

  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies-

    It is a good thing this site posts the date because I thought it was Friday already. This lack of sleep is getting to me. I bought a lavander sachet to put in my pillow, but I can't remember where I put it! :embarassed: I really need a good night's sleep!

    We had a nice rain session last night. The thunder was gentle, instead of jarring, and it was relaxing. The cats didn't even get frightened. I am glad it rained because now I do not have to drag the big hose all the way up to the new planting site! :smile:

    I am coming in under calories, but I don't like my choices ( I know, make other ones!) so I don't think I am losing. I think the next time I go home I will have to bring my own scale back with me. However, not having my own scale is really no excuse.... I am just being stubborn about this right now. I just want to eat and eat and eat and...... you understand, I think it is a common phase for all of us.

    Amanda- I am angry at your brother and sister, too. How awful! However, if your Dad is being well cared for by the hospital staff, I am sure he would want you to take care of yourself, too! If there is a reason to leave the drips and drains in place, maybe you should trust the professionals and take care of your health. If something goes wrong and gets infected, it will only make things worse all the way around this situation. Sending healing prayers for both you and your father.

    Well, I am off to do my chores. TTYL- Have a great Thursday, everyone.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Elliemay - welcome! We are very chatty here. You have come to the right place to look gorgeous for the wedding!

    Phoo - I am with you - what day is it? I keep thinking it's Sunday. :noway: I think it's the weather and my holiday mood.

    I was sending my friends and relatives a Smilebox collage of our Saturday in the garden with DGS. He looks so beyond cute. And we don't look too bad either!:laugh: :bigsmile: It prompted me to look back at some old photos of me when I was bigger. Oh wow!:noway: :ohwell: Even those times when I didn't think I looked too bad, like on my honeymoon, I now think I look huge. And the more recent ones from last year. Goodness, gracious me.!!!!! It's good to have those to look back on, but at my worst, last May/June there are no photos at all of me anywhere. If DH took a sneaky one I deleted it.:embarassed: The last time I was this weight was in 1994.

    It was great to get an instant reply back in response to my Smilebox from DS#1 who is holidaying in France. I don't hear from him all that often (men!), but ain't modern technology wonderful!

    DH is non communicado at the moment because the Ashes are on. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, it is a highly contentious, rivalrous series of cricket matches between England and Australia which have been closely fought for many years. His mood will entirely depend on England's performance.:laugh: When we were in Portugal one year he travelled miles to the nearest big town to watch it in an English bar! Several days running. There are a lot of these matches.:cry: DH used to be a very keen amateur cricketer when he was younger and his keenness was probably one of the reasons his first marriage ended.:ohwell: Luckily he just watches these days. :love:

    I am going to make a Summer Pudding with the last of our blackcurrants. Do you have it over in the USA? It's a mixture of poached summer berries in a bread covering. You have to let it all soak in overnight and then I will freeze it for our next lucky guests!:drinker:

    Good news. This morning I asked DH to weigh himself as I thought he was looking better. He has put on about 5 lbs! He still weighs less than I do at 6 ft, but at least he has covering for his bones. In January he was looking like a Belsen inmate. All my force feeding him cake has paid off! He is also lifting my heavy dumbbells and has regained some muscle. :bigsmile:

    All those struggling with low spirits - we are with you. I have been there too many times to recall.:sick: Hope everything feels better soon. Just remember - food is not the answer. :heart: 《hugs》★☆♡♥

    Heather from sunny and delightful Hampshire UK
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    Still haven’t had the time to read the posts and probably won’t ever get completely caught up, but wanted to check in and say hello to everyone, welcome the newcomers, and say thanks to all who post regularly.

