The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Yesterday, I went cross country skiing. That was the second session of a course I signed up for. It was fun most of the time, and I fell down a little less frequent than the first time. But in the end I managed to land awkwardly enough to twist by left thumb. It's a little swollen and hurts a bit, and I can't bend it fully. But it could have been worse - at least I found myself an injury that does not stop me from running. Wasn't that clever of me? ;)

    So nothing stopped my from doing my long run today. I was a little disappointed when I looked at the training plan and saw that it said to do "only" 13 km (lol - I still remember like yesterday the times when I though I could never ever run that far!). But considering that it just didn't want to stop raining today, I guess that wasn't such a bad thing. Since I already snuck two extra unplanned kilometers in on Friday, I decided to be good today and stick to the plan.

    All in all, I'm rather happy with the first week of the month:
    1.2.2016 strength training
    2.2.2016 5.1 km @ 6:39min/km (really fast , yay! :) )
    3.2.2016 3.2 km treadmill intervals + strength training
    4.2.2016 rest day
    5.2.2016 hill run 10.4 km
    6.2.2016 cross country skiing
    7.2.2016 long run 13.1 km
    31.7 km (of 120km) done

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Today was the Surf City Marathon and Half. I loved the race - it was incredibly well organized and the location and views of the ocean are phenomenal. This is the start just as the sun was coming up. The beach is just off to the right.

    Unfortunately the half didn't start until 7:45 and my wave (3 of 7) didn't go until after 8 and it was so hot. I was worried about rain for this one (El Nino that has not happened) and it was a record setting hot day instead. This was the first time I have run and ended up crusted in salt on my face. The organizers put up many more hydration stations, one at every mile and had GUs, Bloks and bars available at many. I didn't PR, about 5 minutes off, but I am happy with my result. I finished 44th out of 270 in my age group - oh there were somewhere around 20,000 runners and only 2,500 ran the marathon.
    Like @ddmom0811, even though it was hot I was so cold after the race. I walked a few blocks up to a spot to meet my husband and got cold again waiting for him and couldn't get warm until I got in the shower an hour later.
    Now enjoy a beer and watching some football!

    Here is my bling from today. Surf City has always had a surf board medal (the board is wood) a and the second medal is for the California Dreaming challenge, running San Francisco and Surf City consecutively.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    @shanaber, great race dispite the heat! Love the bling!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @shanaber, great race dispite the heat! Love the bling!

    Yes, this. Awesome.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    rune1990 wrote: »

    @runner_girl83 I'm sorry you had such a crappy day...Lemme call them for you, I'll give em hell!!! :smirk: I sure hope the DR gets you all sorted with some answers and solutions!

    Thanks hun.. Just frustrated about it. My head & rest of me wants to run but my legs just wont move in the right way. ahhh cross fingers we can come up with something! I don't know what is up with U.S. Road Running... No phone number to call! All you can do is email! And the company who handle their deliveries is USPS Tracking.. I tried calling the ph number, though it's a 1800 number and of course, being in Australia.. I obviously need to put numbers in front of that for America and I don't even know where the company are based! The email form is rediculous and set up so Internationals can't contact them via email - it's a form to be filled out and requires a U.S. postal address & postal code. So.. if it doesn't turn up.. That's it. No more virtual runs through them I don't think :frowning:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    rune1990 wrote: »

    @runner_girl83 I'm sorry you had such a crappy day...Lemme call them for you, I'll give em hell!!! :smirk: I sure hope the DR gets you all sorted with some answers and solutions!

    Thanks hun.. Just frustrated about it. My head & rest of me wants to run but my legs just wont move in the right way. ahhh cross fingers we can come up with something! I don't know what is up with U.S. Road Running... No phone number to call! All you can do is email! And the company who handle their deliveries is USPS Tracking.. I tried calling the ph number, though it's a 1800 number and of course, being in Australia.. I obviously need to put numbers in front of that for America and I don't even know where the company are based! The email form is rediculous and set up so Internationals can't contact them via email - it's a form to be filled out and requires a U.S. postal address & postal code. So.. if it doesn't turn up.. That's it. No more virtual runs through them I don't think :frowning:

    US road running should replace it. I'd just email them. They should make good on it.
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    14 miles. 2 hours.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited February 2016
    Due to my Taper and being out of town with no smart phone and no PC/Internet access have been out of the loop, something like 6 pages of comments to try to catch up on.

    Short and very slow 9 km Course Survey - Get the kinks out Run on Feb 6 Saturday before my Sunday Half Marathon. Glad I did that Run even though it was a little long for pre-race run. The Shoe's I had as primary for the run had a structural failure - The shoe on my Right foot suddenly started to roll in just after landing and on push off the Toe felt like my socks were all balled up under the foot. Pulled out the Backups ( always bring backups ) and then went back out for a little Shoe Confidence Run which is why I had a little more length than planned.

    Race Report -7C at Gun ~ -2 at Finish.
    Chilly Willy Half Marathon in Grande Prairie, AB. Chip Time 2:12:59:87 ; Clock Time 2:13:04:29.
    My first HM - PB B) so based on my training runs and taking into consideration the effect of Race Pace I was thinking 2:20 so to get a Chip Time of 2:12:59:87 :p I was very happy. 2nd in my 50-59 AG - 34/41 overall. 6.20/km.
    In fairness there were only 2 in my AG so Guaranteed Medal as long as I Finished.
    The HM Winner Chip Time came in at 1:28:14.27 4:12/km ( 1st in my AG ) and a Training Partner/Friend from our local Running Club. Our Local Club had a pretty successful outing as every member from Peace River ( HM, 10km ) was in the Top 3 for AG and Top 20 overall - except for me. Of course it was a small field of 41 for the HM - and 175 total between all Events - Expected more. The last event in GP had over 300.
    There was one section on the HM Course where a Bridge across the River in the Park was being replaced so we had a temp Bridge and Construction Equipment beside the trail. To protect the Trail and Pavement from the Construction equipment they had hauled in Snow to Cover the Trail with a deep protective layer. This resulted in a Km ( uphill out bound ) with a very loose un-even base. It wasn't bad on the way out but on the way back with the warmer temperature and all the Runners tracking it up - downhill it was a real adventure and ate up the legs. In the 21.1km only had 4 places that had Glare Suicide Ice. I only heard of 1 runner who went down on the Ice.


    Will post Race Bling Photo's tomorrow. One of the nicest medals I have seen from the local runs.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Welcome! Don't be intimidated. We're all a little goofy.. Wait, maybe that's just me...

    Speak for yourself! I'm a LOT goofy.

    And gonna be worse after surgery, and enforced no-running days/weeks.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Anyway, I finished in 2:18:57 (net time). A PR!
    When I was looking for the results I noticed the website says that it is one of the top 7 scenic races. If anyone has a chance to run it next year, I recommend it. :smiley:

    Great report! I have a friend from here in Wonderful Robins that ran it too!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Trying to catch up a 5 pages of posts. Will only comment on a random limited few.
    whatang wrote: »
    Absolutely stinking weather here today... cold with buckets of sideways rain.I think I must really be a runner now, because the prospect of missing a weekend run seemed way worse than being outside in this weather for an hour!
    @whatang :D LMAO. Yes you are officially addicted.
    DCKgirl03 wrote: »
    so glad it's not cold out, you don't want to know the kind of layering I have to do for -25C. feels so good to run again. And my knee brace felt less weird today :-)
    @DCKgirl03 I know exactly what you mean by layering. Fortunately for me Winter running is better than summer as I am a Human Furnace so I don't actually wear that many layers. Today in my HM I had a mid weight Dri-wick top and MEC Hiking pants. No tights today - to warm. Un-Fortunately Summer Running is a lot harder for me as you can only take so many clothes off before you get arrested.

    @Hydeel6582 After you have hit the "Post Reply" button you can edit your post for about an hour. Move the mouse to the Top Right of your post and a little "Gear" will pop up and you can use it to edit your posts.
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Race report? Ugh... I did something wrong. But, that's why I did this race. So I know what not to do for the half in March. Mission accomplished.
    @Elise4270 Ouch !!! Nice Positive attitude that will help you along. That's why we Practise. One piece of advice I have for anyone doing a race is to have 2 sets of Active Shoes in your Kit bag in case you have a Shoe Failure in your Pre-race shake-out run.

    @Wendy1Fl Precious Little one. Looks like she has a Runners Mojo - arms above her head in victory while sleeping and Tongue Sticking out all rolled up when awake.

    @ddmom0811 Sounds like you had fun and congrats on the PR, awesome time! Nice to read someone's comments and realize that we are very close in pace.

