The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/01: 3 miles, easy, 8:36 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/02: 5 miles, tempo, 8:22 pace + 40 min x-training
    2/03: 5 miles, speedwork (4x800m at 5K pace) + 45 min strength training + core
    2/04: Off, 45 min x-training
    2/05: 4 miles, easy, 8:40 pace
    2/06: 5 miles, 3 miles at race pace (averaged 7:43) with warm up/cool down + 55 min strength training + core
    2/07: 8 miles, long and easy, 8:39 pace
    2/08: 3 miles, easy, 8:40 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/09: 5 miles, speedwork, (6x2 minutes at 5K pace with 2 minutes recovery jog between)
    2/10: 4 miles, easy, 8:54 pace + 45 min strength training + core
    2/11: 1 mile, quick, 6:52 pace + 45 min x-training
    2/12: 5 miles, easy, 8:45 pace
    2/13: 5 miles, speedwork (1 mile/800m/2x400m at 5K pace) + 55 min strength training
    2/14: 9 miles, long and easy, 8:34 pace
    2/15: 3.5 miles, easy, 8:46 pace + 25 min x-training
    2/16: 5 miles, tempo, 8:11 pace
    2/17: 6 miles, super easy, 8:57 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/18: 5.5 miles, speedwork (5x800m at 5K pace) + 50 min strength training + core
    2/19: Rest day - preparing for my 5K race tomorrow :3
    2/20: 2.5 mile warm up + 5K race (22:05 - new PR!)
    Total: 89.37 miles

    Had an awesome time at the 5K race I did today! 50 degrees, sunny, and 10 mph winds so it was perfect weather for the race. Had myself a nice slow warmup and did a few drills and strides before hand. I was really hoping to PR today, and I did! Official time was 22:05, which is a 16 second PR and 86 seconds faster than the 5K I raced a month ago. Good enough for 22nd overall, 8 female finisher, and 2nd in the F25-29 age group! I nearly started walking at the 2.5 mile mark, but I realized it was my mind that was quitting, not my body, so I made myself push through. So glad that I did!


    Upcoming races:
    2/20 - Mardi Gras Chaser (5K) 22:05, new PR!
    3/12 - Leprechaun Leap (5K)
    3/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler
    3/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    4/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    5/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    And it was warm out this morning that I got to wear my shirt.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    michable wrote: »
    Most scary thing out running when it is still dark - spiderweb across the path at head height with a big, fat spider in it. Especially when you don't see the web before you have run through it. Then you're freaking out, trying to pull web off your face and work out if there is a huge spider on you somewhere. I have been known to turn around and run the other way if I see a big web across the path.

    Next scariest thing - dogs. If I see a dog ahead in the distance on the street, without its owner, I turn right around and run the other way.

    I have also been attacked by birds - I must have been running close to their nest, and maybe they had some little ones they were protecting; but they were these big ground dwelling birds, mainly black with a red crest and blue breast and a hooked beak, and they came after me snapping at the backs of my legs. I ran a bit faster. My husband has been attacked by a duck while out running.

    And that's not to mention magpies that swoop during spring when they are nesting. Oh, and the occasional snake on the path, too.

    I have to say that the kangaroos never attack. Even if they are as big as me, they just watch me go by.

    And the water dragons!! At the lake where I do some of my shorter runs they can be up to 2 feet long.. They run onto the path right in front of you and nearly cause you to break your ankles trying to jump over them! Once I had my music up so loud I must have screamed when a big one actually ran out onto the path and towards me - Everyone on the path at either end heard me and turned to watch lol

    I've even had a baby one run up and bite my toe once when I was wearing sandals.. Couldn't get it off my foot! It didn't hurt.. Just looked strange having my whole toe in it's mouth while I kicked madly to get rid of it lol



    Oh no! I think I be afraid to run in your neck of the woods!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @runner_girl83 - I wish I could advise. I think I would just continue with the exercises and form work if it is not causing trouble. That has long term upsides.

    @ddmom0811 - Where at in downtown KC? I've only run downtown areas as part of a few races (some serious hills believe it or not). So I am not so sure, but there are some parts I would consider as they are pretty busy, more high end business and new condos type space. There are some parts I would not even consider. A roughly square area from Kauffman Center/Arts district (12th and Broadway) to the Sprint Center (12th and Grand) then south to the Crown Center area (where Grand meets Main) and Main back to Union Station (23rd and Main) and loop back to either the Kauffman Center or Sprint Center. You could also head up the hill to the Liberty Memorial area for an extra distance. These areas are all somewhat busy, even ritzy and heavily patrolled. Best option for downtown area, but probably best to ask the Hotel also. The road that loops around the downtown airport may also be a good option (take Broadway bridge north over the river). That loop has a spot with the absolute most beautiful view of the KC skyline up on the bluffs.

