Could I lose 3 lbs in a 11 days safely?



  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Imagine if you will, 3lb of peanut butter.

    Glorious isn't it.

    Now imagine taking that peanut butter and smearing it all over your body.

    Once you finished smearing it you will quickly become disappointed at how thin the layer of peanut butter is.

    That's how thin and unnoticeable a 3lb loss of fat would be.

    *serious face*

    Not achieving you goal can be disappointing, not achieving it by a deadline can be too.

    But instead of looking at the 3lb you didn't achieve, look at the weight you have lost.

    You have lost 11 already.

    So I would suggest you continue what your doing, maybe tighten your logging etc but if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Threads like this make me glad I'm a guy. I feel for the ladies dealing with hormones and TON and childbirth and BF and whew!!

    Hang in there. If all you do is maintain until things settle down consider that a victory. You will get there. But it will be a battle and harder until things get closer to normal.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Yes OP, you can make your goal. Stick to your deficit and drink plenty of water.
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    Again, you will not lose a significant amount of body mass or tissue (fat or otherwise) in 11 days. It will be water. If a particular number on a scale makes you happy then by all means makes yourself happy. Take a water pill (diuretic) and pee out 3-4 pounds of water. Take a laxative and poop out some minimally digested food and bacteria. The difference will not be noticed by others at the party. If you wear a flattering outfit you will probably get compliments because you are well dressed NOT because you lost any fat.

    Get real.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    Again, you will not lose a significant amount of body mass or tissue (fat or otherwise) in 11 days. It will be water. If a particular number on a scale makes you happy then by all means makes yourself happy. Take a water pill (diuretic) and pee out 3-4 pounds of water. Take a laxative and poop out some minimally digested food and bacteria. The difference will not be noticed by others at the party. If you wear a flattering outfit you will probably get compliments because you are well dressed NOT because you lost any fat.

    Get real.

    :::Deep sigh:::
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    I've learned quickly these forms can be very cruel. Please don't take it personally I believe you can do it, good luck.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Why is it cruel to warn her that the scale goes up and down, so there's no way to know if it will happen or not? What it's NOT is a matter of effort or importance. Over a short period like 11 days she can aim to lose 2 lb/week and likely can (on average), but whether the scale will reflect a 3 lb drop in 11 days if she consistently sticks to her deficit is purely happenstance, and won't reflect on whether she tried or not or is successful or not. For a short period like that it's so much better for motivation and not getting discouraged to focus on process goals like whether she can stick to her deficit every day or exercise (whatever her goal is) or add in vegetables or the like. It seems really wrong to see being 219 as a win, 221 as a failure, especially since the very next day the sale might reflect something else. I do believe she can be successful over the next 11 days (and after), but I don't think the scale being at 220 is necessary for that to be true.

    When I first started I had in my head that I wanted to be 50 lb down by a particular date. I think I was 48 lbs down on that date. To me, that was success. The bigger success was that I'd been consistently making progress, getting fitter, felt better, etc. -- the actual number wasn't that important, which is good because beyond generally losing we don't have control over the way the scale bounces and the fact that we sometimes lose slower than we want. Sure, you can drop water weight if you want, but that's not the goal.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    star1407 wrote: »
    I remember my health visitor and my post birth group leader saying breastfeeding actually helped weight loss. I might go looking for a study and see if there's any evidence to that effect....

    @star1407 - breastfeeding does help weight loss because it requires calories to produce milk, so your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is higher than it normally is. The issue is, it still comes down to calories in and calories out. Some people are starving when they are nursing and end up eating those extra calories, sometimes more.
    If you were eating at maintenance and keep you calorie intake consistent with what you ate before breastfeeding, you will lose weight. Not everyone can do that without tracking.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Well you could. But don't get too fixated on the number because if you're pre menstrual, you may weigh in higher simply from hormonal changes - I have weighed in 3-5 lbs higher 1-2 days before my periods are due. The weight does drop off immediately after. Good luck!
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    It is a slightly aggressive goal, but I think you can do it. You aren't 112 pounds trying to lose 3 pounds in (almost)2 weeks. I have recently started focusing more on mini goals because 50 pounds sounds like a lot...5 pounds 10 times? I can do that. So, I have a goal for Valentines Day. I'm not losing "for the holiday", I don't understand all the comments going "why lose weight for a child's birthday party?" You aren't, you just picked a deadline, right?

    I think the criticism is coming from the fact it is such a small amount, that it will be easy to miss it. If you have a big drink of water, or don't nurse the babies before stepping on the scale you might not get there. If I were to pick a goal to lose 3 pounds by X date, and X date was the day before my period, I'd miss it. Because I always gain 3 pounds the day before. The next day though, I'll be down by 5.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,912 Member
    edited January 2016
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Why is it cruel to warn her that the scale goes up and down, so there's no way to know if it will happen or not? What it's NOT is a matter of effort or importance. Over a short period like 11 days she can aim to lose 2 lb/week and likely can (on average), but whether the scale will reflect a 3 lb drop in 11 days if she consistently sticks to her deficit is purely happenstance, and won't reflect on whether she tried or not or is successful or not. For a short period like that it's so much better for motivation and not getting discouraged to focus on process goals like whether she can stick to her deficit every day or exercise (whatever her goal is) or add in vegetables or the like. It seems really wrong to see being 219 as a win, 221 as a failure, especially since the very next day the sale might reflect something else. I do believe she can be successful over the next 11 days (and after), but I don't think the scale being at 220 is necessary for that to be true..

    Thank you @lemurcat12 :smile:

    OP: seek to accomplish goals whose success depends solely on your own hard work.
    Creating a Z Cal a day daily deficit is such a goal.
    Losing X lbs by Y date is not.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Does anyone think I'll be able to lose 60 to 70 lbs by Aug 30 !? Is that reasonable?? I wanna be at my goal weight by my birthday. <3

    If you seriously want to end up at your goal weight by losing 10 pounds per month for seven months, you should start your own thread ... and prepare yourself for honesty.