Weight slowly going up but measurements the same?

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
edited January 2016 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
I've given up on reaching my goal at this point, but I'm a bit confused.

I gained 2/3 pounds with the Holidays, and possibly another pound since, but my measurements are still the same as they were in November. Granted, I suck at measuring, but they're similar every time I do it (might be half an inch of difference sometimes) and once most of TOM bloat is gone, my clothes fit the same. And I tried the tight dress I was wearing in the Summer again and it still fits perfectly. I actually seem to have lost an inch on my hips from a year ago.

I know it's not muscle, I've been working out a lot (cycling, incline walking, rowing machine, probably 10 hours a week, basically my legs are always sore) but I hate strength so only been doing it once a week or something (going back to 2-3x a week now, but not lifting crazy heavy).

Is it just my glycogen reserves? I still alternate 2/3 weeks of deficit and 2 weeks of eating over maintenance (I'll spare you my PMS whine for this time, although at this point I'm not entirely sure that my weeks of deficit make up for the surplus, but I've increased my workouts too by quite a bit).

I'm trying not to be bothered by the scale too much and REALLY try to watch what I'm eating, but gosh it's hard when you're just so hungry most of the time. I'm fine with the way I look now but still terrified I'm going to keep gaining weight (I'm still retaining water from my period for now though so I know that it messes up the numbers a little, but it was still lower at this point last month).

Anyway, thoughts? Has it happened to anyone else? I was basically this weight 2 years ago, went down 4 pounds lower for a while but that's when PMS started getting crazy and I've hovered around 133-136 pounds since (I'm around 136 right now). I'm 5'5" with a large frame (measurements are 38/31/36 right now, my ribcage is 34 inches, and I have a bunch of loose skin that probably messes up the measurements a little bit), so I know it's a very acceptable weight, but still.


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    You've gained 3-4lbs and think that your measurements would change? I'd just start weighing weekly again to help you track it and stop you worrying about it.

    It sounds like your over thinking it all really.
  • petete101
    petete101 Posts: 29 Member
    There is a danger with the scale.... Your body fluctuates daily. Your measurements are a better way to know where you truly are. Don't weigh yourself too often or you would go crazy. Also, yes you are not lifting weights but by doing what you said you are doing you are still exercising your muscles so you are bound to tone them. What I do worry is you mentioned you are crazy hungry... Make sure you get a healthy snack before and after your workout. Also have protein and fiber...don't starve your body and muscles ;)
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    edited January 2016
    I take measurements and weigh daily, but pictures are what I like seeing the most to assess progress. They are kind of a pain to take because I wear the same outfit and try to set-up with the same light conditions - but I get the most motivation from them.

    I'm 5'5 as well (a little heavier at 138) and in my last round of progress pictures I can see the difference losing "only" 3.3 lbs made.

    With measurements you're realistically only measuring a few places and a few pounds of fat spread out is all in the operator error range of measurements from my perspective.

    Something to consider.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You've gained 3-4lbs and think that your measurements would change? I'd just start weighing weekly again to help you track it and stop you worrying about it.

    It sounds like your over thinking it all really.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I take measurements and weigh daily, but pictures are what I like seeing the most to assess progress. They are kind of a pain to take because I wear the same outfit and try to set-up with the same light conditions - but I get the most motivation from them.

    I'm 5'5 as well (a little heavier at 138) and in my last round of progress pictures I can see the difference losing "only" 3.3 lbs made.

    With measurements you're realistically only measuring a few places and a few pounds of fat spread out is all in the operator error range of measurements from my perspective.

    Something to consider.

    Yeah but that's the thing I guess, the only area that bothers me is my waist and hips and I couldn't care less if I gained a little elsewhere, lol.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't gain weight in my waist first. It's in weird places like the top of my bust, my neck and face, my thighs - places I don't measure. 3-4 pounds is not a lot if you're tall.

