First thing in the morning...



  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    pee, weight myself, tea, breakfast, computer.
  • SaraAhmad117
    SaraAhmad117 Posts: 43 Member
    steph2740 wrote: »
    I've been trying to be better about not having my mornings be a rush around half awake and off to work kind of routine, but unfortunately that has been the norm. I have been trying to be better about setting my breakfast/lunch up at night so it's ready to grab in the AM as well as setting my alarm 10-15 min earlier. Mornings are such a struggle for me and I hate that I wish I was a morning person, Id love to eventually get some workouts in before work day at a time! For now preparing my healthy meals for the day is keeping me on track! "Failure to prepare is preparing to fail." << one of the best quotes I came across and have found to be so true! If I don't set myself up that's when I fall off course. Anyway sorry for the rant! Sending a request your way, im also hoping to make some friends here on my journey! :)

    Thanks for the request :-) When I lived in NYC I would have to leave my apartment around 2:00am to get a workout in before work at 4:30am (yes, seriously. I did it for about 3 years and was only late twice), so I know how real the struggle to make it out of the house on time can be and you don't want to skip breakfast. I don't know if you like hard boiled eggs, but if you do, they make a super easy and healthy on the go thing. You can boil 5 of them on Sunday and in the morning just grab one from the fridge, peel it, and eat it wish a slice of bread and some fruit and there's a perfect breakfast in less than 5 minutes!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    My morning during the week: pee, get dressed, wake the big kids up, wake the baby up (if he's still sleeping), get everyone fed, cleaned up and dressed, walk the big kids to school, go for a 1/2 hour walk around the dog park, have my breakfast and coffee while baby naps or plays.

    This sets the tone for the day, if I don't have my walk and a good breakfast I have a hard time staying within my calories.