    @ariceroni - Congrats on the 5k PR!!
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    2/1 6.11
    2/3 7.02 — good, slow run, snow, water, real slushy. not fun for the feet!
    2/4 3.67 — easy short run at 10’20” per mile.
    2/6 5.32
    2/14 3.61
    2/18 3 — first day training for HM
    2/20 6.15


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'll have to catch up on posts later but I'm seeing great race times! I had a $20 fleet feet gift card from a race and decided to get some lighter weight race shoes. Hope they feel as good when I run as they did running through the store parking lot. I tried on New Balance, Nike and two different Brooks and these Brooks Launch were the winner.

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Feb: 8.61 miles
    02-Feb: 4.26 miles
    03-Feb: 3.11 miles
    04-Feb: 4.32 miles
    05-Feb: 4.75 miles
    06-Feb: 9.28 miles
    07-Feb: <Life Day>
    08-Feb: 4.78 miles
    09-Feb: 7.48 miles
    10-Feb: 3.47 miles
    11-Feb: 0.00 miles but 2.12 miles (walk)
    12-Feb: 4.69 miles
    13-Feb: 7.62 miles
    14-Feb: <Life Day>
    15-Feb: 6.74 miles
    16-Feb: 7.52 miles
    17-Feb: 3.29 miles
    18-Feb: 8.80 miles
    19-Feb: 4.40 miles
    20-Feb: 9.91 miles
    21-Feb: <Life Day>
    24-Feb: <Surgery>
    25-Feb: <Recuperation>
    26-Feb: <Recuperation>
    27-Feb: <Recuperation>
    28-Feb: <Life Day>
    29-Feb: <Maybe a little walky-poo?>


    Only need an average of 7.5/day on Monday & Tuesday to hit my goal. I kinda wished I'd felt like going the full 11 or 12 this morning, but... I think I have a little bit of extensor tendonitis in my right foot, so a few days of rest post-surgery might help that too.

    Upcoming Races:
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K, Macon, GA
    02-Apr: Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K, Bonaire, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K or 15K, Macon, GA
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    - PB at parkrun! 30:58 Damn you, sub-30, some day you WILL be mine!

    Ha-ha! I feel ya. My PB is 30:03.

    Planning for the up coming race- I'd work the race in my routine running schedule, with at least on extra rest day. Stay hydrated, dont eat crazy. Well, maybe some pie. Pie is always good running food. But cheesecake is better..

    30:03! So close!

    Thanks @Elise4270 for the very sensible advice. Mmm, cheesecake!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @Orphia - Congrats on the 5k PR! I understand the frustration of progress towards the 30 minute barrier.:lol: You are closer than I am though!

    As for the 8.6k you should be able to do it with people around you and an official finish line ahead of you. I wouldn't try and run any harder or longer this week, j7st do as planned but take one or two days off before the run.

    @WhatMeRunning thanks heaps. That sounds like a good plan too.

    I'll just make the 8.6 km event be my long run, and do two easy 4 km short runs, and have two days off before the event.

    Woo hoo! Looking forward to this week!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited February 2016
    Speaking of local fauna, here's a spoonbill and two herons I saw on my 12 km walk this morning:

    Spoonbill and Herons by Orphia Nay, on Flickr

    And here's a wallaby I saw on my way to parkrun a few weeks ago:

    Kangaroo parkrunday by Orphia Nay, on Flickr
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    February goal—None first 1/2 on February 7…just going to try for as many miles as possible in February

    2/2—5.2 ish km—the groundhog wouldn’t see his shadow if he existed here
    2/4–3.2 km
    2/7—21.09 km—Condura skyway marathon. Didn’t get the time I wanted as I had to walk a lot due to the heat and humidity and hills. Gee…I thought I was trained and ready.
    2/17—4.78 km
    2/18—4.87 km
    2/21—14.12 km (why oh why do long runs feel easier than 5km runs???)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    annekka wrote: »
    2/21—14.12 km (why oh why do long runs feel easier than 5km runs???)

    @annekka LOL!

    Oh yes! Long runs feel like you could run forever.