    If you're going up that much, even slowly, maybe look that you're logging carefully or adjust your calories. I creep up in the winter and have to take off 250 calories a day. I'll add them back in in the summer. And I log my exercise and use a pedometer (apple watch or fitbit) so you'd think it would adjust for activity level. It doesn't. But it happens every year.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    I don't gain weight in my waist first. It's in weird places like the top of my bust, my neck and face, my thighs - places I don't measure. 3-4 pounds is not a lot if you're tall.

    If you're going up that much, even slowly, maybe look that you're logging carefully or adjust your calories. I creep up in the winter and have to take off 250 calories a day. I'll add them back in in the summer. And I log my exercise and use a pedometer (apple watch or fitbit) so you'd think it would adjust for activity level. It doesn't. But it happens every year.

    I know exactly why I'm gaining weight. Just too hungry to eat less. PMS is just making me gain little by little because I get so hungry that I need to eat over maintenance (sometimes quite a bit) for 10 days in order not to feel horrible. I try to make up for it by keeping a deficit the rest of the time, but I'm too hungry to have more than a 300ish calorie deficit for 2 weeks, and it just doesn't cut it anymore. Plus I have to be very careful during that time and can't really afford to spend many calories on treats, or I get hungry too, so it basically sucks.

    Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't happier when I was fat, honestly, at least I didn't have this sense of impeding doom and that everything I did was for nothing.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited February 2016
    How do you feel in your favourite jeans/dress/skirt etc? That should be the most reliable way to know that all is ok - if you're happy with your reflection then sod the scale :smiley:

    You're a good weight for your height imo, just keep doing what you're doing. There's no need for just as much cardio but I'm a big fan of it myself so I'm one to talk! (I love how it makes me feel) but I will say that lifting regularly /heavier is definately helping my shape so I'd encourage you to do more of that.

    You're doing good, you've maintained for 2 years :smiley: so don't let yourself feel discouraged.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How do you feel in your favourite jeans/dress/skirt etc? That should be the most reliable way to know that all is ok - if you're happy with your reflection then sod the scale :smiley:

    You're a good weight for your height imo, just keep doing what you're doing. There's no need for just as much cardio but I'm a big fan of it myself so I'm one to talk! (I love how it makes me feel) but I will say that lifting regularly /heavier is definately helping my shape so I'd encourage you to do more of that.

    You're doing good, you've maintained for 2 years :smiley: so don't let yourself feel discouraged.

    My clothes fit fine! They were a tiny bit tight before TOM but I retain water like crazy so it's not really a surprise. And now I look as thin as I've ever been, even though the scale still shows 3 pounds more than I was 3 months ago... although I know I'm still retaining water from my cycle (should lose it in the next few days).

    I need to do the cardio... I need the calorie burn :( Lifting is tough to me because my legs are in a permanent state of DOMs as it is, so it's hard enough for me to do cardio without having to worry about doing strength too, and my gym won't let people use the heavy weights without a trainer. And honestly, I really don't like it anyway... I'd rather do chores than squats, lol! So I do machines (upper body mostly as my legs always hurt) or use my 45 lbs dumbbells at home (my husband fixed them). I just want to maintain my shape at this point, honestly. I like my body just fine... curves and all... just afraid of gaining weight again.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I know exactly why I'm gaining weight. Just too hungry to eat less. PMS is just making me gain little by little because I get so hungry that I need to eat over maintenance (sometimes quite a bit) for 10 days in order not to feel horrible. I try to make up for it by keeping a deficit the rest of the time, but I'm too hungry to have more than a 300ish calorie deficit for 2 weeks, and it just doesn't cut it anymore. Plus I have to be very careful during that time and can't really afford to spend many calories on treats, or I get hungry too, so it basically sucks.

    Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't happier when I was fat, honestly, at least I didn't have this sense of impeding doom and that everything I did was for nothing.

    If you are really hungry, then your body is telling you that it needs more calories. If you are depriving yourself and making yourself miserable than stop and re-evaluate. You can change up your macros (more protein for example) to try and keep you fuller for longer. Try to find healthy alternatives that will keep you fuller for longer (protein packed meals, healthy snack bars, peanut butter, whatever works).

