Evening cut off time for eating!?!



  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    not eating before bed is bullcrap - there is a specific "timing" to eating, however yes you can eat before bed and should

    the one guy said he eats 70% of carbs before bed is just retarded....

    hes either on steroids or gifted genetics..........

    but he is right with the "myth" part - carbs = energy and if you don't use them in the day they store as fat... however you can eat them before bed if your macros are spread out.

    you should eat 30-40% carbs before working out 1.5 - 30 minutes before and 25% GI carbs post workout

    rest can be spread out how you would like as long as they are clean carbs...... to reach your total macro nutritionally level

    I do everything this guy said.
    In addition, before I go to bed, I hook up an IV with Casein Protein. Your muscles will go catabolic if you don't do this. Just make sure your drip rate is set to less than 20 grams of protein per hour. If you add more, the body can't use the extra protein and it will turn into fat. If you use less, you muscle will start to break down.

    Wrong your body can process as much protein as you can eat.

    That's the only thing about that post that looked hinky to you? Seriously?
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Do you personally believe that you shouldn't eat past a certain time of night if trying to lose weight? What time is it?

    I work all 3 shifts from time to time at my job so no, I do not stop eating at a certain time. I would be pretty hungry at 3AM if I stopped eating after a certain time at night.