    In my 5 km parkrun yesterday, at about half way, I had an Existential Crisis.

    "What the ^&*% am I doing this for?? Why the hell am I here? I just want to stop right now!!"

    That hasn't happened since I was doing C25K.

    Memories of reading this help me.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @Ohhim - Congratulations on the good 15K finish! Just a nice tempo run, right? An hour at lactic threshold pace.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    February Running Totals (miles)
    [1/31 – 14.01 easy with hills]
    2/1 – 6.08 easy + 4 strides
    2/2 – 9.73 warm up, speed work, cool down
    2/3 – 6.30 group run
    2/4 – 11.04 long speed work
    2/5 – scheduled rest day
    2/6 – 15.00 long speed work
    Weekly total 62.16 vs. target 62

    2/7 – 11.35 easy 1.5 hour
    2/8 – 5.96 easy + 4 strides
    2/9 – 11.08 warm up, speed work, cool down
    2/10 – 6.01 easy
    2/11 – 11.75 warm up, speed work, cool down
    2/12 – scheduled rest day
    2/13 – 22 on inside track
    Weekly total 68.15 vs. target 68

    2/14 – 12.64 easy 100 minutes
    2/15 – 6.06 easy
    2/16 – unplanned rest day – Winter Storm Olympia
    2/17 – 9.53 long speed work
    2/18 – 14 long speed work
    2/19 – 4.03 easy instead of planned rest day
    2/20 – 10.18 easy + 6 light workout
    Weekly total 62.43 vs. target 62

    February total to date – 178.73

    Goal – 62 or 68 miles per week, per training plan
    Expected February total - 262 to 265 miles

    Today's notes – It's been a mentally tough week of training, starting with last Saturday. 22 miles on an indoor track was the expected mental challenge. 100 minutes the next day was an unexpected mental challenge. Then Winter Storm Olympia disrupted everything on Tuesday, and I spent the rest of the week adjusting for that. Tried to run Tuesday's workout on Wednesday, and watered it down due to memory failure.

    Thursday was another inside track day, due to narrow shoulders on the roads. Got the workout done, but I was whipped by the time I finished. At that point, I needed about 20 miles to round out the week. Saturday's assignment was 2 miles easy, 2 mile MP, 2 miles easy. I had talked to Coach about that a couple weeks ago, because the math was hard for this week giving the short Saturday run; he said it was okay to add miles. Meanwhile, the regular 8:30 pacer for today had reported out for a trip to do some ice climbing. So I planned to cover for him, pacing 10 miles today before doing my assigned 6 mile workout.

    That meant running 4 miles on Friday. I ran those at a casual run from a local running store, at 39° F. Even though I had to wear trail shoes, dodge some clumpy snow, and run in the street where sidewalks were uncleared, it felt great to be outside instead of on an indoor track!

    This morning, it was 45° F (7° C) with 19 mph W wind. I hadn't paced 8:30 in a while, and most of my easy runs had been averaging close to 8:00, so it took a little while to get back in the groove for 8:30; but I brought the 10 miles in at an average pace of 8:26. Took a short break for water and to walk past the major stoplight before starting the assigned workout, then went and ran it on mostly clear roads. Brought the 6 miles in at 8:02, 8:00, 7:05, 7:10, 8:25, and 8:18. Went out faster than I should have at the start of the MP interval; the second mile of MP was about where I'd like it to be, perhaps even a shade fast. Then I was pretty whipped for not having run any faster than MP; hence the last 2 miles at the slow end of easy. No doubt the last 2 miles would have felt a lot easier if I had't run the first 10 miles just before starting the last 6.

    But I brought the week in close enough to target, and tomorrow starts a new week. There is a storm forecast for mid week; I hope it isn't bad enough to cancel any running days.

    Upcoming races:
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY)
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    February goal 40 miles.
    3.36 miles on February 3rd, 3.42 miles on February 4th. Trying to run 10 miles per week,unfortunately on the treadmill this month. Total is 6.78 miles so far.
    HM on 5/7.

    2/8 3.9 miles. Total is 10.68 miles

    2/9 3.84 miles. Total is 14.52----1/3 of the way to goal.

    2/11 4.39 miles. Total is 15.08. Getting more fit. 2.5 minutes to recover after pushing myself to 93% max heart rate.

    2/15 4.52 miles. Total is 19.6. All on the treadmill with 1% incline.

