Scared to bulk



  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    I felt this too. I'm only 5'2, so I stopped at 8 lbs gain (in 5 months) bc I just wasn't feeling great anymore. I've only lost a couple lbs, as I just started cutting again, and look much leaner now than when I was this weight a year ago. It's worth it.
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    It's definitely a mental thing. You won't get fat as long as you're lifting heavy. I went from 129 to 142 and the gain was hardly noticeable, I might go as far as to say I looked better at 142 with muscle mass than I did at 129 with minimal muscle mass.
  • elite_nal
    elite_nal Posts: 127 Member
    tiffanyyro wrote: »
    I know to build muscle you need to eat at a calorie surplus, but I'm worried that I will just end up getting fat. I know this is mostly a mental thing, but has anyone else felt the same way? Ill change my goals to gain .5 per week or something and then chicken out and change it back before the day starts. How do I get out of this mentality?

    Create a small calorie surplus and focus on building muscle at a gradual pace. 15-20% above your maintenance level is a good guideline. Aimlessly stuffing more food down your throat is not going to help you build muscle faster, since your body can only synthesize a limited amount of lean tissue in a given day. Any excess is simply stored as fat, so focus on achieving lean muscle growth at no more than half a pound per week.

    Make sure you're training intensely in the gym and focusing on progressive overload from week to week. If you eat at a calorie surplus but don't provide the proper stimulus to your muscles, those excess calories will simply end up as stored body fat. If you want to focus on gaining muscle without fat, you need to make sure that your weight training plan is properly structured.

    Implement a few cardio sessions throughout the week. You don't have to go overboard here, but 2-3 sessions is a good way to ensure that you achieve a good lean bulk with minimal gains in fat.

    Following these steps is not going to allow you to gain muscle WITHOUT fat, but it will keep those fat gains at an absolute minimum. Again, always focus on lean bulking by putting on size at a slow and steady pace.
  • cookielover_96
    cookielover_96 Posts: 177 Member
    edited January 2016
    If you do mild weight training then there's no need to aggressively bulk. My maintenance is 1300-1500 calories and I've increased it up to 1800 for a little mass. Like others have said, you never know unless you try. I was scared that I'd add on's been almost a month and I've felt better, more energy, and somewhat look physically better. Make sure to include some cardio every day you work out, even if it's only 10 minutes.
    FYI I am 5'9" and went from 140lbs to about 145-146lbs now.