    You were NOT happier when you were fat. It was just easier being fat because we didn't have to think about anything like this. You were more miserable being overweight than you are trying to maintain a healthy weight. Trust me. I think you may just need to let go a little bit of some of the stress over the details. Your weight is not static; it will fluctuate a few pounds in any direction at any one time just because. No rhyme or reason sometimes. You have to just let go of the fact that you can only control so much, your body will do what it's going to do, and as long as you look good and feel good and you like what you see in the mirror, than why worry about a 2 lb fluctuation this was or that way? Maybe take a scale break when its that time and you know you're going to be fluctuating upwards? Why mess with your head if you don't need to?

    If you've been maintaining for 2 years (which is AWESOME, woot woot holler holler!), you may need to mix things up a bit, too. Try new foods in your diet, try new exercise routines every 2 months or so, train for a 5K... keep your body guessing and it won't get "comfy" and add those lbs back on when you aren't looking.

    Enjoy all the hard work you did to get here! Don't sweat the small stuff. You know you are going to fluctuate, so as long as you still like what the mirror is showing, its all good!

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Why do your legs always hurt - Do they always feel fatigued? Or more like DOMS? ?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    my legs are in a permanent state of DOMs as it is
    That's not how it should be - something is wrong with your routine, your recovery, your intensity or your programming.

    Have you taken a deload week to let them recover?

    Makes me wonder if your mystery weight gain is in your aching legs....
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm with @sijomial ..I had a week when my legs felt like that - I took a rest week from interval training, lifting and in around 3 days I got my full energy back and no more leg aches.

    I still walked loads during my rest week and also that's when the 3lb so called gain disappeared despite me eating at TDEE.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited February 2016
    Why do your legs always hurt - Do they always feel fatigued? Or more like DOMS? ?

    It's like DOMs typically, but sometimes my muscles are just tight.. last like week I felt that I was close to pull a muscle... and I make sure to stretch after my workouts too.
    sijomial wrote: »
    my legs are in a permanent state of DOMs as it is
    That's not how it should be - something is wrong with your routine, your recovery, your intensity or your programming.

    Have you taken a deload week to let them recover?

    Makes me wonder if your mystery weight gain is in your aching legs....

    In a week I typically have one rest day, 2 days with 1.5 to 2 hours of stationary bike (no resistance, about 14/15mph), 1/2 days at the gym (20 minutes of rowing, 20 minutes of strength, 60 minutes treadmill walking at 11-14% incline), and the last days are either more treadmill or 45-60 minutes on the bike. I'm lightly active otherwise, doing chores, groceries, cooking etc. One of the reasons I workout more is that I just can't stand sitting and not doing anything at home anymore, so I like to get moving...

    Quads and calves are my problem areas really, so I try to alternate workouts so I don't always work the same muscles. I used to do more treadmill and my calves were VERY tight, and I did take a week off when I went on vacations last July actually and it didn't make any difference. Getting new shoes didn't help either (I got fitted for running shoes when I was running, but I can't anymore because of feet problems). Then I started doing more stationary bike and now my quads often hurt too.. might be the bike, who knows. But now my calves hurt less at least, hah.

    My body is just a total mystery at this point, lol.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Sounds more like general fatigue rather than DOMS.
    Work your legs alternate days perhaps? Cycling, rowing and incline walking are all quad/calf heavy exercise.
    If rest doesn't help maybe try a sports massage?

    Re. the stationary bike - make sure you have it set up correctly, especially seat height. Proper cycling shoes would make it less quad dominant.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,742 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Why do your legs always hurt - Do they always feel fatigued? Or more like DOMS? ?

    It's like DOMs typically, but sometimes my muscles are just tight.. last like week I felt that I was close to pull a muscle... and I make sure to stretch after my workouts too.
    sijomial wrote: »
    my legs are in a permanent state of DOMs as it is
    That's not how it should be - something is wrong with your routine, your recovery, your intensity or your programming.