    I am still struggling with sodium.:devil: I realize that I have to stop depending on packaged products if I want to seriously cut down, but it’s hard when I get up before 6am and don’t get home until after 6pm every day. For instance, a lot of times I use Perdue short cuts grilled chicken in salads for lunch, but today we had some grilled chicken left over from dinner, and I am using that. The difference in sodium is staggering. WHY do they have to add so much sodium to packaged chicken….or low-cal salad dressings…or pretty much ANYTHING that is low-cal?:grumble: I also bring deli sliced lunch meats or store-prepared chicken salad to make wraps for lunch. I have always had chips with my lunch, but I am substituting Special K cracker chips. I have always ordered my lunch along with everyone else where I work, so bringing food from home is already a change for me. I’m trying hard to cut calories, but is the convenience of these foods worth it? This is the question I am asking myself. To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure this is a problem, but every time I see the sodium in the food I log, I am shocked.:huh:

    I am a person who needs to eat food. I admire those who use protein shakes, but they do not work for me. I eat three meals a day and snack several times in between. I drink plenty of water. I am more conscious of my snacks and eat more fruit than ever before. I do eat lots of vegetables and have cut down on portion sizes for meats and starches (rice, potatoes, etc.). Even though I love my sweets, they do not seem to be the problem. I want to be clear on this. This has NOT affected my weight. I have been maintaining my goal weight without any problems. It may fluctuate a pound or two either way on any given day, but usually stays pretty even. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

    Consistent logging (Pretty good except on vacations)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (90%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET!!!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (NOPE, but working on it!)

    :heart: Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    EATINGTOLIVE77 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello, I'm a new member to MFP and would like to join this group.

    I am 55, had my one and only child at 37 and I have never been back down to my before baby weight since. I am truly inspired by the comments and support that I have experienced in just the past 10 day as a MFP member.

    Please let me know what I have to do to join in on this group.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Another week of 90+ weather so I must get up and out early to get walking the dog and exercise in. Got it done yesterday and today after not doing anything for 2 days due to continued back spasms. But that seems to have subsided so I’m back at it. Have been reading each day so am up to speed with everyone (I think). Continued progress, health and happiness this week to all of you wonderful women!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Kat in MD – I am adding to my goals “make the damn dentist appt. already” LOL Also, I certainly would love to take credit for teaching my dog to do yoga but alas it is simply a fabulous picture I found and fell in love with. My dog sits up like a person regularly but does not have the asana position down at all :bigsmile:

    Amanda – I really have no words! “I have to go to a play”???????? :mad: Your father is very lucky to have you, but don’t forget that you won’t be able to be there for him if you neglect your own health. Hoping your doctor freely discharges you. Virtual hugs to you (and him) from across the pond.

    Sandy – So glad to hear you’ve (finally) gotten a respite from the rain. Hope you have fun taking advantage of the sunshine! :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie – Hoping you (and Chester) are feeling better soon! :smile:

    Tere – I too am a shoe lover (probably a gross understatement) and do love my heels! Don’t have much opportunity to wear them since I’ve been unemployed but boy do I have some great ones :wink:

    Katla – What wonderful news about DH and his new lenses, certainly a blessing for you both. We have foxes that roam our neighborhood and unfortunately my next door neighbor feeds them too. Animal Control has been out twice to ask her to stop, but she ignores them, even though rabies does exist in wild animals in our state. Really upsets me but don’t what else can be done.:grumble:

    Pat/Phoo – I certainly can empathize with the sleep deprivation. I think I’ve only slept through the night once in the past month. I’ve read that this does also impact the loss of weight (or lack thereof!). Hoping it works better for you now that you’ve had a few to days to settle in the “big house”. :smile:

    Heather – Summer Pudding sounds scrumptious!!! I love berries in all their iterations. Great news that DH is getting healthier and stronger (he needs to in order to keep up with his beautiful bride!) :happy:

    Lucy – The changes you have made and are continuing to make are a big deal. Pat yourself on the back for those, don’t beat yourself up for things you’ve not done “perfectly”. You’ve achieved and maintained your goal weight, which is an enormous accomplishment! You rock sista, own it! :drinker:

    Judy – Hello and welcome! You just “joined” this wonderful group of women simply by posting. Just go to “Community” at the top of any page, and then look for “My Topics” click there and you’ll find us. (look out as we’re nearing 500 posts, which means the link to the new thread will be at the bottom of the 500th message – so look for it today probably). :wink:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “when people suck the life out of you, wouldn’t it be nice if they took some fat too?”
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    afternoon ladies, just got back from grocery shopping..just walking around the store my heel was really aggrivated. I wanted to take a walk,but I fear if I do,my heel will be horrible.. was going to the gym this morning and I have 2 huge blemishes on my face that I picked at, so there are 2 huge red scabs on my face:blushing: ,so I didn't go.
    Shopping was ok. I read tons of labels now.
    I didn't buy any chocolate:bigsmile: I did buy graham crackers, and chocolate graham crackers(my chocolate) 100 calorie plain almonds,and fat free fig newtons for myself.. also bought, little fruit and veggie sticks with dip. I know it is prepared food,but portable and already portioned
    found my light -flat out wraps that I use for everything -90 calories of deliciousness.oh and some rice cakes...
    did buy other stuff for the DH ,and for lunch today,I had a wonderful sandwich. I splurged and had a chibatta roll, with a laughing cow garden vegetable wedge and 2 slices of deli turkey.. OMG was sooooooo yummy.
    off to make the bed, take the puppies for a walk and find something the ol boy will like for dinner. ta ta for now
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hello & welcome! You became part of this as soon as you posted. You will find all sorts of motivation here. It's a lovely group of women who sustain each other and get a few laughs in, too. Enjoy your Thursday!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning all,

    I am still struggling with sodium.:devil: I realize that I have to stop depending on packaged products if I want to seriously cut down, but it’s hard when I get up before 6am and don’t get home until after 6pm every day. For instance, a lot of times I use Perdue short cuts grilled chicken in salads for lunch, but today we had some grilled chicken left over from dinner, and I am using that. The difference in sodium is staggering. WHY do they have to add so much sodium to packaged chicken….or low-cal salad dressings…or pretty much ANYTHING that is low-cal?:grumble: I also bring deli sliced lunch meats or store-prepared chicken salad to make wraps for lunch. I have always had chips with my lunch, but I am substituting Special K cracker chips. I have always ordered my lunch along with everyone else where I work, so bringing food from home is already a change for me. I’m trying hard to cut calories, but is the convenience of these foods worth it? This is the question I am asking myself. To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure this is a problem, but every time I see the sodium in the food I log, I am shocked.:huh:

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:

    Convenience and health often don't seem to go together. Is sodium a health issue for you? It is for DH. We used to buy the Costco chicken breasts until we read that they're injected with up to 15% salt water. (This was in the labeling at the store. I guess we just turned a blind eye before.) Now we only buy fresh chicken in our local market. No added sodium. Sodium is not affecting my blood pressure, but I notice that I feel better if I don't have too much. I still salt my food, but not until after it is cooked. That is primarily for DH but I seem to be benefiting, too. Good luck in your decision making.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hello, Jury duty today. So far no "duty" just sitting around the jury lounge. I could go outside, but it's RAINING! You understand we just don't get rain in summer usually.

    Amanda, I agree with everyone else. Please take care of yourself!

    Eileen in rainy San Diego
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all, Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a few days. I have just been so busy at work and by the time I got home I didn't want anything to do with a computer.

    Today is my last day in hell. She was her typical self in my close out review and rated me really poorly. It was retaliatory since I had gone to HR. But now it is all over and I will never have to work for her again.

    Take care all, I am not sure when or if I will have time to catch up on the posts.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    summery PNW
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    Yes I am over 50, I am a senior and I am 66 years old.

    My June Accomplishments was I lost 5 pounds.
    Tried to do more exercise as I have bad knees and arthritis in my hip and spine. Degenerative Arthritis.

    July Goals:
    Stay 50 calories below my calorie Goal
    Drink my water, 9-10 glasses of water.
    Try to increase my walking and work on exercises for my Abs.
    Keep sodium level down.

    From Springfield, Mo
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    And I am wearing a women's 2X t-shirt (more fitted) rather than a man's t-shirt that I usually hide in.

    You go, girl! Way to rock that fitted shirt and look good. Next thing you know, you'll be shopping for some tank tops!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Happy Thurs.
    Got some exercise hauling some of our yarn bins to another location.Sorted thru bins.Ended up with more yarn for projects.
    Had a nice lunch and visit with my 3 ladies.
    Beautiful day,low humidity and low 80`s.Nice to have the windows open and give the air con a break.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I guess I'm going to have to call my doctor about my headaches. I went to bed with one. Usually when I go to bed with one it's gone in the morning. But even though I usually wake up at around 11 AM I woke up at 6. The headache wasn't in it's usual spot , it was along my temple line going back to the back of my head where it is usually right above my eye. I routinely take 2 Aleve twice a day but today I added 3 Extra strength Tylenol. It lowered it but I was counting the minutes when I could take another 2 Tylenol in 4 hours. So I didn't go to the Y. I have been lifting the 3 pound barbell I bought at Goodwill last week. We also postponed our day at the nursing home to see MIL. My husband just can't go by himself. Hopefully I will be OK tomorrow.

    Joyce, indiana
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi – just a quick drop-in to see what everyone is up to. I’m listening to a con-call . . . I can multi-task, right?

    Suzy – have a grand time at the beach! It’s funny, the foods I used to *have* to have (NOLA Jazz and Heritage Fest is a major contributor) are not so much of a temptation these days. I think it’s in my nature to be able to say no much more easily than yes – and that’s not always a good thing. Hmm. Anyway, I hope you have fun and enjoy every bite, er, moment.

    Joyce – congratulations on your blood sugar – it’s down again, right? And the inch. I bet next way in 200 lbs will be far in the rear view.

    Tere, your spirit seems so bright! I love reading your posts. Jealous of your goodie-box – my garden is being stingy on its production right now, but I’ll have cucumbers shortly (have several about 4 inches long). I’ve been extremely fortunate to have exes with whom I get along just fine – on both sides. I also seem to get along with my ex’s wife, but it wasn’t always a smooth path. Definitely get an ipod – you might be able to find one for fairly cheap now since everyone uses their phone as a mp3 player now. I have an armband and LOVE listening to music as I’m walking. DH hates it though – he wants to talk. I listen to all sorts of music, but it tends towards folksy-bluesy – and depends on my mood for the day.

    Sandy from ON – I feel your pain on not sleeping well. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I can vouch for the fact that increasing my exercise considerably has really made a significant improvement in my ability to get a good night’s rest. I still wake up once or twice per night, but it’s not every couple of hours like it used to be, and usually the second time is when I’m getting up anyway (to my cat alarm).

    K in Kitsap, I don’t think it’s silly at all to be afraid of meeting up with a bear! Your goals are good ones.

    Altygirl, I don’t think you’re eating is that far out of bounds. How many grams of protein are in your shakes? It feels like a lot if you’re eating regular food too . . . and if you’re working out you need some carbs (not a lot, but at least 30-35%) to give your body extra energy.

    Janie, wow, busy day. Congratulations on the smaller shirt size!

    Meg, FB was alive yesterday with Tesla’s birthday, and someone posted a mural that was painted on the side of a manufacturing facilty/office in Lincoln of Tesla’s life/accomplishments. It made me feel proud to know people from there. I feel your pain on the household shopping trip too:sad: . I’m laughing about getting a mister for cooling off – if I were to get a new one, it wouldn’t be for cooling off :wink:. I love zydeco – have a wonderful time!

    Oh, Amanda – I’m so sorry your siblings are so self-centered:angry: . Please take care of yourself and don’t put your own health at risk!

    Elliemay, welcome and what a wonderful reason to get in shape!

    Katla, that’s great news for your DH.

    Heather, we have a similar pudding, but we bake ours and call it a cobbler or bread pudding. When I make a charlotte or bombe I use ladyfingers and some sort of creamy filling in addition to the fresh fruits. It’s yummy.:love: That’s good news on your DH.

    Lucy, sodium in processed foods is staggering, that’s for sure:grumble: . Even canned beans have a huge amount. I think it’s necessary for preserving and processing, really. You know the answer even if you don’t want to hear it – start making more for your evening meal and take left-overs the next day for lunch, or simply plan something on the weekend you can make and take during the week (we do egg salad a lot). I also keep unsalted almonds on hand for snack. Even cottage cheese has a lot of sodium (well, it’s cheese, so duh!). My downfall is the need for something crunchy/salty. I’ve finally just given into that need and built it into my day in the form of tortilla chips – but I count them out the way some people count squares of chocolate lol.