    2/20 8 miles, running outdoors on a local trail. 27.6 miles total.
    Very sore hips, esp the right after the 4th miles.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    It was a beautiful morning for a HM! I had a great run (not a PR or even close) but my legs were tired so I decided to just have fun, enjoy the beautiful scenery (vineyards and hot air balloons) and cheer on all the other runners. A lot of the course was on dirt and gravel roads that were graded oddly and had these weird bumps that were very difficult to run on... oh and many hills but only one really bad one. If my body was better rested I think it would have been a wonderful course. It was so much fun, before, during and after and I met so many great runners!
    Balloons at sunrise.
    Vineyards and ballons along the course
    Everyone was stopping to take pictures here because the ballons were so close!
    And of course the bling, not including the feather boa, light up tutu, beautiful race jacket and a tiara! :)

    02/01.......4.15..........4.15 - Treadmill run at the hotel
    02/03.......3.55..........7.70 - Treadmill run at the hotel
    02/05.......4.12........11.82 - Yay for running outdoors!
    02/07.....13.20........25.02 - Surf City HM
    02/08.......4.50........29.52 - Agility
    02/09.......6.10........35.62 - +Strength Training
    02/11.......4.32........39.94 - +Strength Training
    02/14.......2.00........49.16 - Dog Beach Valentine run
    02/15.......0.00........49.16 - Agility
    02/16.......5.18........54.34 - +Strength Training
    02/18.......5.34........59.68 - +Strength Training
    02/20.....13.34........73.02 - Divas HM


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    02/20/16 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Oh and @Elise4270 - I had cherry pie tonight because I could :)
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Orphia It's so cool the totally-different-than-North America kind of wildlife y'all have! I was scrolling through and saw that wallaby and I was just like, "Oh I guess, sometimes people see those instead of deer in other parts of the world." Crazy! ALSO: I love that Oatmeal comic. I bought his running book before my first marathon and it was fun to flip through to attempt to calm my nerves the night before; it was also a big hit when I brought it to my second marathon (the one my family came to) and my teenage brothers got a hold of it :smile:

    @9voice9 I must have missed it... what was your surgery? Hope the healing is going well!

    @shanaber That is maybe the most scenic race course I've ever seen. Those hot air balloons! Plus you got wine AND a race jacket?! Major jealousy!! (IMO, jackets are the best race swag. But also... wine is good :)).
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited February 2016
    K so update.

    On Saturday I went to do about 10km and about 4.5km in I realized I lost my car keys. I went back and forth running looking for them but no touche. Now I need to make a copy so I don't have only one key in case I lose this one. On the plus side I never thought I could run that fast for so long looking for my keys.

    Today I did a fast 5k to see if I can beat my PR and I did even with the wind blowing in my face while climbing a bridge so there's that. Also saw an eagle that didn't looked scared by my sight at all.

    ......Date................Distance.................Dead animals...................................Alive animals
    February 15.................0
    February 16.............10 km..........2 cats, 1 dog, 154 spiders..........2 deer, 532 spiders, 5 angry dogs
    February 17.................0
    February 18........elliptical 30 min
    February 19.................0
    February 20.............10 km.....................1 dog
    February 20.............. 5 km....................1 cat, 1 sparrow.................5 cool dogs just chilling, 1 eagle

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    2/1: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/2: 5 miles
    2/3: 7.5 miles
    2/4: 8.2 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/5: Rest day (hallelujah!)
    2/6: 9.5 miles with the Saturday crew
    2/7: 18 miles LR
    2/8: 6.1 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/9: Rest day
    2/10: 7 miles speedwork (am), 10 miles (pm)
    2/11: 6 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/12: Rest day!
    2/13: 14 miles with Saturday crew
    2/14: 7 miles
    2/15: Rest/lazy day
    2/16: 5 miles
    2/17: 5 miles (am), 12 miles (pm)
    2/18: 8 miles (am), 6 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    2/19: Rest day!
    2/20: 8.5 miles
    2/21: 16 miles

    AMAZING RUN TODAY! Started in the low 40s, and it was mid-50s when I got done. A tiny breeze, partly cloudy, and I planned a rolling hills, scenic kind of route. I did the first 7 with a buddy and we paced solid 9s for those, then I kept to an 8:50-9:10 pace until mile 12. I did 2 8:30s (the second one was part of the end of run progression, but was also up a 1/2 mile long hill), then a flat 7:40 mile, then a downhill 6:50 mile to end the run. I felt so strong on those last couple miles! Runs like this make me wanna get out and race to see what my true race paces are now!


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon