WLS: Is it a good option for me?



  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    A few months ago I was 380 lbs at just over 6'1". Since then I've lost 40 lbs. Now I feel like I can do this without WLS (which I had investigated, although not as thoroughly as you have). I really think that if you commit to losing the 40 lbs, you'll know the best decision for yourself at that point.

    My advice: don't commit to the surgery yet. Just commit to the 40 lbs.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    Weight loss is something that you have to do for yourself. If you are going to lose 40 pounds, then you might want to try to continue on the healthy lifestyle.

    You sound like a very smart person who tries and then gives up. Have you asked yourself why you give up? WLS is a tool. I know people who have had the surgery and then continued to eat and the surgery was not a success for them. If you can walk, then walk. Moving is always good.

    If you feel that your weight is keeping you from getting employment, then continue to apply for jobs that you really want. You sound like you would be an asset to any company.

    Good luck.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I would take the doctor's advice and go for the weight loss surgery, because you are over 500 pounds, have tried to lose it before many times, and keep gaining it back. Once your weight is down into a more normal range, you could create a whole new healthier life. There is no shame in going through the surgery if you need it. Lots of times we think we should be able to do something on our own, but sometimes we can't and need help from outside. Best wishes to you whatever your decision turns out to be.

    Editing this to say I went back to read the other comments. I agree with the people who say commit to losing the 40 pounds and then see how you feel about the surgery. If you can lose the 40 lbs on your own, try to keep going with it.
  • burnsmh
    burnsmh Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone for your comments. I am going to lose the 40 and see how I feel about it...Maybe lose the 40 and give myself a month or two to keep it up and see how I feel after that. But as of right now I am feeling more and more that this might be the right option for me, the surgery I mean.

    I do agree I need to seek therapy for it and I am going to start looking into that.

    I started counting calories with this site and using my phone to track my exercise.

    I have 3620ish calories a day, on average I end up with 1500-1650 left over at the end of the day.
    I walk between 1 1/2 miles and .90 miles a day depending if I walk to my Aunt's house and back or just to the end of my street and back home.

    Today is going to be really hard to be honest with you...I'm going to deposit some cash I got and pick my brother up a sub way sandwich...And today I was informed that I didn't get the 2 jobs I was interviewed for and really wanted...And I really want a Sonic bacon cheese burger and gatoraid slush...But I know that is just 'stress' eating. And I keep telling myself I woke up late but will go to bed at the same time so I didn't get breakfast and it's already lunch so I will be fine if I get my burger but I know I don't need it...I am trying my best to push it in the back of my head and get over the depression and anger of it all...And knowing it is stress eating should make it easier to stop thinking about the burger...But it isn't...It isn't making it any easier to not think about buying that burger.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    Sorry about the jobs. But they WILL come. Especially with the weight loss, because people DO discriminate. Go for a delicious healthy Subway sandwich instead of the burger! Tho I am sure the burger fits into your calories. Have lunch and walk off the frustration, knowing the job hunting WILL get better with better health. Good Luck and Keep your Head UP!!! You can friend me if you like. I am a Nana and a Mama to daughters your age so the Mama just comes out in me when I read your posts~
  • burnsmh
    burnsmh Posts: 4
    Sorry about the jobs. But they WILL come. Especially with the weight loss, because people DO discriminate. Go for a delicious healthy Subway sandwich instead of the burger! Tho I am sure the burger fits into your calories. Have lunch and walk off the frustration, knowing the job hunting WILL get better with better health. Good Luck and Keep your Head UP!!! You can friend me if you like. I am a Nana and a Mama to daughters your age so the Mama just comes out in me when I read your posts~

    I splurged alittle I got a footlong steak sammich a cup of soup and an arizona watermellon drink...

    I am still well under my calories, full and content...Gonna watch a movie I started while I was eating then go walking.