Shakeology or not?



  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    Everyone I know who has done "shakeology"has put the weight back on (plus more!) after stopping or become a high-pressure sales person in order to continue with the program. Eat real food at a calorie deficit for long term successful weight loss. If time is a factor, prepare ahead for the week. Save your money and use MFP, it's free too!
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    Eat real food
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks! I manage a Credit Union and rarely take lunch breaks (not by choice). I need something quick and easy to get something in for lunch while still working?

    pack your own lunch ….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    randeortiz wrote: »
    Warrior food protein is a good place to start! My hubby makes fresh green juice (then freezes it into cubes)and adds to coconut water and a scoop for his breakfast. Shakeology has crappy ingredients and highly processed.

    nope, nope ..

    pretty much all protein shakes are processed…..geeez …..
  • ba502
    ba502 Posts: 54 Member
    I've been using shakeology for 2 years and haven't become a sales person and have no plans on doing so. I love the stuff, it fills me until lunch. True it is expensive but I don't have a gym membership or use a personal trainer so I don't mind the cost.

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Save your money and eat real food. Shakes are expensive over time, and they don't teach you how to eat real food - which means it isn't live-able. The only times I've heard of legitimate use of shakes was for Bariatric patients getting surgery, and in all the cases, they worked back to real food.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    randeortiz wrote: »
    Warrior food protein is a good place to start! My hubby makes fresh green juice (then freezes it into cubes)and adds to coconut water and a scoop for his breakfast. Shakeology has crappy ingredients and highly processed.
    No, just no. Bad website is bad.

    I agree with pre making your own food. Boiled eggs, wraps, salads, sandwiches... Protien bars, peanut butter, nuts/seeds, pre-cut veggies for snacks. Also, how about leftovers the the night before? The choices are endless! Eat what you like.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Shakeology isn't bad but it isn't good either; it's just an overpriced powdered drink. There is absolutely nothing in Shakeology that is a miracle weight loss aid. If you like the taste and can afford it, do you. If you think you need it to be successful in weight loss and because of its hype, you don't.

    I've successfully completed several rounds of 21 Day Fix/Fix Extreme and didn't need colored containers or Shakeology to see results. I like Beachbody's workouts but the "coaches" and sales tactics are annoying.

    I drink a shake at work daily because I don't have time to eat until I get home from work. I personally enjoy Vega All-in-One/Vega Essentials Nutritional Shakes blended with fruit and nut milk. They don't do anything special for me weight wise, but they're not that expensive, they keep me full and they taste great to me.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    Jonna13 wrote: »
    Everyone I know who has done "shakeology"has put the weight back on (plus more!) after stopping or become a high-pressure sales person in order to continue with the program. Eat real food at a calorie deficit for long term successful weight loss. If time is a factor, prepare ahead for the week. Save your money and use MFP, it's free too!

    This. A friend of mine sold this stuff (or she still does, no idea) and once on Facebook I simply 'liked' her post about Shakeology. She was talking about how she had lost weight and I just wanted to be encouraging. I got a message from her with this long winded sales pitch that looked like it had been copy and pasted to me all about the product and how I could start my journey today! Load of garbage if you ask me. I did just fine counting points with WW a few years ago and didn't have to supplement anything in my diet or spend any extra money (other than the monthly membership fee, but that was motivating and still cheaper)

    Prepping for the week has been such a time saver for me. Especially with school starting back up. I don't have as much free time anymore to weigh my breakfast and lunch out even on my days off so I do it the night before. Weigh and pack things up for the next day so you'll have great choices for snacks and lunch while you're at work.
  • rattiemomma
    rattiemomma Posts: 41 Member
    Shakeology is essentially a scam. Big money spent on woo and poor ingredients.

    If you like drinking your lunch, you could prepare your own green smoothie at home and bring in a travel cup. And I'm talking about real, nutritious food, weighed and recorded in MFP and blended, not SlimFast or protein shakes or whatever. I loooooooove my NutriBullet to pieces.