New quest bars...



  • tracefan
    tracefan Posts: 382 Member
    I like the regular version of Quest. I hope it didn't change too much. I just tried DETOUR BARS.. not bad and cheaper.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I just ate my chocolate peanut butter quest bar as part of my breakfast. It's not gross. It has some flavor but could use more pb and chocolate. The texture is like a very dense, sticky brownie. I'd buy it.

    Sometime tomorrow I'll try the white chocolate raspberry. (Didn't think it would pair well with coffee lol) It used to be my favorite so I'm hoping it's still good.

    I agree with this. I could tell by the feel of the package that they were softer. I always just bought Quest bars because I have a sweet tooth and the nutrition fit my macros better than other bars but it was never my favorite. I'm indifferent on whether I would buy them again. I've moved on to the One bar. I just prefer the taste and texture better.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I really liked th cookies and cream. it was more chunky and tasted more like a cookie compared to the old formula. What exactly dis they change anyway?
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    tracefan wrote: »
    I like the regular version of Quest. I hope it didn't change too much. I just tried DETOUR BARS.. not bad and cheaper.

    Oh it changed A LOT. They completely changed their protein and fiber and they taste terrible now.

    This comment on their FB sums up everything wrong with the new formula "Not everyone is a fitness Buff that only cares about protein and can burn off ingredients that react like sugar in the body. Corn Fiber in particular. To say its not so is a outright Lie. As many people with metabolic disorders and medical conditions eat nutrition bars to replace at least one meal a day (to get protein and fiber) I'm allergic to iodine which dairy protein and corn in any form has higher amounts of. To say Corn fiber is more expensive is also a lie. And you cheapened your protein. so don't lie to your consumers this so called newest formula has all the same ingredients. All you care about is if your fitness folks like the taste. not about the health of the loyal customers whom loved the old formula. Im not getting into my person info but excercise can literally kill me. Ive ove one of the few medical conditions that exercise resistant as in I get worse attempting to exercise. So I do what I can to stay upright and active as possible by going for walks so I need a good protein bar. Quest was that when the original cookies & Cream and Cookie dough came out. Not this mess.
    Also Stop saying IMO was corn based because if it really was you would still be using IMO! because IMO has many health benefits. It definitely was not cheaper than Corn based Fiber. I've never read anything about IMO being corn based I have researched that Inulin is much healthier than CORN based Fiber. You are basing your product on manipulated science for the corn industry. Because IMO is not corn based, and is a healthier inulin fiber than your so called "corn fiber" so just stop repeating the same lies to every comment about your corn fiber. And you glaze right over cheapening your Protein source! Not once to you acknowledge taking a pure whey protein product and adding Milk Protein first! I'm sure your Boss has you doling out cookie cutter lies. Thanks for ruining a good thing Quest. Just make everyone believe cheap tastes good and is healthy for them!
    "Corn Fiber" is still corn syrup solids no matter how you spin the Lingo. and its not supposed to be called soluble corn fiber as its not accurate. And when are you going to acknowledge adding milk protein?
    You cant even get your info straight. First you say its for taste, texture and shelf stability, then when people said it tasted stale and bad you said its metabolically better for you and threw out some doctored science. and the oops we didnt get the taste right ... You keep ignoring the gastric issues and allergies. You keep ignoring questions about why you added milk protein to what was a whey based protein. You keep ignoring all my questions. Why roll out every single flavor with a new formula that was not even tested in any way? Then all you fix is "flavor" without addressing the formula flaws. Why not just keep IMO or find another Inulin Fiber that is not corn? - You just have no answers at all.
    If I said that all wrong well I cant keep saying it again and again. Your cheat clean bars have gone dirty. I am sick I just wanted a healthy meal bar. I was a loyal Quest Fan now -You Suck Quest. All you push is the Taste of the new bars they might as well be Glorified Candy bars now. And you Ignore any concerns of people not able to eat them now, people getting sick from them. It all gets swept under a rug. AS long as you get new customers who dont care about ingredients ... You dont care."
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    I really liked th cookies and cream. it was more chunky and tasted more like a cookie compared to the old formula. What exactly dis they change anyway?

    See above, they changed so much.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    I just ate my chocolate peanut butter quest bar as part of my breakfast. It's not gross. It has some flavor but could use more pb and chocolate. The texture is like a very dense, sticky brownie. I'd buy it.

    Sometime tomorrow I'll try the white chocolate raspberry. (Didn't think it would pair well with coffee lol) It used to be my favorite so I'm hoping it's still good.

    White choc raspberry used to be my favorite, but I can't stand the new taste :/. Seems like the only good reviews I have been hearing are for the C&C and chocolate chip cookie dough. Doesn't seem like many people on their FB got the apple pie, cinnamon roll or WCR. I just think it's terrible they decided to completely change all the ingredients in ALL of the bars when they had such a good thing going. There is absolutely no other reason they would do that besides to make more money.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    I just think it's terrible they decided to completely change all the ingredients in ALL of the bars when they had such a good thing going. There is absolutely no other reason they would do that besides to make more money.

    Bingo. But Quest will send people free product to promote on social media, vloggers will get their subs to buy Quest bars, new customers will be drawn in and all will be back to normal for their company. The old, first recipe is still available in Canada so I'm happy, but the price has gone up from 37.99 a box to 39.99.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I got mine the other day. I don't really like protein bars & powders in general. I tried a bunch right after my WLS, so I haven't had any quest bars in a long time. I got the cookie dough/cookies & cream combo. I thought the cookie dough was OK, the cookies & cream was too sweet & had a weird aftertaste. I would never, ever pay so much money for them. I can get a 24 oz package of John Soules Fajita beef for $10 at Sam's. A 3 oz serving has 120 calories & 19 grams of protein. I'll be sticking with meat for my protein--it's cheaper & tastes better.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    You people are crazy, yes they are slightly better but still have the nasty artificial sweetener taste. The old recipe was so much better. (17 boxes left, I stocked up lol)


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Still nothing here. Guessing I won't be getting them at this point.
    In all honesty, it's not the bars that I have a problem with... it's the company.

    I'm curious, why?
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I had never had them before. They tasted good, but I got a bit of fiber overload. Next time I will try 1/2 at a time.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    Can anyone tell what the best by date on the new ones is? I hope I can identify them in stores by this...
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    Felt like they were softer with better texture, a little more mild flavor? And less artificial bitter sweet taste.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well I got mine. Might have been a mistake to order a flavor I hadn't had in a while, but I was a bit hungry so I had the cinnamon roll one... bleh. Too much of an artificial taste.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Oh yeah! Tried mine today. Texture is much better, taste is crap. I got the CCCD and the cookies and cream. Upgrades from the last formula but I still won't be going back. They left an after taste in my mouth that just would NOT go away. If I had my toothbrush on me I would have brushed my teeth.