    Brooke, glad to hear your back spasms are easing up. Enjoy those days – it will be cold before you know it!

    Robin, I’m so glad you’re moving out of that job. Happy day!:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    JaneM, that sounds like a really nice day.

    Joyce, might the headaches be related to barometric pressure? I get them when storms are coming in. But yes, if they’re there consistently and not easing up it’s best to get them looked at.

    So as I was typing I started hearing this clicking noise. It continued long enough for me to go look to see what the cat had gotten into. As it turned out, a little lightening bug had gotten caught in a spider web and was letting me know how seriously unhappy he was with that. Too bad. I live and let live with the bugs in the house – including any wild kingdom life and death scenarios.

    OK, I think I’m going to go for a walk tonight – drag DH out with me too.

    Have a wonderful day – Cheers!

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies - I've missed you. I'm way behind on all the posts - work has been very demanding. Not sure when I'll catch up but know I'm thinking of you: sending healing and supportive thoughts to those who need it and happy congrats to those who are succeeding on the path to getting more healthy

    This morning I had a NSV, but at the time it felt like a disaster. I had to leave very early to drive up to one of my client's offices. I had laid out my clothes the night before - picking out some pre-weight gain trousers and nice blouse that I haven't been able to wear in awhile. I thought that now that I've hit my goal weight these items would look nice on me again.

    I put them on this morning and they were huge. I looked terrible. I started pulling things out of my closet and nothing worked. I was so panicked! Finally I found a pair of pants and blouse I had shoved to the back of the closet thinking they were so small that I would never get into them again. Even they were a bit big, but definitely passable. I ended up leaving late and feeling stressed my entire drive up (in the end I was only 5 minutes late).

    My DD told me she is taking me shopping to get some decent clothes so I'll be more presentable at client visits.

    What is most interesting is that I weigh pretty much the same as I did when I bought these clothes. I guess all the strength training I added has trimmed me down more that I realized. So in retrospect I'm pleased with how I've been able to reshape my body, I just hate that none of the work clothes I love so much work anymore.

    Well, got to go burn some calories. Had a yummy sushi lunch but I need to earn some calories for dinner.

    Have a great day, Jodios
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Hi there from scorching humid buggy Maryland!

    Joyce: you will be in onederland permanently in no time!

    Suzy: I am in Elkton, it’s near the border of Delaware east of Baltimore. Thanks for the Skin So Soft tip. I found some on Amazon and ordered it. It has great reviews and also has sunscreen in it, so yay! Have a great time in Ocean City!

    Sasha: I used to travel to Vancouver and Surrey quite a bit for work several years ago. Is that anywhere near where you are? Gorgeous over there!

    Pat: chin up, it’s can be a new start every second, so you can turn things around as fast as you want to!

    Yanniejannie: I love having the chickens, although they are not pets. They poop constantly!

    Helen: Yes, I live in a rural area. Nearest neighbor is about ½ mile away. The chickens are definitely bothered by other animals as in eaten by them! I lost a few to a fox a while back. Now, I don’t let them have the run of the property. They stay in their coop with an attached outdoor protected run. Chickens are basically prey for all kinds of other animals… fox, raccoons, dogs, hawks, etc. Sorry to hear about your English cat.  It’s so sad when a beloved pet passes on. But I’m happy to hear you have other pets to love.

    Grandmallie: I’ve been eating raw string beans. Maybe I’m just desperate, but they crunch like chips and help me when I’m feeling like I want to eat buffet.

    Mwheatcraft: Thanks for the tip on Skin So Soft. I ordered some, it has great reviews, so I’m looking forward to it!

    Sandy: I used to have sleep apnea until I lost a bunch of weight. Those sleep studies are a trip! My sleep doctor wanted me to go through a study again to confirm I no longer had apnea. In addition to having lost over 100 pounds (many folks lose apnea after about 50 pounds) I have solid evidence I don’t… a guy who sleeps next to me and says I don’t. LOL.

    Terewilliams: I listen to 70’s disco when I really want to kick butt on the elliptical or arc trainer. It makes me MOVE. I have an ipod nano but also I have an even smaller one called a shuffle that just clips right onto my shirt. When I use the nano, I just put it in my pocket. Another song that makes me go crazy on the Arc Trainer is Runaround Sue… before my time, but it gets me going!

    Joyce: I have to try the Pandora 80’s cardio station! Sounds good!

    Meg: never had a cavity?! Wow! There are different ways to cook the steel cut depending on how you like them. I would search for some recipes online. I use a simple method: 3 cups water to 1 cup oats. Bring the water to a boil and then add the oats, reduce heat and cook 10-20 mins depending on how chewy you like it. Cover and remove from heat and let stand for a few mins. Some folks also cook them ahead of time in a crockpot, I haven’t tried that. Also, you can put some salt in the water if you want, I don’t add salt when I cook.

    Linda: I am jealous of your berries! I have what looks to be a patch of blackberries growing along the lane through the woods… I’ll see if it amounts to anything, lots of little red ones so far.

    Lucy: I agree on the ridiculous amount of sodium they put in stuff, I just don’t get it. I don’t buy it anymore, I make just about everything. I grill a week’s worth of chicken breast outside and then package it in 4 ounce little baggies and it’s around whenever I need it, no fuss. I also make my own soups now. Not this time of year, but it’s easy and convenient to do in the crock pot and then I just freeze portions. It’s as easy as opening up a can, but a lot more healthy! The problem with packaged food too is that if it’s low cal, it’s probably high sodium; and low sodium often has more sugar. I even cook my own beans now.

    Brooke: I did it! I made the appt! Yes! Did you make yours? Hope your back is better! What kind of dog do you have?

    Robin: sounds like you are free now, should feel like you just lost a ton of dead weight: your old boss!

    Jodios: congrats on the NSV, it’s wonderful when clothes have become too large, a true sign of progress! Too bad it happened at an inopportune time though!

    I am pleased to announce that I did make a dentist appt today! It’s for next Wednesday. And I went to the gym again today… that’s Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday so far. So, I’m doing well in my goals for this month so far. Yes!

    In addition to being on conf calls all day (I work from home) I finished refinishing 2 outdoor benches and put together an aluminum one tonight that I ordered from Amazon. Tomorrow I have a hair appt to get rid of the damn gray. I wish they would invent something that would color it from the inside out, like a pill or drink I could use instead of the stinky hair dye. Of course, the heavy gray areas are right around my face. I tried growing it out, but it’s just not me… so dye I do.

    On the pet front, I have 2 cats (Jazz and Fritz) and one morkie dog (Jackson). He is a year old and about 15 pounds, my first dog ever in my adult life and I wonder what I waited for! He really helped me get more active because he is a ball of energy. I also have a small flock of chickens (7 hens and 1 rooster) but they really are not “pets”. The live out in their own coop with an outdoor protected run and I think they just like me because I feed them. They eat almost anything in addition to their regular feed. I hardly put anything down the garbage disposal, I just walk it out to the coop.

    Have a great evening and a wonderful day tomorrow!
    Kat in Maryland
  • topskaren
    topskaren Posts: 14 Member
    Hi just wanted to tell everyone made my goal weight tonight and am very Happy about it now I must keep it off so I will keep eating healthy and keep doing my workout 106 1/2 pounds gone :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    Hi just wanted to tell everyone made my goal weight tonight and am very Happy about it now I must keep it off so I will keep eating healthy and keep doing my workout 106 1/2 pounds gone :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I hope you'll keep coming back and share what you know about weight loss and keeping the weight off.

    :flowerforyou: So much dancing and walking today that there’s no time for the computer……I read all the posts and now I’m headed for bed.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from cool and cloudy NW Washington


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 33,000 steps including two line dance classes and getting the house ready for the house guest that arrives early afternoon tomorrow.