Don't say "Diet" Just say "I'm eating correctly"

It's so hard to hear that word "diet". My body shuts down. I have had so many doctors tell me, there is no magic pill, no magic diet that is going to work... everything says, with a moderate meal and exercise. The key for me is this. I have stopped all artificial stuff going into my body. I drink water and juice from 100% pure fruit. I have stopped cooking with oils and frying stuff. I bake or grill chicken and use natural seasonings like, onion, celery, tomato, and other stuff. That protein is small about (the correct portion of meat). I load my plate (using the smaller plates at home.. because the big ones are just way to big and think I'm eating more from a small plate..LOL) with veggies that are steamed or grilled. I eat fruits that are from a produce department not out of a can. Yeah, it does take a bit of time to prep food, but I have picked this change for me. Every time I see something I really would love to eat, like donuts or cake with tons of icing on it... yum)... I remember this. This is my body and I want to live!

I'm sorry this is long.. LOL

I had a heart attack at age 29. Oct 11, 2011 at 7:56 am. Luckily I work in a doctors office and a nurse came by my office and ran me to the clinic - then to the ER across the street. The life I wanted flashed and I thought this could not be happening. At that time I weighted 220 pounds. For me that's 40 pounds heavier than I should be. Got all fixed up, 2012 I lost weight. I ate the correct foods, I walked, I hiked, I did everything I was supposed to. I lost 32 pounds. I felt like I was on top of the world. 2013... I said, go ahead, you can eat some pizza, donuts and a little cake - it wont hurt. I could not control myself. From 2013 to now, I have gain 45 pounds. Feb 20 at 7:32 am of 2015 I was dressed ready for work when I clot broke off and clogged my heart. I was rushed to the hospital by my partner. The pain was worse than I have ever had. After 4 stents later making a total of 6, I have come to realize, I cannot do this on my own.

I have a partner that is pushing me to get healthy because he does not want to pick out my casket. I was told by my cardiologist, the next one you will have open heart - no questions. So, here I am today - back on my eat healthy, not calling it a diet because it's what us humans are supposed to eat. Yes, once a month I will go to a restaurant and cheat a bit.. But now I've gotten used to the low salt, no butter thing that it makes me sick to eat it.

We all can do this. We all are capable of becoming the most awesome, beautiful thinner people in this world. And I am so thankful that I have this place to turn to. Because we are not alone in this change. So, I hope that I can reach out to someone and help them as I also get help form someone. Thank you for your attention and again.. sorry this was so long... I tend to get excited talking about my change in life I'm in progress of.

Until next time, I hope and wish you all good health and a happy heart!

Jeff Barkley - Jonesboro, AR


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Personally, I've never had a problem with the word diet whether referring to weight control or simply the food I eat. But if that term messes with your head then by all means use whatever language works for you.

    Best of luck to you.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    "eating correctly"

    well, you've done opened a can of worms..... lemme get my popcorn ;)
  • Annabella402
    Annabella402 Posts: 12 Member
    I have had enough of diets. Now I just eat healthy food most of the time and still have the odd treat here and there. The moment I tell my brain I am on a diet, I get cravings for all the bad stuff. But since I am allowing myself the odd bad treat, I am not getting cravings. Best of luck.
  • SamathaDain
    SamathaDain Posts: 17 Member
    I seem to irritate people when they ask if I'm on a diet and I tell them that by definition 'diet' is whatever you eat. I also don't 'diet', I eat to fuel my body. I hate when I turn down sweets (like a large slice of cake) and someone has to pipe up with 'oh, are you on a diet?' No, I just prefer to eat clean as possible and at the moment I am choosing to not eat the cake.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I am sorry to hear that happened to you.

    However, when you tell someone you are eating "correctly" it implies that others are wrong which can be hard for some people to swallow.
  • emilycat214
    emilycat214 Posts: 84 Member
    I say, "I'm watching what I eat."
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I'm sensing a theme among respondents to this topic. I would contend that a focused effort to eat "clean," "healthy," or whatever you choose to call it, particularly if done with the intention of losing weight, is exactly the conventional definition of "diet." So if the problem is simply the word "diet," then don't call it a diet.

    But if someone asks you if you are on a diet (and uses the dreaded "d" word), understand the usefulness of that word. For the average person, the word "diet," with no other modifiers or qualifiers necessary, tells them exactly what's going on. This of course is a matter of personal preference, but as far as I'm concerned, why dance around it? If they have a problem with it, then--(I'm going to be frank here)--screw 'em.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    What are unnatural seasoning?

    All the seasoning I can think of are plants etc chopped up real small, like garlic.

