The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    2/1 - 0
    2/2 - 4 miles outside
    2/3 - 0
    2/4 - 2.75 miles outside
    2/5 - 0
    2/6 - 4.75 miles treadmill
    2/7-10 - 0
    2/11 - 4 miles treadmill
    2/12 - 0
    2/13 - 3.2 (5K race) with 1 mile warm up
    2/14 - 15 - 0
    2/16 - 4 miles outside
    2/17- 0
    2/18 -0
    2/19 - 2.5 with Macy

    26.2 out of 80 miles


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Half Fanatic #11352 -- I got my Jupitor moon for doing: Knoxville Half (March 29, 2015); Oak Barrel Half (April 4, 2015); Bridge Street Half (April 12, 2015); and Georgia Peach Jam Half (April 18, 2015)
    Woo-Hoo! #11765 here, currently sitting on Saturn for doing: Rock the Parkway (KC, MO 4/11/2015); Garmin Half (Olathe, KS 4/18/2015); Running with the Cows (Bucyrus, KS 5/9/2015); ScoutStrong Challenge (KC, KS 5/16/2015).
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited February 2016
    rune1990 wrote: »
    However, I'm still base building, getting stronger. At which point do you consider you have built up a good enough base? Race wise I would like to be able to run HM's . For my future running self I would like to run about 40k a week, running 4 times weekly.
    First off, I must preface that I have never really followed things by the book for my past training. This year is different, it is the first year I am probably doing things as I should, but it is still all my own training creation so I could be wrong. :lol: I was so aggressive in training for my first half, and my first full (and that first full turned into 3 fulls within 30 days). I am lucky to not have been injured with the way I did things, and I did in fact have to take a full month off of running after my first half, but in truth I blame the footwear for that more than the stupid, crazy training I put myself through. (It can't be my fault, no way).

    I was able to run my first half once I got to 20-24 miles/week. I finished. I was miserable after mile 10 but I finished and did not feel so miserable after crossing that finish line holding that medal and knowing I could go home and die happy. This is about the minimum I usually hear people recommend. I had literally only finally reached this point about 2 weeks before my first half, and did this with only 8 weeks of training after my first 10k (and first time I even ran a full mile).

    I think you would be better off for running HM's on a regular basis if you were pushing towards 40 miles/week. If you go with the formulations that @Stoshew71 recommends (along with the sensible runners who do not punish themselves like I do) you want your long run of the week to be no more than 33% of your total mileage. So if your long run is 13.1 miles then you want to be doing 39.3 miles per week.

    I think you would be BEST off for running HM's regularly once you get towards 50+ miles per week. When I was training for my full's last year and was getting into the 50 mile/week territory I was running 12 miles 3 times/week on a number of occasions, back to back weekend long runs of 12-16 miles followed by 12 the next day, and a mid-week 12 miler). Bear in mind that ALL mileage I was doing here was all slow and easy mileage, no speedwork at all. I was base building to where a HM was within reach any day of the week really. If you could do this regularly, you could be an HM beast. You could even do a full marathon once in a while but those would require you to take some recovery time which would lower your weekly mileage and you would have to build back up. Unless you do like I did and just rest all week in between full marathons, then you could squeeze out 3 (maybe more) like I did before all of that non-running in between races caused your conditioning to drop. Not to mention how beat up you will be. You will want to recover for a month or so after that (I only walked for whole month afterwards). You will be starting over with your conditioning but it seems you can bounce back a whole lot faster than it took to earn it in the first place.

    Just the opinions of someone who probably should not offer advice. :lol:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    To everyone racing this weekend, I hope you have a great time!

    Rest day today, and it is 70 degrees outside today!! I'm not running though, no matter what. I know I need the rest because I'm running higher mileage and running more often. I think it is muscle memory or something. While I was beat down a little over a week ago at the end of my strength/speed focused portion of training, moving into this newest portion of training with a goal of running 5 to 6 days/week to build up a little extra mileage (and only 1 or 2 workout runs per week) I have found it quite easy and things are ramping up faster than I originally anticipated. I am happy to have that, but at the same time very cognizant of the possibility of overdoing it. I need to pay extra close attention to how I feel over the next few weeks.

    I noticed in my current fall racing schedule that if I add just two out of state Saturday half marathons (11/5 in Jenks, OK and 11/19 in Cotter, AR) along with one I already planned to register for on 11/12 here locally, that I could do double half marathons 3 weekends in a row which would level me up in Half Fanatics to Earth moon level (6 in 16 days). I am super tempted to do this. The only thing is, I am signed up for my only full marathon on 10/15 which is just 3 weeks ahead of this series. While that is 3 weeks reverse taper time, and I KNOW I can train to do back to back half marathons rather easily, and confident I could train to do that 3 weekends in a row, I'm just not so sure about doing ALL that; a full, 3 weeks recovery/reverse taper, then 6 half marathons in 16 days.