    Have you taken a deload week to let them recover?

    Makes me wonder if your mystery weight gain is in your aching legs....

    In a week I typically have one rest day, 2 days with 1.5 to 2 hours of stationary bike (no resistance, about 14/15mph), 1/2 days at the gym (20 minutes of rowing, 20 minutes of strength, 60 minutes treadmill walking at 11-14% incline), and the last days are either more treadmill or 45-60 minutes on the bike. I'm lightly active otherwise, doing chores, groceries, cooking etc. One of the reasons I workout more is that I just can't stand sitting and not doing anything at home anymore, so I like to get moving...

    Quads and calves are my problem areas really, so I try to alternate workouts so I don't always work the same muscles. I used to do more treadmill and my calves were VERY tight, and I did take a week off when I went on vacations last July actually and it didn't make any difference. Getting new shoes didn't help either (I got fitted for running shoes when I was running, but I can't anymore because of feet problems). Then I started doing more stationary bike and now my quads often hurt too.. might be the bike, who knows. But now my calves hurt less at least, hah.

    My body is just a total mystery at this point, lol.

    Are you stretching them every day? That makes a big difference for me, vs. "nearly every day". Foam rolling helps, too, or other forms of self massage. And a big, fat, +1 to a professional sports/therapeutic massage, if you can afford it.

    Are you 100% the stationary bike is adjusted correctly for your size? DItto foot position on the rower, if it has an adjustment?

    In season, I'm often rowing 4-6 times/week, spin class twice, and some random biking. I really need to keep on the stretching & foam rolling consistently, or things do tighten up badly.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Why do your legs always hurt - Do they always feel fatigued? Or more like DOMS? ?

    It's like DOMs typically, but sometimes my muscles are just tight.. last like week I felt that I was close to pull a muscle... and I make sure to stretch after my workouts too.
    sijomial wrote: »
    my legs are in a permanent state of DOMs as it is
    That's not how it should be - something is wrong with your routine, your recovery, your intensity or your programming.

    Have you taken a deload week to let them recover?

    Makes me wonder if your mystery weight gain is in your aching legs....

    In a week I typically have one rest day, 2 days with 1.5 to 2 hours of stationary bike (no resistance, about 14/15mph), 1/2 days at the gym (20 minutes of rowing, 20 minutes of strength, 60 minutes treadmill walking at 11-14% incline), and the last days are either more treadmill or 45-60 minutes on the bike. I'm lightly active otherwise, doing chores, groceries, cooking etc. One of the reasons I workout more is that I just can't stand sitting and not doing anything at home anymore, so I like to get moving...

    Quads and calves are my problem areas really, so I try to alternate workouts so I don't always work the same muscles. I used to do more treadmill and my calves were VERY tight, and I did take a week off when I went on vacations last July actually and it didn't make any difference. Getting new shoes didn't help either (I got fitted for running shoes when I was running, but I can't anymore because of feet problems). Then I started doing more stationary bike and now my quads often hurt too.. might be the bike, who knows. But now my calves hurt less at least, hah.

    My body is just a total mystery at this point, lol.

    Are you stretching them every day? That makes a big difference for me, vs. "nearly every day". Foam rolling helps, too, or other forms of self massage. And a big, fat, +1 to a professional sports/therapeutic massage, if you can afford it.

    Are you 100% the stationary bike is adjusted correctly for your size? DItto foot position on the rower, if it has an adjustment?

    In season, I'm often rowing 4-6 times/week, spin class twice, and some random biking. I really need to keep on the stretching & foam rolling consistently, or things do tighten up badly.

    Yeah I stretch, that's why it's frustrating. I have a foam roller and I guess I could use it more often though!

    I adjusted the bike seat not too long ago and didn't really notice much of a difference, except that it was harder to go as fast as I was.. odd. There's no option to adjust the feet though.

    It's just very frustrating!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,742 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »

    It's just very frustrating!

    Understandably! I hope you find some route to improvement.