    Also is celery a seasoning? I have never heard someone say "season this chicken with a pinch of celery"

    Anyway, good luck.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    "eating correctly"

    well, you've done opened a can of worms..... lemme get my popcorn ;)

    There is something wrong with eating correctly?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    What are unnatural seasoning?

    All the seasoning I can think of are plants etc chopped up real small, like garlic.

    Also is celery a seasoning? I have never heard someone say "season this chicken with a pinch of celery"

    Anyway, good luck.

    I put celery seeds in my coleslaw, it's my secret ingredient.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    "eating correctly"

    well, you've done opened a can of worms..... lemme get my popcorn ;)

    There is something wrong with eating correctly?

    "correctly" is subject to interpretation and *mis* interpretation.

    based on your post count, you've been around long enough to know that ;)

    Now, eating a diet that is high in nutrition, and focused less on prepackaged or convenience foods ... is a little more accurate a description and less likely to set the masses ablaze.... ;)

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I say definitely call it what works for you. I personally don't call it anything. I just eat. What I eat is subject to various considerations, but as I don't feel the need to tell anyone I'm eating a particular way, I don't feel the need to categorise it.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Yeah I dislike the word diet too because usually people think I'm on some fad diet that's super easy. When I tell them I'm counting calories I usually can see their dreams in their eyes burn up because counting calories is more work than they wanted to put in.
  • barkleyjeffl
    barkleyjeffl Posts: 21 Member
    From a heart doctor and his nutritionist "Eating Correctly" is what I was told and that eating correctly is a fact. We all have gotten used to eating things that have 101 chemicals in them and does nothing for your body as in vitamins - things that help your body work correctly (as in not having another heart attack, gain weight). Eating correctly to me is eating healthy... So sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes. Did not mean to upset or cause harm to you. So... I'm eating correctly. My loving God!.... or whomever or whatever you believe in... don't want to upset anyone.

    I do understand how that may sound "Eating Correctly"... I believe I've heard not only doctors but fitness trainers use that phrase. Can we focus on health and not political BS... Again, if that upset you, I am sorry. NOW....

    Thank you all for being here, because having a group to help you through these changes in my life is awesome... Was that ok to say that? LOL hehehe
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    From a heart doctor and his nutritionist "Eating Correctly" is what I was told and that eating correctly is a fact. We all have gotten used to eating things that have 101 chemicals in them and does nothing for your body as in vitamins - things that help your body work correctly (as in not having another heart attack, gain weight). Eating correctly to me is eating healthy... So sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes. Did not mean to upset or cause harm to you. So... I'm eating correctly. My loving God!.... or whomever or whatever you believe in... don't want to upset anyone.

    I do understand how that may sound "Eating Correctly"... I believe I've heard not only doctors but fitness trainers use that phrase. Can we focus on health and not political BS... Again, if that upset you, I am sorry. NOW....

    Thank you all for being here, because having a group to help you through these changes in my life is awesome... Was that ok to say that? LOL hehehe

    Saying you're eating correctly is like saying you're eating clean, or eating healthy. All of those terms are completely subjective and will have different meanings to different people. We are all different and have different goals, and different issues. There is no one diet (as in, food to eat to fuel you body, not diet to lose weight).

    "awesome, beautiful, thinner people" may exist, but their weight or appearance has no bearing on their inner beauty, or their health. You can be awesome, and beautiful, if that's what you want to be, just as you are. Losing weight or being thin doesn't make you a better person or a happier one....
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Call it what you like! Own it.

    Glad you have found us and are still here to make the changes you need to to continue being here.

    This time do it for life. A long healthy life.

    We can be kind, hard, contentious, funny, emphatic, wrong, friendly, stubborn, and a whole lot of other things. But once you get used to our peccadillos you will find we are a carrying community. Welcome.

    Cheers, h.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I call out "REPRESENTATIVE!!" it works!
  • Eddie__Jones
    Eddie__Jones Posts: 197 Member
    I prefer to say I eat and train instead of diet and exercise.

    I'm not sure why but I feel slighted every single time I get offered something that I don't want to waste any calories on, I say no, and they go thats right you are on a DIET. It's like a subtle diss.

  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    My diet consists of all foods and drink that I consume, regardless of frequency, and irrespective of whether or not I am trying to lose weight.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have no issue with "diet". My diet is how I eat. Sometimes I'm focused on losing a little weight with my diet. I'm always trying to eat a nutrient dense diet. My diet allows for treats and splurges. enjoy my treats and splurges. I enjoy wine. I enjoy delicious nutritious foods.
    I exercise regularly, and I'm physically active. I That's my lifestyle.

    But yeah, I'm fine with diet.

    Whatever works with you is what's important.