member
    I have used my fitnesspal before. My hubby got very sick and I had to stop my exercising, but on my first run I started at 289 lbs and got down to 169 lbs. It took me from Feb 17 until Dec 24 of the same year. Please note that I am older ( I was 49 when I started) and 169 cm/5'6 1/2" tall....
    As for the 1200 calories, that might be a problem..... I did start out eating around 1300 calories, but that increased with extra exercise to around 1500-1600 cals and around 90 min of exercise a day. I do not think, you can stick with the 1200 cals a day for a year. Here are my thoughts on this: we all have dieted before. That word is poison. It means you are restricting yourself and it is temporary. To be truly successful, it has to be a lifestyle change!!!! Also you are much more likely to "break" your diet, if you "forbid" yourself to eat the foods you love. I have found that finding lower cal alternatives (i.e. frozen yogurt bars for those ice cream cravings etc) are a good choice, but never eating a hamburger again, if that is your favorite food for example, does not work either. I have found that on one day a week having ONE cheat meal is the key. That means you follow your lower cal plan that day too, exercise at least 60 min and then have that hamburger (but skip the french fries!!!). I found by not forbidding myself my favorite foods, but by limiting how often I get them I was able to stick with the plan for a little over 10 month and I lost about 120 lbs. Another thing I started doing was instead of taking the elevator I took the stairs (more then 2 flights, I took the elevator up, but then walked back down, lol), I started parking a little further out at the store etc. or I would walk to the store (here in Texas everybody drives every where, even if it just 1/2 a mile), if I just needed a few items. Another thing I did was going for a 10 minute walk every evening after dinner. I just tried to get as many steps in as possible.... The trick really is eating healthy, but not to starve yourself, and MOVE.... By watching and logging everything (and I mean everything!!!!) plus increase exercise you will loose more than you think. PS The exercise start slowly and with that 30 min walk, increase your exercise time by no more then 5 min per week and do not kill yourself with it. Please note that exercise can be a walk in the park, playing with your kids (if you have any), going swimming with a friend, walking your dog. Another trick is to vary your exercise and keep it interesting. I listen to books while I go on my walks (unless I am pushing my grand daughter in her stroller around), I take my tablet to the gym and watch movies when I ride the bike or use the elliptical.... I hope, this gives you some ideas.... and good luck!!!!
  • disturbedlusha
    disturbedlusha Posts: 19 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Also: why does your husband figure in this in any way? You've set up an unrealistic goal for yourself to 'earn' something that should not even be a special privilege?? You should visit family anytime finances allow. Just a whole lot of 'nope' going on in what you just said. Work on that & losing the weight will be EASY!

    Lol k
  • disturbedlusha
    disturbedlusha Posts: 19 Member
    KarolineSM wrote: »
    I have used my fitnesspal before. My hubby got very sick and I had to stop my exercising, but on my first run I started at 289 lbs and got down to 169 lbs. It took me from Feb 17 until Dec 24 of the same year. Please note that I am older ( I was 49 when I started) and 169 cm/5'6 1/2" tall....
    As for the 1200 calories, that might be a problem..... I did start out eating around 1300 calories, but that increased with extra exercise to around 1500-1600 cals and around 90 min of exercise a day. I do not think, you can stick with the 1200 cals a day for a year. Here are my thoughts on this: we all have dieted before. That word is poison. It means you are restricting yourself and it is temporary. To be truly successful, it has to be a lifestyle change!!!! Also you are much more likely to "break" your diet, if you "forbid" yourself to eat the foods you love. I have found that finding lower cal alternatives (i.e. frozen yogurt bars for those ice cream cravings etc) are a good choice, but never eating a hamburger again, if that is your favorite food for example, does not work either. I have found that on one day a week having ONE cheat meal is the key. That means you follow your lower cal plan that day too, exercise at least 60 min and then have that hamburger (but skip the french fries!!!). I found by not forbidding myself my favorite foods, but by limiting how often I get them I was able to stick with the plan for a little over 10 month and I lost about 120 lbs. Another thing I started doing was instead of taking the elevator I took the stairs (more then 2 flights, I took the elevator up, but then walked back down, lol), I started parking a little further out at the store etc. or I would walk to the store (here in Texas everybody drives every where, even if it just 1/2 a mile), if I just needed a few items. Another thing I did was going for a 10 minute walk every evening after dinner. I just tried to get as many steps in as possible.... The trick really is eating healthy, but not to starve yourself, and MOVE.... By watching and logging everything (and I mean everything!!!!) plus increase exercise you will loose more than you think. PS The exercise start slowly and with that 30 min walk, increase your exercise time by no more then 5 min per week and do not kill yourself with it. Please note that exercise can be a walk in the park, playing with your kids (if you have any), going swimming with a friend, walking your dog. Another trick is to vary your exercise and keep it interesting. I listen to books while I go on my walks (unless I am pushing my grand daughter in her stroller around), I take my tablet to the gym and watch movies when I ride the bike or use the elliptical.... I hope, this gives you some ideas.... and good luck!!!!

    Awesome advice. Thank you
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ok thanks all. I guess I didn't look at how unrealistic I was being because I just want to get rid of this weight already! My husband said that when I get back to that then I will be able to go back home and take my toddlers to meet my side of the family who I haven't seen for 3 years. Why are flights to the otherside of the earth so expensive!! Ah well at least I know that I can still get there it might just take a little longer.

    Why not go back home anyway? It's not like airlines charge by the pound, and while I know from my experience being a 300+ lb. man, flying at that weight is annoying, your situation would actually make it pretty easy and relatively comfortable, since you indicated you have at least two young children. If you're sitting in a middle seat between two kids you can actually raise the armrests and the toddlers would be small enough that it's not like you're crowding them. Flight rules only require the aisle armrests to stay down, all the others can be raised.

    Even the airlines that require obese passengers to buy two seats - a situation I never encountered myself on any business or personal travel - wouldn't charge you more in this case because you ARE buying both seats next to you, for your own kids.