Noooo!! The girl scouts are here!



  • clarkan218
    clarkan218 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2016
    @peacefulLibra i feel your pain. I live in the constant "fibrofog" and even simple things like walking to my daughters bus stop are hell for me. when shes old enough to be a girl scout, I'm screwed Lol.
  • clarkan218
    clarkan218 Posts: 6 Member
    I love everyone's ideas, I think I'm gonna buy one box and freeze them and then just donate the money for a second box but not actually take the cookies.
  • tequila5000
    tequila5000 Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you for supporting the girls! When you see Girl Scouts selling cookies, the girls are learning so many important business skills and people skills by interacting with customers and taking part in this important money-earning activity.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I buy it not to disappoint the kid for it's for a good cause, but I don't need to eat and harm myself with unwanted sugar-filled cookies.

    Also, some Fairfield moms can be pushy ;)

    So drop them off at a homeless shelter- Those kids could really use a treat!
  • Nell8i8
    Nell8i8 Posts: 61 Member
    edited January 2016
    I bought 4 boxes from my niece and gave them away. Easiest thing to give away! lol
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    clarkan218 wrote: »
    I just started this fitness pal thingy and all of a sudden, the girl scouts pop out of nowhere with the cookies. Taunting me.... I'm so proud of myself for not buying them but I'm still struggling to keep under the 1200 calorie diet this thing put me on... I know nothing about dieting. I feel like it's impossible. Not only that but I have fibromyalgia so I pretty much hate any excersize other than swimming but it's just too cold out. I'm just kinda posting thus because I'm looking for some friends and some support. Anyone else have girl scout cookie struggles? Its all I can do to keep from buying 10 boxes lol

    I buy them to support neighbors and the daughters of friends and family, then I donate them to my local blood bank for after-donation snacks. Double the feels.
  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    I agree with the freezer idea. Another idea, which I do when I have something I tend to eat all of at once, is to bring it to work to share. That way I can have some, but also have people to share with!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    clarkan218 wrote: »
    I just started this fitness pal thingy and all of a sudden, the girl scouts pop out of nowhere with the cookies. Taunting me.... I'm so proud of myself for not buying them but I'm still struggling to keep under the 1200 calorie diet this thing put me on... I know nothing about dieting. I feel like it's impossible. Not only that but I have fibromyalgia so I pretty much hate any excersize other than swimming but it's just too cold out. I'm just kinda posting thus because I'm looking for some friends and some support. Anyone else have girl scout cookie struggles? Its all I can do to keep from buying 10 boxes lol

    I have fibro too. You know what helps? Moving every day and being as active as possible when you are not having a flare.

    Walk briskly away from those little Scouts!
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Meh, I used to be one of those Girl Scouts, and I suppose you'd think that'd make me sympathetic to those little girls standing outside the grocery store.. Nope. I mean, they are delicious, but I can resist.

    And on a side note, 1200 calories is so low! I know a lot of people do it, and I know I know nothing about you. That said, in most cases I'd suggest eating more.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member

    Could you donate the cookies to a food bank?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My daughter is selling them so I bought 8 boxes... but only having them one or two at a time so far.
  • Underyourstars
    Underyourstars Posts: 5 Member
    Ahh! I ordered 10 boxes and I'm regretting it big time. I'm happy to help the GS though. Thankfully I have two guys in the house that will (hopefully) eat most of them. I need to build up the strength to resist those Samoas!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Buy Mace and use if they get too close.

    Underrated advice.
  • clarkan218
    clarkan218 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2016
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    My daughter just joined scouts and a few people at work offered me money if I don't sell them cookies :)
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    As a former Girl Scout who had to sell those d*mn things, I will always ALWAYS buy at least 1 box. Thin Mints. Keep them in the freezer.

    When I was a kid my mom would by 12 boxes of Thin Mints. One for each month. We would split a sleeve two times a month, so 4 cookies for each person. Woe befall the dummy that broke into the cookies in secret!! Shame and screaming from all family members would crash down upon your sorry little head. How dare you infringe upon their Girl-Scout-given blessings?!

    So I've learned how to exercise restraint in reference to Thin Mints ;)
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    eat some. track your calories, adjust diet for the rest of the day to break even, or go do some cardio... don't try to sacrifice to much or you'll binge when you have a bad day.

    This........if you totally cut some things out, you will end up having that bad day & feeling guilty about it. I indulge in what I enjoy every so often just to make sure that it doesn't spiral out of control.
  • CFoust72591
    CFoust72591 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm a teacher and ALL OF MY STUDENTS are asking me to buy them! And my coworkers are selling for their kids! I haven't had any yet, but it's damn difficult!!!