Support For Shorter Ladies? 5' to 5'4?



  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    edited January 2016
    Feel free to add me. 5'2", need to lose about 25lbs, have already lost about 31 (a bit before starting MFP round two). My lifestyle and eating habits have changed a lot this time, and I'm sure once I do get to my goal weight, I'll be able to maintain. This last bit is super difficult though! Looking for as many cheerleaders as I can find in my timeline. :smile:

  • grapaj
    grapaj Posts: 136 Member
    5'1" and lost 40lbs to reach goal, give or take 5lbs at any time ;-). Have maintained for about 3yrs. Now focussing on heavy lifting for past year and a bit.
  • arameni
    arameni Posts: 105 Member
    Hey! :)
    I'm 22 and 5'3" or 4" (never quite sure), and am looking to lose 25# total. I started at 145#, and now I'm halfway there! Always looking to give and receive support and make MFP friends! Add me!
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5'2.5", original starting weight around 200lbs (highest measured weight 196). I got down to 138 in around 7 months, had a health hiccup, crept back up to 172 over 3 years, stayed there for a year and a half, came back on MFP at the end of last June, have maintained at 140 for 2 months to have a break and re-evaluate, now heading to a final goal that's probably somewhere between 120 and 127. I am in no hurry :)
  • smallwiseone
    smallwiseone Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'1" and my first goal is to lose 30 lbs. My vanity goal is 40, but at this age that might be impossible. My highest weight was 157. My goal is 125. Vanity is 115.

    It is going incredibly SLOW.
  • avingers
    avingers Posts: 29 Member
    31 and 5'2.5" over here. My goal is to lose 30 lbs to get back to where I want to be. Carrying extra weight is so much more noticeable when you're a shorty! I've taken to wearing oversized tops, but it just makes me look kinda pregnant.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    avingers wrote: »
    31 and 5'2.5" over here. My goal is to lose 30 lbs to get back to where I want to be. Carrying extra weight is so much more noticeable when you're a shorty! I've taken to wearing oversized tops, but it just makes me look kinda pregnant.

    I know exactly what you mean! I'm 30 and 5'3 and also trying to lose 30 pounds. and I totally feel that I look pregnant. it shows SO MUCH when you're petite!
  • BoomstickChik
    BoomstickChik Posts: 149 Member
    Hey everyone! Please add me! 5'2 and started at 228. 185 now :)
  • quimbeee88
    quimbeee88 Posts: 3 Member
    hi ladies! im 5ft 3 and currently stuck at 174! i want to go down to 150's and recently diagnosed with pcos... stuck at a plateau atm, really need some help!
  • jodi3357
    jodi3357 Posts: 34 Member
    Getting a bit bored with my meals. I stay away from sugar, white carbs, and limited dairy.
    I Would love a chocolate sandwich right about now. ..
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    jodi3357 wrote: »
    Getting a bit bored with my meals. I stay away from sugar, white carbs, and limited dairy.
    I Would love a chocolate sandwich right about now. ..

    Why do you stay away from all those foods? I don't know what a chocolate sandwich is but I'm sure you could have something sweet unless you have a medical condition to avoid those foods.
  • deborahes
    deborahes Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, Feel free to add me as a friend im 4'10...currently weigh 127... lost 35 lbs over the past 1.5 year and am not having any problems maintaining, but know I still need to loose about 15 more. My mantra has been "progress not Perfection"
  • grapaj
    grapaj Posts: 136 Member
    jodi3357 wrote: »
    Getting a bit bored with my meals. I stay away from sugar, white carbs, and limited dairy.
    I Would love a chocolate sandwich right about now. ..

    A quest bar might help with that...
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    I'm 4'11 with 55 pounds to lose this year.
  • Sukisumi
    Sukisumi Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 5'4" and have over 80lbs to lose. Anyone is free to add me =)
  • Sparkymel
    Sparkymel Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! I am 5'3, and need to lose 70 lbs. feel free to add me. We need all the support we can get.
  • jodi3357
    jodi3357 Posts: 34 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    jodi3357 wrote: »
    Getting a bit bored with my meals. I stay away from sugar, white carbs, and limited dairy.
    I Would love a chocolate sandwich right about now. ..

    Why do you stay away from all those foods? I don't know what a chocolate sandwich is but I'm sure you could have something sweet unless you have a medical condition to avoid those foods.

    I stay away from sugar etc because that's my problem with weight loss. Chocolate sandwich is just a medaphor. I am craving for some chocolate and bread. I've been on my "diet" for 110 days, and I think that I am doing pretty well. Now if I could just tone up, I'd be a happy camper
  • Hunter2224
    Hunter2224 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm 5'5 and I am trying to lose 20-25 pounds and get rid of extra squish. Feel free to add me ID love to help support you
  • kogome
    kogome Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! Not exactly a "lady" (I am gender fluid), but I sure am petite. I'm 5 ft with 15 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • LLT38
    LLT38 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I need to lose 70-80 lbs. My current weight is 212 lbs and my highest weight was in the 260s. I have been using MFP for about a month and want to keep going. Anyone can feel free to add me.