Wanting to lose 3.4 pounds by July 4th. Possible?



  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Cut your hair, take a s*it, take a piss and take off all clothing and jewelry when stepping on the scale in the morning. Boom! 3.4 pounds gone.

    To all those who suggested she have a bowel movement before weighing:

    Women! Don't! Poop! :huh:

    Especially the cute ones.

    ok! they don't! don't spoil this for me. not listening. not listening. lalalalalalala
  • Challenges are a great way to focus your efforts but the only one grading you is yourself! You gave it a try and pretty much made it. The difference between where you are and where you set the bar is meaningless. Just keep on keepin on and you'll win in the end. We all idolize passing the magic round numbers but they are only round because we have ten fingers ;)

    I heartily agree! Ignore the numbers... you have so little weight left to lose, and you've lost quite a lot. I'd say you can feel satisfied in a job well done and continue losing weight steadily as you were before instead of trying to rush for the 4th :) To be honest, losing 2.5 pounds or so will probably not make so much of a difference in how you look.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Dehydrate and low carb. You'll feel like **** and body won't look any better, but if the goal is weight it will work. Once you drink water and eat again, weight will automatically return though, so in reality there's really no point to it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I can lose 6 pounds in a day. 2 hours of cardio. Lay out in the sun on a hot day. Take a laxative. Drink just enough not to pass out. Eat just enough not to pass out. No sodium. No carbs. I did this to win a bet. I hate losing. Bets that is. I won the bet.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    It's doable...good luck with your goal.

  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    If you haven't been drinking much water previously, if you drink about 10 cups a day until your goal, you should be able to drop 3-4 lbs by the 4th. otherwise, short of starving yourself there's no quick way to go about it really.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Add as much workout in as you can that's all I can recommend. If it isn't possible just remember how hard you have worked and don't beat yourself up about it.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Ha, wow... really interesting to see all the negative and sarcastic feedback and assumptions! I never understand why people feel the need to be snide and rude.

    Thank you to those who actually provided something constructive! :)

    I weighed in today and turns out I actually only have 2.5 pounds until my July 4th goal. I don't expect to lose a solid 2.5 pounds of FAT by Thursday, nor does it really matter in truth. Contrary to what some of you implied about me, the number on the scale is not the SOLE indicator of my success, nor does it completely dictate my feelings of accomplishment.

    In the past I have done several different kinds of challenges (aiming to run a 5K, getting a certain number of miles logged per month, inches lost in my waist, Whole 30 challenges, etc.) The reason I chose to measure this challenge by the number on the scale, is because I will have officially lost 40 pounds since 2011 and be under 200 pounds for the first time since 2006.... it's a personal "big deal" for me (not that I need to justify my motivation to anyone but myself.)

    I've been doing this long enough to know what works for me... I was just hoping to pick up some added inspiration and/or tips that I didn't know before (for instance, totally didn't dawn on me that miso was high sodium and could lead to weight retention *smacks forehead*)

    I understand challenging yourself and have no issue with it. The only thing that really worries me is if you do achieve your goal and get to 199 by July 4th. You'll feel great, excited...but how will you feel if the next time you step on the scale and you're back at 200 or 202 or 204? Just realize that you may hit onederland, but not stay there if you rush it.
  • ouiouilezizi
    To try to respond to the bulk of the comments:

    a) I'm not planning to beat myself up if I don't make it. As I said in my first post, I'm going to try and let the chips fall where they fall. If I DO make it, I don't intend to go balls-out crazy and suddenly stop my efforts after I hit my mini-goal. In fact, I've already planned my food that day and have the calories/ points logged in... but thank you to all who expressed concern for these hypothetical situations.

    b) At 5'9" and still 50 pounds overweight, it is NOT unrealistic or unhealthy to try to lose 2.5 pounds in 5 days. I will not "take days off my life" by trying to do so in a healthy, albeit regimented way. I didn't say that I needed to lose 2.5 pounds of fat, and honestly, I'd be fine with water weight, especially water weight and bloat from gluten, salt and dairy that I've had in my diet for the past couple weeks.

    c) I appreciate all the psychoanalysis, but I didn't really ask for people to suggest changes to my underlying motivation, goal or challenge. Not everyone measures their success the same, so back off and maybe consider getting off your high horse? Just because the scale or your numerical weight may be a negative, anxiety-causing, meaningless quantifier for YOU, doesn't mean you should bash it for others, especially when you are proudly displaying your little tickers with your losses in your signature...if this is the case why have ANY of you weighed yourselves at all on your own journeys? -_- Let's not be hypocrites myfitnespal-ers.

    d) I wasn't looking for unhealthy suggestions/tips, so all of you who suggested dehydration were rather unhelpful.

    e) To those of you who did post some suggestions and positive feedback, thank you! :)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You look fab in your pic, just how you are!!

    Wow you have lost so much weight already..................Well done!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think the thing that bugs me a little about having a weight loss goal within a time frame is that it's a pass/fail type of challenge. Coming really close is still an amazing achievement. Being bummed that you're a few pounds off is like being upset that you scored a 95% on a test instead of 100.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I think the thing that bugs me a little about having a weight loss goal within a time frame is that it's a pass/fail type of challenge. Coming really close is still an amazing achievement. Being bummed that you're a few pounds off is like being upset that you scored a 95% on a test instead of 100.

    Trust me ... I've had my students complain about a 99.5%
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    I think the thing that bugs me a little about having a weight loss goal within a time frame is that it's a pass/fail type of challenge. Coming really close is still an amazing achievement. Being bummed that you're a few pounds off is like being upset that you scored a 95% on a test instead of 100.

    Trust me ... I've had my students complain about a 99.5%

    Well, ya, I can see that...like round numbers, onederland, etc, there's something compelling about perfection. 99.5% is sooooo close to 100%.

    When I got my pilot's license, they add up your written scores and your flight test scores, and the person with the highest score got a Pilot of the Year trophy. I missed it by 1 point. 1 POINT!!!!! Arggggh. It wasn't that I didn't win it, the part that haunted me was I could think of at least 4 places where I could have easily gotten that point (I botched a special takeoff a bit, I made a stupid mistake in the oral exam, I went against my instincts on 1 question on the written, and I didn't fight the examiner on a question marked wrong that I KNOW was right).

    Sometimes we are most critical of ourselves. I'm the only one who'd care whether I had the trophy or not, and certainly I was the only one who felt I hadn't been 100% successful. Everyone ELSE just recognized that I'd successfully completed something difficult. She seems to understand both the reality of her current success and the importance of setting goals and trying to meet them. Consistent persistence...she'll win in the end so long as she keeps at it.

    BTW some people on here really do need the "psychoanalysis", and really do live and die by the scale. There's no way to know that up front. Your post had a "do or die" "pass or fail" "love me hate me" kind of vibe to it. Sorry....and I'm proud of my ticker, as you should be of yours.

    Your only choices besides dehydration is dumping waste, subcutaneous water, fat, or glycogen. All the choices have been mentioned above. It IS possible because it really comes down to math. It may not be easy, smart, healthy, permanent, or matter in the grand scheme of things, but it is possible.