Workout routine, how often do you work on your biceps / triceps

Hi just wondering how often you work on your biceps and triceps in a week. And what sort of workout routine you use. My workout routine is.

MONDAY: chest
TUESDAY: biceps and triceps
WEDNESDAY: one hour bike ride
FRIDAY: traps and shoulders
SATURDAY: one hour bike ride
SUNDAY: rest

This really has been working well for me and I probably won't be changing it however does anyone work there triceps and biceps more than once a week.

Please share your workout routines. Thanks


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    edited January 2016
    Once a week. This is my split (I double/triple up on my weak areas). I train traps every workout.

    Monday - back & shoulders
    Tuesday - abs/high intensity cardio
    Wednesday - chest & rear delts, moderate intensity cardio
    Thursday - abs/pull ups/high intensity cardio
    Friday - arms & rear delts, moderate intensity cardio
    Saturday - rest
    Sunday - legs
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    edited January 2016
    i do triceps every Wednesday, after i bench i do about 5 different tricep exercise. I dont do any biceps.

    monday - max effort squat,dead and legs
    wed - max bench-triceps
    fri -dynamic effort squat, dead and legs
    sat- dymanic bench, back and shoulders.
    i do abs every workout.

    this is a powerlifting program.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Eh, 3x/week for each I guess. I do SL5x5 with pull ups every session. Between Bench, OHP, Row, and Pull ups I hit both biceps and triceps every workout.

    If you mean how often do I directly target them, then the answer is 0.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Pretty much never (with iso/direct work anyway).
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My program is full body rather than a body part split but on one day I do a few sets of curls and on another day I do a few sets of skullcrushers. The rest of my lifting tends to be compound exercises so those parts are worked more often with those than with isolation exercises.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    1 day a week they are the focus. Saturday usually.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    edited January 2016
    Week 1
    Monday: Back & biceps. Spinning class in the evening
    Tuesday: Chest, shoulders & triceps
    Thursday: Legs/glutes & sometimes abs
    Friday: Back & triceps

    Week 2
    Monday: Chest, shoulders & triceps. Spinning class as above
    Tuesday: Back & biceps
    Thursday: Legs/as above
    Friday: Chest, shoulders & triceps

    So bascially every other week there are 2 days of the same workout.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited January 2016
    1chappers wrote: »
    Hi just wondering how often you work on your biceps and triceps in a week. And what sort of workout routine you use. My workout routine is.

    MONDAY: chest
    TUESDAY: biceps and triceps
    WEDNESDAY: one hour bike ride
    THURSDAY: legs
    FRIDAY: traps and shoulders
    SATURDAY: one hour bike ride
    SUNDAY: rest

    This really has been working well for me and I probably won't be changing it however does anyone work there triceps and biceps more than once a week.

    Please share your workout routines. Thanks

    You don't work you back at all?????
    Is this a program you put together? If so I would suggest switching to a tried tested and true program. check out starting strength, stronglifts 5x5, Wendler 5/3/1, or PHUL, all of these would be a better workout then you put together here. Biceps and triceps are a small muscle group that get worked while doing the big lifts and don't requires/deserve their own day, especially where you are skipping a large portion of your back.

    I currently do PHUL, was doing 5/3/1 for a time, and before that madcow stronglifts
    PHUL goes like:
    Day 1: Upper Power
    Day 2: Lower Power
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Upper Hypertrophy
    Day 5: Lower Hypertrophy

    Day 1
    Upper Power
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Barbell Bench Press 3-4 3-5
    Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3-4 6-10
    Bent Over Row 3-4 3-5
    Lat Pull Down 3-4 6-10
    Overhead Press 2-3 5-8
    Barbell Curl 2-3 6-10
    Skullcrusher 2-3 6-10

    Day 2
    Lower Power
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Squat 3-4 3-5
    Deadlift 3-4 3-5
    Leg Press 3-5 10-15
    Leg Curl 3-4 6-10
    Calf Exercise 4 6-10

    Day 4
    Upper Hypertrophy
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Incline Barbell Bench Press 3-4 8-12
    Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye 3-4 8-12
    Seated Cable Row 3-4 8-12
    One Arm Dumbbell Row 3-4 8-12
    Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3-4 8-12
    Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl 3-4 8-12
    Cable Tricep Extension 3-4 8-12

    Day 5
    Lower Hypertrophy
    Exercise Sets Reps
    Front Squat 3-4 8-12
    Barbell Lunge 3-4 8-12
    Leg Extension 3-4 10-15
    Leg Curl 3-4 10-15
    Seated Calf Raise 3-4 8-12
    Calf Press 3-4 8-12
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Never. At this point I don't do any isolation work. They are indirectly worked by Bench, Rows, and Overhead Presses.
  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    You don't really need to hit either of them because they are worked in the compound lifts and other various workouts. However, I am one of those who actually enjoys hitting these muscle groups as a supplemental work out. Not dedicating a whole day to them or anything, but just a few extra lifts. Usually I'll add in biceps on back day and triceps on chest day.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Probably once a week- I rotate through chest/triceps, back/biceps and legs.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    1chappers wrote: »
    Hi just wondering how often you work on your biceps and triceps in a week. And what sort of workout routine you use. My workout routine is.

    MONDAY: chest
    TUESDAY: biceps and triceps
    WEDNESDAY: one hour bike ride
    THURSDAY: legs
    FRIDAY: traps and shoulders
    SATURDAY: one hour bike ride
    SUNDAY: rest

    This really has been working well for me and I probably won't be changing it however does anyone work there triceps and biceps more than once a week.

    Please share your workout routines. Thanks

    Personally, I think having an actual biceps and triceps day is a waste of training time. They can be incorporated into other days as they aren't a major muscle group. Also, I don't see any back work...don't neglect your posterior chain.

    Where are you getting this split?
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I do one long set for biceps after my back workout its a 30lb dumbell I do as many as I can with one arm then switch to the other about 5 times no rest when I can't do any more I'm done I would guess 5 minutes? Triceps I hit a speed bag twice a week my triceps are way out of proportion HUGE!!!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    X3 a week using All Pro.

    Cheers, h.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Maybe 1x/wk as an accessory.
    Currently on Smolov JR powerlifting program for bench. I squat 1-2x/wk, and dead 1-2x/wk.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited January 2016

    Twice per week, one on a power/strength day and once on a hypertrophy day. Skullcrusherz and barbell bicep curls on power, dumbbell curls and cable tricep extension on hypertrophy day

  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    4-6 times a week for triceps, 1-2 times a week for biceps. I am a bencher though so strength and power in my bench concerns me more than aesthetics.

    Can't deny that the triceps look pretty sweet though -

  • timmax85
    timmax85 Posts: 17 Member
    Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I work Bis and Tris. (also shoulders, back, chest, forearms and cardio) Sp yeah I guess the whole upper body. lol

    Monday, Wednesday and Friday I use body weight for lower body (squats, lunges, calf rises) and yoga/light cardio

    Rest on Saturday.
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    I work on a three day cycle so potentially 2 or 3 times a week.
  • mike_bold
    mike_bold Posts: 140 Member
    twice a week, when I DL, row, do chin ups, press and bench. I haven't done an isolation exercise on bis and tris for over 10 years.