Females... and diet around your period..



  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Yes, a couple days before my period I eat everything in sight and nothing ever satisfies. :(
  • sbowers728
    sbowers728 Posts: 4 Member
    so happy to have seen all these responses so I know its not just me, I was feeling extra guilty last night and into today....
  • lakshva
    lakshva Posts: 44 Member
    Well same here!! Today I already rchd maintenance cal and I'm still Hungry :neutral:
    Ah I'm giving in for a chocobar
  • lml852014
    lml852014 Posts: 243 Member
    Usually yes, I try not to give in though!
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Yep! I usually never eat enough most days even though I try, but during the fertile/ovulation phase of my cycle, there are a few days where I am just perpetually hungry. I used to try to ignore it, but I'd wake up in the middle of the night with my stomach growling and in pain. Now if I let myself eat, even if I'm way over calories, I am able to sleep through the night. That's more important to me than making a deficit for a few days. Yesterday I went over by around 600 calories but that wasn't nearly enough to cancel out my weekly deficit. It also made me feel extra energized during my lifting session this morning. I figured my muscles could use the food boost once in a while as well. It's important to listen to your body with regard to that.
  • TasnimEz
    TasnimEz Posts: 280 Member
    Yes.. and I usually can't control myself either. Sigh.
  • GeoBaybee
    GeoBaybee Posts: 69 Member
    I definitely get this! For the week leading up to TOM, I crave sweets and carbs like nobody's business. I get extra tired as well. I'm also a "white knuckle" type person because if I give in, it's harder for me to get back on track and I get so guilty. Do what works for you though.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I dont normally but did last month, it was offset by my monthly cleaning frenzy. My husband thinks its pretty funny as one day a month I get boundless energy. Last month it happened to be a Saturday and I cleaned for hours. It was a very productive day and I didn't feel bad for the extra calories I ate.

    It's not boundless energy for me, but an overwhelming and obsessive intolerance for clutter/mess. I deep-cleaned my frig Sunday. I do a little cleaning every day, but save deep cleaning for when I'm premenstrual.
  • jordyngiulio
    jordyngiulio Posts: 157 Member
    I'm certainly not saying anyone should do this but I am the same way - constantly hungry and also sleepy/cranky. Sometimes if I feel like I cannot control myself, I will take a nap instead of eating. I mean, napping is pretty much my most favorite thing in the world so it's not exactly a sacrifice lol. There are some months I feel like a bottomless pit demanding Doritos and pizza! It's been especially hard after switching from hormonal birthcontrol to the copper IUD as my PMS was always really mild before and now I'm like a eating, crying, sleeping machine. Basically I regress to infanthood for a 3 days every month.
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    I stick to my diet, stomp around the house & go to bed angry for a few days...it will pass
  • valente347
    valente347 Posts: 201 Member
    Yes, usually the first few days of my period. And it's always sweets. It's gotten worse and more noticeable since I've lost 80#
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    You would think given that this happens every month that I would realise and remember this. But no ... overate last night by a lot and have been in a grouch all day. And didn't even think, Oolou girl, you're due.

    Thanks to all in this thread for reminding me what was behind last night's #musteatallthefood raid.
  • tkmotivation
    tkmotivation Posts: 19 Member
    YES! Cookies, sugar, ice cream, you name it! I usually find that having a treat and upping my protein helps. I think we just need to enjoy what we want at that time (on moderation) and get back on track ASAP!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited January 2016
    Just a heads up - watch out before the 'it's in your head', 'you're using it as an excuse to stuff your face' posts show up. There are some very mean people on MFP. I envy those people though because they have no idea how awful it is.

    I wish I could just eat at maintenance those days, but I often need over 3000 calories in order to stop feeling awful (my maintenance is 2200-2300).. and it lasts 10 days! My usual breakfast that would keep me full for 4 hours normally satisfies me for one... maybe... Some days are worse than others though... The first day I just let myself eat what I want. By the third day, I'm so sick of food and end up eating things I don't want to eat just hoping that it will make the feeling go away. It sucks. Sometimes when I'm lucky having just a piece of bread will help. Often it doesn't. I don't crave sweets at all though, but pizza, bagels, pasta etc. But yeah often I end up binging on sweets because the hormones are driving me completely crazy and I'd just eat anything to feel better. It's not a feeling I can ignore, I get the shakes and hot flashes and I get dizzy and 'hangry' doesn't even start to describe it...

    For me it only started when I got close to my goal weight though, which is a good thing as I would never have managed to lose anything otherwise (heck I've been this weight for almost 2 years now and still haven't reached my goal!). I mean I remember a few occurrences before I lost weight, but that's pretty much it... I have to eat less the rest of the time to make up for it, obviously, and even then it's been very difficult to maintain (I really have to be very careful to keep a deficit or I know I will gain that month). Total nightmare and definitely not how I expected my maintenance to be. I've been trying pretty much anything (heck I even bought some 'PMS tea' last month but it didn't seem to help either). Tried low carb/high fat too... It was even worse.

    So OP, I sympathize. I just exercise a lot to make up for some of it...
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited January 2016
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Just a heads up - watch out before the 'it's in your head', 'you're using it as an excuse to stuff your face' posts show up

    I am very bad at keeping track of my period. I don't get cramps, chocolate cravings, emotional shifts or any real indicators that it's on the way aside from water weight during ovulation. I don't want kids, I'm not sexually active, and my reproductive organs are useless to me. Instead of getting a surprise every month, I downloaded a period tracker app. Before I used it, I figured my hunger came in waves because most days I have issues making my calories and don't even eat my first meal until dinner, then *bam* sudden all day, insatiable hunger. After I got the tracker, after a few months I realized that day or two of extreme hunger only came when I was ovulating according to the app and it all made sense. So yeah it's definitely not in our heads. :D
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Yes this happens to me. I just eat what I want within reason and drink lots of water and add extra time to the workout. This too shall pass. Only 5 ish days. You'll get through it.
  • prettysoul1908
    prettysoul1908 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm going through this NOW. Having a Fitbit is helping me see how my activity is helping me "earn" this extra food that I oh so crave and will make me oh so happy right now. Lol

    I may go over my calories a bit but it's good to know my marching in place while drinking my wine is helping offset the extra calories incurred from these TOM cravings.
  • pepperfrostx
    pepperfrostx Posts: 5 Member
    I never tell myself I can't have icecream during my period, just that I can't have that much. So I buy the super small ones (that are still 200-400 calories because its icecream) and I enjoy them. The pain is worth some kind of reward.
  • Patrieee
    Patrieee Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah that happens to me. I just roll with it. I don't use it as an excuse to overindulge but I don't deprive myself. It only lasts a day or so, then I'm right back to normal.
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    I have this as well, plus I crave chocolate. Apparently it's hormones. I don't believe in horoscopes, but thought this site gave a good explanation of what's going on in our bodies. It looks like progesterone is the main culprit: