Have you tried this fad? What do you think about it?



  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    I haven't used this wrap, the one I used was an herb one at a spa. It wasn't heated or wrapped tightly but it was soaked in some herbal solution. I have gotten wrapped before a military ball because I was feeling extremely bloated and it does make your skin look tighter, softer, and makes you look more toned. I also did immediately lose 3/4 inch in my waist and multiple inches everywhere. It wasn't permanent but it made me feel energized and made my bloat feeling go completely away, as well as gave me that "just woke up" thinner feeling you get in the mornings compared to how you feel in the evening. I don't know if it's remotely the same thing, but if you have an event I'd say try it out but if you're just looking for quick results, I'd say pass.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Those body wrap things cause you to lose water weight, so a day or two sfter the wrap you're back to where you started.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    yes, it works. the ancient Egyptians used these all the time.

    the catch is that you have wrap yourself up and wear it for 5000 years.


    ...but at least you'll have that thigh gap you're looking for, in about 5 millennia! :tongue:

    edit: of laughter...not wraps :laugh:
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    They should really be called "Itdoesn'tWork"

    Fo sho!
  • foot1647
    foot1647 Posts: 92
    OK...so most people agree it's a fad. Then why are people falling for it? Are people that desperate for a quick fix?

    Exactly. I've been 90 pounds over weight for 4-5 years. I want it gone RIGHT NOW, this very minute... but I know that's unrealistic, I've been carrying this fat around for 4-5 years, its gonna take some time to go away and that's all my fault and I know that. People don't understand there is no instant fat loss, except potentially dangerous surgeries. All I've done is change my diet completely, ate less than half I used to and stopped eating mostly processed crap foods. 32 pounds since may 8th and I didn't wrap no garbage bag around my Moobs, I've lost 1.5 inches off my moobs.

    Its all crap and its endorsed by doc oz who just spouts what he is paid to say. He endorses what he is told to promote, he's a business man. Seriously, a plastic sack will reduce toxins?... What about a 100% Organic raw fresh fruit and veggie diet for toxin removal? Nature provides all this stuff in plentiful amounts for humans and animals alike. At least that's how I see it.

    Plants > Quick Fads
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I do a body wrap weekly. I do a homemade one. I actually have the recipe in a blog I did where I explain that (in my opinion and experience) it will NOT help you lose fat or weight besides a bit of water weight. It's really about compression and increased blood flow. Keeping things tight over a long period will press you together and that, mixed with something like sea kelp (which helps to temporarily tighten skin) and caffeine (which will get you blood flowing), will tighten the skin so that it stays that way for a brief period of time. Kind of like how you can wake up after lying on a fold and the impression stays there for hours afterwards. No fat loss, no weight loss, no REAL inch loss. But I like them because for me (and this is just my results) it makes my skin tighter and softer, my cellulite less noticeable, and my whole body glow. But it's one of those things that you have to keep up with since it's superficial and goes away after a while. But while you're on a weight loss journey, it is nice to have your skin stay tighter. Especially if it's rapid weight loss. The best thing to do is to use moisturizer. But I still like a body wrap. It's my treat to myself on my rest days. Body wrap, facial, and hair treatments at home. And a beer or 2 in the tub. Ah, heaven!