    Decisions, decisions, decisions...

    I ran the Jenks Half last year. Absolutely loved it. A pretty flat, easy course (save some potholes to watch out for on one of the less-traveled roads you run), very small number of entrants (like 300 or so??). Thinking I will probably run it again this year. Don't skip that one!! We can be race buddies. Maybe @Elise4270 would join, too. She's pretty close by! :)

    ETA: Didn't read through all the replies before posting. Looks like Elise is already interested! Yay! Also, I'm a Half Fanatic, too. Joined with my Jenks Half and Route 66 Half in November last year!

    Oohhhh! Looks like we may have our FIRST MFP GROUP RACE! I'll add it to my schedule, make sure I'm not working that weekend!

    Edit-Looks like I'm off, I'll claim it on the vaca schedule ASAP and register and book a room! It's a party! Nah, maybe diner/lunch? Pre or post race? I'll (potentially) be brining my other half, (who knows what he'll have going on). So excited!

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @Elise4270. @WhatMeRunning, @ceciliaslater - That would be super fun! Unfortunately, doesn't work with my currently scheduled stuff and I think my wife would think I had finally gone of the deep end if I said I was driving 7 hours to do a HM that didn't involve Disney or some other resort/vacation destination. Hope it works out and you all have a fantastic time!
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    To everyone racing this weekend, I hope you have a great time!

    Rest day today, and it is 70 degrees outside today!! I'm not running though, no matter what. I know I need the rest because I'm running higher mileage and running more often. I think it is muscle memory or something. While I was beat down a little over a week ago at the end of my strength/speed focused portion of training, moving into this newest portion of training with a goal of running 5 to 6 days/week to build up a little extra mileage (and only 1 or 2 workout runs per week) I have found it quite easy and things are ramping up faster than I originally anticipated. I am happy to have that, but at the same time very cognizant of the possibility of overdoing it. I need to pay extra close attention to how I feel over the next few weeks.

    I noticed in my current fall racing schedule that if I add just two out of state Saturday half marathons (11/5 in Jenks, OK and 11/19 in Cotter, AR) along with one I already planned to register for on 11/12 here locally, that I could do double half marathons 3 weekends in a row which would level me up in Half Fanatics to Earth moon level (6 in 16 days). I am super tempted to do this. The only thing is, I am signed up for my only full marathon on 10/15 which is just 3 weeks ahead of this series. While that is 3 weeks reverse taper time, and I KNOW I can train to do back to back half marathons rather easily, and confident I could train to do that 3 weekends in a row, I'm just not so sure about doing ALL that; a full, 3 weeks recovery/reverse taper, then 6 half marathons in 16 days.

    Decisions, decisions, decisions...

    I ran the Jenks Half last year. Absolutely loved it. A pretty flat, easy course (save some potholes to watch out for on one of the less-traveled roads you run), very small number of entrants (like 300 or so??). Thinking I will probably run it again this year. Don't skip that one!! We can be race buddies. Maybe @Elise4270 would join, too. She's pretty close by! :)

    ETA: Didn't read through all the replies before posting. Looks like Elise is already interested! Yay! Also, I'm a Half Fanatic, too. Joined with my Jenks Half and Route 66 Half in November last year!

    Oohhhh! Looks like we may have our FIRST MFP GROUP RACE! I'll add it to my schedule, make sure I'm not working that weekend!

    Edit-Looks like I'm off, I'll claim it on the vaca schedule ASAP and register and book a room! It's a party! Nah, maybe diner/lunch? Pre or post race? I'll (potentially) be brining my other half, (who knows what he'll have going on). So excited!

    Squeee! This is awesome. I vote for post-race pizza at Hideaway! I'll even drive. :smiley: My pre-race food must be very strictly planned to prevent issues with my overly sensitive stomach.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    To everyone racing this weekend, I hope you have a great time!

    Rest day today, and it is 70 degrees outside today!! I'm not running though, no matter what. I know I need the rest because I'm running higher mileage and running more often. I think it is muscle memory or something. While I was beat down a little over a week ago at the end of my strength/speed focused portion of training, moving into this newest portion of training with a goal of running 5 to 6 days/week to build up a little extra mileage (and only 1 or 2 workout runs per week) I have found it quite easy and things are ramping up faster than I originally anticipated. I am happy to have that, but at the same time very cognizant of the possibility of overdoing it. I need to pay extra close attention to how I feel over the next few weeks.

