It's noon and I've finished eating my calories



  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member

    My other recommendation is that you pre-log your day. I sit down with my coffee in the morning and enter everything I've planned to eat for the day. I might need to make changes as the day progresses but at least I've got a good starting point.

    This. I plan my diary either early in the morning or the night before. It has really helped me to say on track. The end of the day doesn't always mirror the beginning of the day, but it'll usually keep me from going over or eating things that I just don't have the calories for.

    As for today, don't be too hard on yourself. We all have struggles. Just do your best today, try to get some exercise in, and move on.

    Good luck!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    LOL sucks for you.

    That's why I don't start eating until noon at least.

    Oh yeah, because that's healthy.

    Don't skip meals. Go for a nice long walk so you can eat some more. Plan your meals better.

    There is nothing wrong with skipping breakfast. As long as you get your correct number of calories in a day, it doesn't matter how you time them.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I just looked at your diary and you logged them as different meals.
    You need fewer carbs and more protein, fat is fine. Also your goal is pretty low, you've only had 1300 calories so you could eat more and still lose weight i'm sure.
    What you're eating aren't bad foods though.
    I would say places you can cut down: breakfast, that's a lot of calories for oatmeal, either have less or get a less caloric brand
    Nuts: nuts are healthy but they're very high calorie, try cutting it down to just 1 serving of nuts, or if you want both almonds and peanuts, do a half serving of each.

    What I like to do, when I can, is anything I know I'm having, like if i know what's for dinner or for lunch or something, or if I know there's a certain snack I really want that day, I log it all in advance so I can fill in the blanks and be like okay I can have more carbs for breakfast, okay I can have dessert today, I shouldn't have rice with dinner, etc. etc. it sounds like a pain but it takes like 5 mins and is super easy and that way you don't have to be logging all day too so if you're out you can just take a quick look and remember oh yeah this is what I should eat.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    LOL sucks for you.

    That's why I don't start eating until noon at least.

    Oh yeah, because that's healthy.

    Don't skip meals. Go for a nice long walk so you can eat some more. Plan your meals better.

    do you know what intermittent fasting is?
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Well thats ok tomorrow is a new day and besides you can make a salad or an omelet with veggies, oatmeal with fruit or yougurt bonelss skinless chicken breast with some sautted mushrooms , peppers and a slice of cheese on top your choice of veggies your doing fine dont let this get you down plan for tomorrows meals and forget about todays used up calories

    No reason to wait till tomorrow. Best thing to do is get back on track the next meal.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    First, 1200 is not necessary. You can have success on higher calories.

    Secondly, if you want to stick to this amount and you're really struggling, here's a couple of things you could try:

    - Almonds are great. However, they are quite high in calories a fat. 50g is quite a large serving for this food, I think the recommended is 30g. That would save you quite a bit.

    - 1 serving of oatmeal?

    Sorry there wasn't much I could find to change, you're diary's pretty good in terms of choices! I'd say the lack of calories would be the main issue. You could also try adding a bit of exercise to the mix, and you'd bag yourself some tasty exercise calories! :smile:
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    LOL sucks for you.

    That's why I don't start eating until noon at least.

    Oh yeah, because that's healthy.

    Don't skip meals. Go for a nice long walk so you can eat some more. Plan your meals better.

    Intermittent Fasting works for some people, like me. Live and let live.
    And some people stay in bed as long as possible on weekends, so our breakfast might be at noon. I am not gonna call that skipping a meal. I'm gonna call that living the life.

    And yes a nice long walk will help. I also drink more water when I have no calories left but I'm still hungry or bored. Hard to tell the difference sometimes between hungry and bored. LOL
  • valkyrieh86
    valkyrieh86 Posts: 5 Member
    What I like to do, when I can, is anything I know I'm having, like if i know what's for dinner or for lunch or something, or if I know there's a certain snack I really want that day, I log it all in advance so I can fill in the blanks and be like okay I can have more carbs for breakfast, okay I can have dessert today, I shouldn't have rice with dinner, etc. etc. it sounds like a pain but it takes like 5 mins and is super easy and that way you don't have to be logging all day too so if you're out you can just take a quick look and remember oh yeah this is what I should eat.

    This is part of my strategy, too. I like to think of it like dealing with money. You have only so much to spend today, and the essentials cost so much, so you only have X to play with, so when you want a snack, you have to ask yourself if you can "callorically afford" it.

    I have my daily goal at 1300 but I make sure I get some exercise in every day. Even if it's just walking to the grocery store and lugging all of that stuff home, that counts. I walk *everywhere*, so in my daily life just getting places can net me upwards of 5km in one day. Push yourself to do that at near top speed and all of a sudden you're allowed to eat 1500-1600 calories that day without going over the net goal of 1300. 1300 I find is better than 1200 because 12 is your minimum requirement for nutrition. You're not supposed to go under that. So 13 gives you some wiggle room for going over 12 but under goal. 13 is still hard to deal with sometimes though, you have to make some good choices, which is why I feel it's almost impossible to go a day without cardio. To eat as much as I need to feel nourished and satisfied (for me about 1500) I HAVE to get some cardio in, so then I'm under calorie goal, and I'm working out, which just helps the whole process along. I have accidentally gone over my goal and at 11pm gone out for a 5km pleasure walk and came back well under goal.

    Lastly, have you heard of the 80/20 rule? If you're good 80% of the time, and bad 20% of the time, you'll still come out on top and loose weight. If you average a month has 30 days, 20% is 6 days. So as long as you only go over your goal 6 days or less a month, you're laughing!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    LOL sucks for you.

    That's why I don't start eating until noon at least.

    Oh yeah, because that's healthy.

    Don't skip meals. Go for a nice long walk so you can eat some more. Plan your meals better.

    do you know what intermittent fasting is?

    Yeah and???
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    Look at your log and decide what food choices you can make to lower it next time. And work out so you can have dinner.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Swimming burns a TON of calories. The you can eat. I don't go much below 1500-1600 a day. :noway:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you're like me, you won't be very hungry in the afternoon anyway. Otherwise, try to make good choices and tomorrow will be another day.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    Looks likes you should probably aim for a 200 cal breakfast, 300 cal lunch and a 500 cal dinner, then the rest is left open for snacking (100-150 cals usually unless you have a lighter lunch/breakfast).

    Don't worry about going over a little. 1200 is a pretty low limit, so it's no fuss if you go over. :)

    Eat more fruits (as snacks)
    Incorporate veggies into your dinners/lunches
    Eat more protein enriched foods (this solves a lot of hunger)

    For a step by step guide on how to get in a diet routine, check out my info here:

    Might be helpful to you.
  • nuts4elephant
    nuts4elephant Posts: 21 Member
    it's okay:) just go for a walk and drink lemon water, it helps burn fat and flush everything out.. and try not to eat anything heavy.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    MFP is taking awfully lot of my time as I try to strech my 1200 calories over the day. I'm not obese or small or sedetary, that's just how much it is calculated. Try burn some or wait for tomorrow. My sympathy. :flowerforyou:

    With only 10 lbs to lose you shouldn't have such a low goal. Did you tell it you wanted to lose 2 lbs per week?