OK.........So now I'm sad after researching this...................



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Oh and I drank diet soda through 53lbs weight loss and the last 11 months in maintenance ...I have yet to grow a new head
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Oh and I drank diet soda through 53lbs weight loss and the last 11 months in maintenance ...I have yet to grow a new head
    Wait -- a new head? I could use one of those. This one I'm stuck with is getting all wrinkly and gray and its eyeballs are more than a bit wobbly.

    But seriously, to the OP, you have gotten some solid advice here and I am impressed that you're willing to listen and learn. And read, even. That seems to be a rare trait these days. Kudos to you.

    For me, I drank diet soda when I was fit, when I was fat, and through this last year of fairly successful weight loss. It's primarily water and I consume it on a regular basis. Fat diet soda drinkers are eating too many calories. End of story.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Each to their own. when even science tells you the sweetener in diet soda is toxic BUT not enough to matter...its something I would avoid consuming. Thats just me.

    You'd die of water poisoning before ingesting enough sweetener to harm you. Does that make you rethink your stance or are you just going to try cutting out water too?
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    I dont want to sound mean but....i have noticed its always over wieght people that drink diet soda. And then I read those studies and it made sense. Although its calorie free it sends a message to the brain you are eatting sugar. In return you crave sugar...so why not just limit the real thing?

    @antennachick, that's confusing correlation with causation. How about looking at it from the perspective that a lot of overweight people drink diet soda because they're trying to cut calories and lose weight?

    Using the same rationale, I see a lot of fat people in the gym and out running. Therefore, going to the gym and running must make people fat.
    should of added these are people that have been overweight and have drank diet soda for years and ...are still fat despite thier diets lol I dont need to give 10 examples to prove my point...why dont just drink water? and Its calorie free ;)

    So fat people you know who drink diet pop are still fat...
    Skinny people I know who drink diet pop are still skinny.
    So what?
    Maybe, just maybe mind you, their being fat or skinny has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they drink diet pop.

    And why not water? Sure, why not. But if people like diet pop then why not diet pop? Why needlessly deprive themselves just because you know some fat people?
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Each to their own. when even science tells you the sweetener in diet soda is toxic BUT not enough to matter...its something I would avoid consuming. Thats just me.

    Everything is toxic at a high enough dose. Everything. So labeling diet soda as toxic is derp science.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Scanned thread

    OP ..I like you, you will do fine

    Derp merchants quit derping and follow the OPs lead...seriously if you use your brain it will be so much easier to get your body to do what you want it to do

    This is why we're friends.
  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    I personally would rather have less of something with real sugar than more of something with aftificial sweeteners. Same goes for cooking fats. I will use olive oil and occasional butter. More calories but more bang for your buck when it comes to flavor, so you can use less. Its all about portion control.
    Of course thats a lot easier said than done. I started small. I went from two spoons of sugar in my coffee to one. Switched from liberally pouring oil in the pan to measuring out exactly what the recipe says is needed. Stuff like that.
    If you really love your artificial sweeteners, though, I am sure its ok in.moderation too. If they do indeed cause health problems (which honestly, I'm not sure) I would think most adverse effects would be in people who ate really large amounts of it.