    I noticed in my current fall racing schedule that if I add just two out of state Saturday half marathons (11/5 in Jenks, OK and 11/19 in Cotter, AR) along with one I already planned to register for on 11/12 here locally, that I could do double half marathons 3 weekends in a row which would level me up in Half Fanatics to Earth moon level (6 in 16 days). I am super tempted to do this. The only thing is, I am signed up for my only full marathon on 10/15 which is just 3 weeks ahead of this series. While that is 3 weeks reverse taper time, and I KNOW I can train to do back to back half marathons rather easily, and confident I could train to do that 3 weekends in a row, I'm just not so sure about doing ALL that; a full, 3 weeks recovery/reverse taper, then 6 half marathons in 16 days.

    Decisions, decisions, decisions...

    I ran the Jenks Half last year. Absolutely loved it. A pretty flat, easy course (save some potholes to watch out for on one of the less-traveled roads you run), very small number of entrants (like 300 or so??). Thinking I will probably run it again this year. Don't skip that one!! We can be race buddies. Maybe @Elise4270 would join, too. She's pretty close by! :)

    ETA: Didn't read through all the replies before posting. Looks like Elise is already interested! Yay! Also, I'm a Half Fanatic, too. Joined with my Jenks Half and Route 66 Half in November last year!

    Oohhhh! Looks like we may have our FIRST MFP GROUP RACE! I'll add it to my schedule, make sure I'm not working that weekend!

    Edit-Looks like I'm off, I'll claim it on the vaca schedule ASAP and register and book a room! It's a party! Nah, maybe diner/lunch? Pre or post race? I'll (potentially) be brining my other half, (who knows what he'll have going on). So excited!

    Squeee! This is awesome. I vote for post-race pizza at Hideaway! I'll even drive. :smiley: My pre-race food must be very strictly planned to prevent issues with my overly sensitive stomach.

    Sounds great! I have tummy issues too!

    Edit- Hey, you'll have to give me some prerace/pre run tips. I started with a group, and I'm terrified to even have water out on an early AM run.

    @karllundy aw that's too bad! *in a sing song voice* There's an aquarium, with fishes, and swimmy things.

    I'm lucky, if I tell DH we're driving 10 hours to go to the movies, he's okay with it. He's some sort of gypsy. We will miss you and yours. :disappointed:
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got in a final speedwork session late last night, and am resting today in advance of tomorrow's 15K. I think I'm getting close to being back to my marathon fitness level, so with a good starting temperature (55 degrees), I'll plan for a 6:45 pace (as my last hilly 10K was at a 6:29 and my last half marathon was at a 7 pace), and just try to hang on. Crossing the finish in under and hour would be nice, but unless I magically gain a ton of fitness from 24 hours of rest, a 1:03 is a bit more realistic at this point. Got in 10 more miles on Wednesday as well.

    2/1 - 4 miles (up/down part of Park City mountain through 2 feet of powder)
    2/2 - 5.5 miles
    2/3 - 1 miles (pre lifting warmup)
    2/4 - 10 miles (7 mile tempo run + 3 recovery)
    2/5 - 5 miles
    2/6 - 10 miles
    2/8 - 9 miles
    2/9 - 12 miles (w. 3x15 min @ 7:15/mile pace w. 90 sec recovery)
    2/10 - 5 miles
    2/11 - 12 miles (8 miles speedwork + 4 mile late recovery run)
    2/12 - 1 mile (pre lifting warmup)
    2/13 - 10 miles
    2/15 - 4 miles
    2/16 - 5 miles (threshold run w. 3 @ 7 pace in middle)
    2/17 - 10 miles
    2/18 - 5.5 miles (w. 10x0.25 repeats @ 5:30/mile w. 30 sec recovery)

    Total: 109 miles
    Goal: 180 miles
    Remaining: 71 miles

    Upcoming Races:
    15K - Gasparilla - Feb 20
    Half Ironman - Florida 70.3 - Apr 10
    Marathon - Pittsburgh - May 1
    Half Ironman - Augusta 70.3 - Sep 25
    Marathon - Chicago - Oct 9 (if accepted)
    Ironman - Florida - Nov 5

    @rune1990 - Outside of my easy miles, I've been just doing some garmin watch-based speedwork plans (specify either distance or time at heart rate range)... for example, I was doing short 0.25/mile repeats last night w. 30 second breaks, and just had to hit a speed where my heart rate hit the right range (which slowly dropped from 5:25/mile for the first few to 5:30/mile by the 5th to 6/mile by the 10th repeat).
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I just registered for the Jenks Half! Woo-Hoo!!!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I just registered for the Jenks Half! Woo-Hoo!!!


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @5BeautifulDays - good luck at the Princess run!!!
    @shanaber - good luck at Divas!
    @elise4270 & @WhatMeRunning - yeah my husband would definitely think I went off the deep end if I said I'm flying to Oklahoma for a run. But I'll be rooting you on. :smile:

    Feb 1 - 4.27
    Feb 2- repairing/recovery day.
    Feb 3 - Strength training 4.5 miles
    Feb 4 - rest
    Feb 5 - Strength training
    Feb 6 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 7 - 13.1 HM - New PR 2:18:57!!!
    Feb 8 - 3.05 mile recovery run.
    Feb 9 - 1 hour spinning class
    Feb 10 - Strength training
    Feb 11 - 6 miles
    Feb 12 - recovery day
    Feb 13 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 14 - 36 mile bike ride
    Feb 15 - 7.5 miles
    Feb 16 - 3.6 miles
    Feb 17 - strength training
    Feb 18 - 5.04 miles + 1 hour spinning class
    Feb 19 - strength training


    3/3 Orlando City Soccer 5K
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Week 8 Marathon training complete. 47.44 km over 4 runs this week. 22.78km long run this morning; av HR 141, max HR 152. This is my longest run ever. It was a stinker this morning - hot and humid. Garmin connect says 25C with 89% humidity. My husband said the temp was over 28C when I got home, with an apparent temp of 31C! The first 10 km were great, felt really easy, but when I turned around to go back, I could feel it really starting to warm up. I tried to stick to the shade whenever I could, because the sun was hot! Probably around the 18km mark was when I felt myself slowing down a lot, and the last 4.5km were very slow. I refilled my water bottles twice (they each hold 300mL), at 8km, and again at 17km, and I ate some lollies (jelly beans, jelly babies, snakes) around the 13km mark. This is the first training run of this program I have taken food. I noticed it was easier to eat the lollies today because they were soft from how hot it was (that won’t happen in my race because it will be winter - must remember that lollies will be hard!). I think I did ok with hydration because when I weighed myself after my shower, I was only 250g down from my starting weight. Felt some niggles with my right knee (medial and posterior); I’m sure related to my form slipping with fatigue. But I guess I am getting to the volume where my niggles will start to make themselves felt. I still have a new pair of shoes in reserve (my current pair have over 1400km on them), but I feel like my issue is more in my hip/pelvis than my feet, so will continue to do hip/glute strengthening to support that.

    So, overall, a good run. Keep telling myself that when I run the marathon, it won’t be so hot, and will feel easier.

    1 Feb 6.18 km
    2 Feb sick
    3 Feb sick
    4 Feb Rest
    5 Feb 11.13 km
    6 Feb 6.62 km
    7 Feb 19.00 km (long run)
    8 Feb Rest
    9 Feb 6.28 km
    10 Feb 10.46 km
    11 Feb 6.28 km
    12 Feb Rest
    13 Feb 15.41 km
    14 Feb Iron Strength workout
    15 Feb 6.29 km
    16 Feb Rest
    17 Feb 11.52 km
    18 Feb 6.85 km
    19 Feb Rest
    20 Feb 22.78 km (long run)

    Total: 128.8 km / 165 km

    5 June Rocky River Run 21km
    3 July Gold Coast Marathon


  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    Today had more negatives than Trump. Cold, wind, rain, late and slow. Given how slow I was jogging though meant I decided not to stop for a walk interval (first time in 14months) so every cloud....

    date....distance.... Mtd......ytd
    1/2........ 5k.............5k.........50k
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    You guys out in Oklahoma sound like you will be having way too much fun together. :-)

    Too bad I won't be able to make it.

    On another word, just got done posting my new blog about training plans.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    2/1: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/2: 5 miles
    2/3: 7.5 miles
    2/4: 8.2 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/5: Rest day (hallelujah!)
    2/6: 9.5 miles with the Saturday crew
    2/7: 18 miles LR
    2/8: 6.1 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/9: Rest day
    2/10: 7 miles speedwork (am), 10 miles (pm)
    2/11: 6 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/12: Rest day!
    2/13: 14 miles with Saturday crew
    2/14: 7 miles
    2/15: Rest/lazy day
    2/16: 5 miles
    2/17: 5 miles (am), 12 miles (pm)
    2/18: 8 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/19: Rest day!

    REST DAAAAAAAAAAY <3<3 I needed this one. Still trying to get my hammies and calves to loosen up after a tough week (really, quite a few consecutive long, tough weeks). I've got lots of fun running plans this weekend! 8 miles followed by runners' coffee tomorrow, then 16 miles Sunday followed by a fellow runner's birthday celebrations which will include going to see the movie Race about Jesse Owens -- it only has 61% on Rotten Tomatoes, but the bday crew are all runners, so I think we'll dig it anyway :)


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    You guys out in Oklahoma sound like you will be having way too much fun together. :-)

    Too bad I won't be able to make it.

    On another word, just got done posting my new blog about training plans.

    Ooh, I'm excited to read this. I've made my own plans for my last 3 marathons (this one included) because I can never find one that fits my needs/wants, so I'm curious to know what your gripes are!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @Stoshew71 @ddmom0811, hey it's still 6+ months away. You never know, you could find yourself this way.

    DH is signed up and committed! I just have to make sure he gets it on his calendar.

    @kristinegift I plan on seeing it too. I never trust critics reviews, just how many of them are runners?
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    rune1990 wrote: »
    However, I'm still base building, getting stronger. At which point do you consider you have built up a good enough base? Race wise I would like to be able to run HM's . For my future running self I would like to run about 40k a week, running 4 times weekly.
    First off, I must preface that I have never really followed things by the book for my past training. This year is different, it is the first year I am probably doing things as I should, but it is still all my own training creation so I could be wrong. :lol: I was so aggressive in training for my first half, and my first full (and that first full turned into 3 fulls within 30 days). I am lucky to not have been injured with the way I did things, and I did in fact have to take a full month off of running after my first half, but in truth I blame the footwear for that more than the stupid, crazy training I put myself through. (It can't be my fault, no way).

    I was able to run my first half once I got to 20-24 miles/week. I finished. I was miserable after mile 10 but I finished and did not feel so miserable after crossing that finish line holding that medal and knowing I could go home and die happy. This is about the minimum I usually hear people recommend. I had literally only finally reached this point about 2 weeks before my first half, and did this with only 8 weeks of training after my first 10k (and first time I even ran a full mile).

    I think you would be better off for running HM's on a regular basis if you were pushing towards 40 miles/week. If you go with the formulations that @Stoshew71 recommends (along with the sensible runners who do not punish themselves like I do) you want your long run of the week to be no more than 33% of your total mileage. So if your long run is 13.1 miles then you want to be doing 39.3 miles per week.

    I think you would be BEST off for running HM's regularly once you get towards 50+ miles per week. When I was training for my full's last year and was getting into the 50 mile/week territory I was running 12 miles 3 times/week on a number of occasions, back to back weekend long runs of 12-16 miles followed by 12 the next day, and a mid-week 12 miler). Bear in mind that ALL mileage I was doing here was all slow and easy mileage, no speedwork at all. I was base building to where a HM was within reach any day of the week really. If you could do this regularly, you could be an HM beast. You could even do a full marathon once in a while but those would require you to take some recovery time which would lower your weekly mileage and you would have to build back up. Unless you do like I did and just rest all week in between full marathons, then you could squeeze out 3 (maybe more) like I did before all of that non-running in between races caused your conditioning to drop. Not to mention how beat up you will be. You will want to recover for a month or so after that (I only walked for whole month afterwards). You will be starting over with your conditioning but it seems you can bounce back a whole lot faster than it took to earn it in the first place.

    Just the opinions of someone who probably should not offer advice. :lol:

    Ok awesome ty for this! It certainly gives me lots to digest. The HM distance isnt daunting to me yet and might be a distance I would plan for a weekend run however I have no idea how running in the heat and humidity of summer will affect me. It used to just do me right in and I certainly wasn't running in it!

    I am certainly taking things slow. Slow running and slowly adding distance but it's all working and shin splints are gone, and the tendinitis is healing.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Feb 1 - 4.1 km
    Feb 6 - 5.2 km
    Feb 8 - 5.3 km
    Feb 10 - 4.1 km
    Feb 11 – Hurt my back
    Feb 15 – 6 km
    Feb 17 – 4.1 km
    Feb 20 – 5 km - PB at parkrun! 30:58 Damn you, sub-30, some day you WILL be mine!

    Total 33.5 km
    Goal 45 km

    Willaura Farm to Pub 8.6 km – Saturday Feb 27

    I've never run 8.6 km before (my furthest is 7 km), but I do at least 2 weekly walks of 10 km.

    Any tips on planning runs leading up to next Saturday's event?
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    2.19.16 - 18 miles on the TM.