Evening cut off time for eating!?!



  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    I prefer not to eat within a few hours of going to bed but I usually end up having something. I'm awful at night time snacking.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I try not to eat much later than 8:30 or 9:00 at night....not because I don't think people shouldn't eat late, because sometimes that's unavoidable, but because I don't sleep as well when I have eaten any later than that.

  • fairfatandfabulous
    fairfatandfabulous Posts: 28 Member
    I'm shocking, love to eat at night. However all the thin people I know do not eat at night. Nothing after evening meal at 6pm. So I think no shouldn't eat at night but that doesn't seem to stop me:)
  • FarAway02
    FarAway02 Posts: 211
    I personally don't believe in the 'no food after x or x time' in the sense that it'll stop you losing weight.... but eating late definitely mucks up my ability to sleep so I don't eat anything heavy after 8pm.

    But I've done my fair share of late night snacking (healthy snacks!) and have lost weight just fine.
  • Claire_x90
    Claire_x90 Posts: 94
    If I do that I usually can't sleep because I'm starved. Food isn't just to provide energy it's also to replenish the body for what you have already burnt
  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    dinner no later than 7, than always have a cup of decaf teas and a small snack 8.30-9. I don't eat anything 2-3 hours before bed
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    My dinner is always between 6-7pm, but I often have a snack an hour or so later. I don't have a particular cut off time, I just try to make sure I don't have my dinner too late.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    not eating before bed is bullcrap - there is a specific "timing" to eating, however yes you can eat before bed and should

    the one guy said he eats 70% of carbs before bed is just retarded....

    hes either on steroids or gifted genetics..........

    but he is right with the "myth" part - carbs = energy and if you don't use them in the day they store as fat... however you can eat them before bed if your macros are spread out.

    you should eat 30-40% carbs before working out 1.5 - 30 minutes before and 25% GI carbs post workout

    rest can be spread out how you would like as long as they are clean carbs...... to reach your total macro nutritionally level

    You look like Marc Lobliner
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    not eating before bed is bullcrap - there is a specific "timing" to eating, however yes you can eat before bed and should

    the one guy said he eats 70% of carbs before bed is just retarded....

    hes either on steroids or gifted genetics..........

    but he is right with the "myth" part - carbs = energy and if you don't use them in the day they store as fat... however you can eat them before bed if your macros are spread out.

    you should eat 30-40% carbs before working out 1.5 - 30 minutes before and 25% GI carbs post workout

    rest can be spread out how you would like as long as they are clean carbs...... to reach your total macro nutritionally level

    I do everything this guy said.
    In addition, before I go to bed, I hook up an IV with Casein Protein. Your muscles will go catabolic if you don't do this. Just make sure your drip rate is set to less than 20 grams of protein per hour. If you add more, the body can't use the extra protein and it will turn into fat. If you use less, you muscle will start to break down.

    Wrong your body can process as much protein as you can eat.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    yep, I agree, it is bad,nothing after 7.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Sometimes I don't have time for dinner until just before it's time to go to sleep. It's not something I worry about. That might be a good rule for people who tend to snack on junk food at night, but I don't have that issue.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    It's 8:46pm here, my dinner is cooking at the moment. Wont be done till closer to 9pm, by the time I'm done eating it say about 9:30pm... then I still have close to 1000 calories I can eat.

    Like I said.... it's bull**** this no eating after a particular time. What a load of crap some people will believe.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    not eating before bed is bullcrap - there is a specific "timing" to eating, however yes you can eat before bed and should

    the one guy said he eats 70% of carbs before bed is just retarded....

    hes either on steroids or gifted genetics..........

    but he is right with the "myth" part - carbs = energy and if you don't use them in the day they store as fat... however you can eat them before bed if your macros are spread out.

    you should eat 30-40% carbs before working out 1.5 - 30 minutes before and 25% GI carbs post workout

    rest can be spread out how you would like as long as they are clean carbs...... to reach your total macro nutritionally level

    So what will happen if non steroid users or people without gifted genetics eats most of their carbs before bed?

    And why should you eat 30 - 40% of your carbs 15 - 30 minutes (or is that 1.5 hours) before and 25% GI carbs post workout? What is a GI carb?

    What happens if you eat dirty carbs? What is a dirty carb?

    C'mon cbc937, I'm dying to know your answers!

    For me, it doesn't matter when I eat. I eat most of my calories at night.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    From a weight loss POV I really don't think it matters when you eat.

    But I do understand that not eating close to bedtime is a good rule for those who suffer from reflux etc or those who find late night snacking tends to gravitate them to junk food.
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    I eat whenever I like. Pasta at 3am is a regular and highly-enjoyed feature of my life.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    Do you personally believe that you shouldn't eat past a certain time of night if trying to lose weight? What time is it?

    I do not have a cut-off time, I am not of the opinion that it would affect my weightloss.

    Providing the daily calorie allowance is adhered to, it should not make a difference whether you only eat before, say 7pm or after midnight.
  • koootenay
    koootenay Posts: 126 Member
    not eating before bed is bullcrap - there is a specific "timing" to eating, however yes you can eat before bed and should

    the one guy said he eats 70% of carbs before bed is just retarded....

    hes either on steroids or gifted genetics..........

    but he is right with the "myth" part - carbs = energy and if you don't use them in the day they store as fat... however you can eat them before bed if your macros are spread out.

    you should eat 30-40% carbs before working out 1.5 - 30 minutes before and 25% GI carbs post workout

    rest can be spread out how you would like as long as they are clean carbs...... to reach your total macro nutritionally level

    I do everything this guy said.
    In addition, before I go to bed, I hook up an IV with Casein Protein. Your muscles will go catabolic if you don't do this. Just make sure your drip rate is set to less than 20 grams of protein per hour. If you add more, the body can't use the extra protein and it will turn into fat. If you use less, you muscle will start to break down.

    ^^^Did no one find this response funny...? : )
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    It is a good idea because its good not to be eating all the time. Snacking is what brings up my calories, but when I am active I need to eat to keep up my blood sugar. Evenings are a period when I slow down, so it is a good idea to practice discipline then.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    What happens if you eat dirty carbs? What is a dirty carb?

    a dirty carb is when you drop your cake and cookies on the floor. nothing bad happens if you obey the 3 second rule.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    not eating before bed is bullcrap - there is a specific "timing" to eating, however yes you can eat before bed and should

    the one guy said he eats 70% of carbs before bed is just retarded....

    hes either on steroids or gifted genetics..........

    but he is right with the "myth" part - carbs = energy and if you don't use them in the day they store as fat... however you can eat them before bed if your macros are spread out.

    you should eat 30-40% carbs before working out 1.5 - 30 minutes before and 25% GI carbs post workout

    rest can be spread out how you would like as long as they are clean carbs...... to reach your total macro nutritionally level

    I do everything this guy said.
    In addition, before I go to bed, I hook up an IV with Casein Protein. Your muscles will go catabolic if you don't do this. Just make sure your drip rate is set to less than 20 grams of protein per hour. If you add more, the body can't use the extra protein and it will turn into fat. If you use less, you muscle will start to break down.

    ^^^Did no one find this response funny...? : )

    Yes I did, I liked the poster's screen-name, so I figured they were mucking about lol.