    @KnordRW Welcome to the Group Ray, have fun is the most important thing I can offer. As long as you are having Fun ( any activity ) it's a lot Easier to stay involved and Motivated.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    rune1990 wrote: »

    @runner_girl83 I'm sorry you had such a crappy day...Lemme call them for you, I'll give em hell!!! :smirk: I sure hope the DR gets you all sorted with some answers and solutions!

    Thanks hun.. Just frustrated about it. My head & rest of me wants to run but my legs just wont move in the right way. ahhh cross fingers we can come up with something! I don't know what is up with U.S. Road Running... No phone number to call! All you can do is email! And the company who handle their deliveries is USPS Tracking.. I tried calling the ph number, though it's a 1800 number and of course, being in Australia.. I obviously need to put numbers in front of that for America and I don't even know where the company are based! The email form is rediculous and set up so Internationals can't contact them via email - it's a form to be filled out and requires a U.S. postal address & postal code. So.. if it doesn't turn up.. That's it. No more virtual runs through them I don't think :frowning:

    US road running should replace it. I'd just email them. They should make good on it.

    It just arrived!! Brandon from US Road Running contacted me and was really nice too! No idea why it got lost during tracking but glad it made it here! :smiley: Nice ending to the day!
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    I look forward to the goofiness! Too bad you have to go through surgery and recovery to get there, that bites. Hope it all goes as well as possible for ya!
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Welcome! Don't be intimidated. We're all a little goofy.. Wait, maybe that's just me...

    Speak for yourself! I'm a LOT goofy.

    And gonna be worse after surgery, and enforced no-running days/weeks.

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited February 2016
    We were at the Dells (in two cabins with seven other families--16 adults and 15 kids). Fun, managed to make one run on Saturday, but I kept my weekly distance and some. Back to the real grind of the week.

    @shanaber congrats on your HM.

    2/1 6.11
    2/3 7.02 — good, slow run, snow, water, real slushy. not fun for the feet!
    2/4 3.67 — easy short run at 10’20” per mile.
    2/6 5.32

    Total: 22.12/80

  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    2.1 miles this morning, it was so windy I'm pretty sure I was running on the spot for half of it. I wasn't feeling it at all today, I had a slight pain at the top of my leg and I just felt really awkward for the whole of the run. Rest day tomorrow so hopefully it'll feel ok for my Wednesday run :)

    @_nikkiwolf_ @runner_girl83 thanks for the replies. I was aneamic during both my pregnancies, I don't know why it never crossed my mind that I could have it when not pregnant as well. The tiredness is what's really getting me down, I work, I have 2 young children and I'm also studying accountancy and I'm not awake long enough to fit it all in. My partner thinks I should quit running and concentrate on my studies but I love running! I'm hoping the tablets will kick in soon and I'll be able to run later I'm the day coz running in the dark is getting pretty boring now!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited February 2016
    @_nikkiwolf_ - Good call injuring the thumb as opposed to a leg! :lol: Hope it is feeling better.

    @shanaber - Those are some nice medals! :sunglasses: The temps, not so nice. :smile: Congrats all the same!

    @juliet3455 - Congrats on the first HM! Excellent pace too!
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    02/02 8.00 mi
    02/04 3.65 mi
    02/07 6.43 mi
    TOTAL 18.08 mi
    GOAL 50.00 mi

    Upcoming Races:
    02/21 - Disney Princess Half Marathon
    04/02 - Philadelphia Hot Chocolate 15K
    04/09 - Yuengling Light Lager Jogger 5K
    05/01 - Blue Cross Broad Street Run (10 miler)
    09/18 - Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Welcome! Don't be intimidated. We're all a little goofy.. Wait, maybe that's just me...

    Speak for yourself! I'm a LOT goofy.

    And gonna be worse after surgery, and enforced no-running days/weeks.

    I can imagine. I'm waiting on this knee to line back out, and all I can think about is how I'm gonna make up lost miles and if I'll be able to do the Saturday group run.
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    date....distance.... Mtd......ytd
    1/2........ 5k.............5k.........50k

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    2/1: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/2: 5 miles
    2/3: 7.5 miles
    2/4: 8.2 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/5: Rest day (hallelujah!)
    2/6: 9.5 miles with the Saturday crew
    2/7: 18 miles LR
    2/8: 6.1 miles with Joe to Go crew

    Easy, slow recovery pace with my early morning coffee crew. Not many people this morning after Super Bowl festivities last night, and only me and two others actually stayed for coffee. Calves were super tight this morning, but finally eased up 4.5-5 miles in. Very excited for a rest day tomorrow... sleeping in will be a treat.


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon