

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning ladies,
    well I got some sleep but,i am just feeling wiped out today. so layin low, don't think I will walk or go to the gym today. doing a load of laundry, and keeping watch over Chester.. He did well with his surgery and is resting comfortably.
    those grilled cheese last night didn't do anything for my sodium outtake:grumble: still up a couple of lbs,but the reason I think I was dropping the weight last week is because of the humidity and I was sweating it off.
    I feel drained.. don't know why..but will keep on truckin...
  • melaniehubbard
    melaniehubbard Posts: 121 Member
    Hi new to the site.
    My goal is to walk in the am for at least half hour and just get moving and log everyday.

  • Cakelady11
    Cakelady11 Posts: 11 Member

    noticed your pic. How cute. I have a tea cup poodle that is 15 years old now and seeing the signs of the age. Any tips on how I can make her more comfortable. Vet says she is at her max age right now. Want to do my best for her. Thanks:smile:
  • lilbit421
    lilbit421 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi also new to this site. I need to get back on track - gained weight on vacation last week and frustrated! Did 20 minutes of Zumba last night - goals for July:
    - log all food
    - log all exercise
    - gym at least 3 times per week for 40 - 45 minutes
    - Zumba (or other workout) at home at least 2 nights per week
    - get all my water in and watch the caloric intake
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lucy:smile: Sounds like you had a very nice time with your family! It`s good to see you back here!

    Sandy from ON:smile: Portuguese :huh: , did they get it back to English for you??? I`ll let you know about the mascara when it comes in:bigsmile: !

    Janie:smile: I do post on my news feed sometimes, usually not everyday though. I try to pop in here everyday and say hello to everyone! Yay for the dreaded scale going in the right direction:bigsmile: !!!

    Katla:smile: I`m so glad you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Barbie:smile: The pic of the lavender is just lovely:love: ! I tried growing it once and it just didn`t do well for me:sad: . Maybe I`ll think about planting it again:bigsmile: , see if I have better luck this time!

    Critter Sue:smile: Hope you`re feeling better and out of your funk now:flowerforyou: !

    Meg:smile: Yay for the 1/2 pound gone:bigsmile: !!!! Every little bit helps!!!

    Tere:smile: So good to see you again:flowerforyou: !

    Marcie:smile: No pin prick yet:sick: , I`m really not looking forward to it:noway: !!! Maybe I`ll get the courage to do it later today:tongue: !

    Heather:smile: I love wearing high heels:love: , and I do a lot, however I have some wedges and they are so much more comfortable! I hope you enjoy the ones you ordered!!! I do love to shop on line:love: !!! Enjoy your gorgeous weather...I am jealous:glasses: :sad: !

    Grandmallie:smile: So good to hear Chester is doing well:flowerforyou: !!! Maybe you should take today for a rest day:flowerforyou: , hopefully by tomorrow your energy will be back!

    LindaC:smile: So nice to see you again!! I`ve missed your posts:cry: ! Sounds like a wonderful time at the music fest!!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Come in often and chat away with this great group of women!!!

    I had good news from my dermatologist, no skin cancers found:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!! I did have two spots that were bothering me, come to find out they are sweat pimples:huh: , she told me to take a pin and prick them and then they`ll clear up:sick: . I just have a hard time deliberately sticking myself with a pin:noway: :sad: :laugh: .

    Oh my it`s later than I thought:grumble: ! Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC and the sun is finally shining this morning:bigsmile: :glasses:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning to all who enter here. Not much time as I'm going for a visit with my grandkids who are camping an hour and a half from here. Busy time of year for me. The only reason i'm going is it's to wet to pick berries. Picking wild strawberries. Then it will be time for blueberries.
    Got on wii and he had a wii smile only .2 but that's from yesterday .2 a day would be fine by me.

    The music festival was a blast but couldn't get my man to dance I had a dance with a lady friend but one dance in four days of music just don't cut it for me. I should have had you there with me Barbie lots of good line dancing tunes.

    Well I better run and get this day on a roll.
    see you all lighter.

  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Barbie: gorgeous lavender!

    Marcie: I use steel cut oats all the time. They have a nice nutty texture. I add some (uncooked) to my bread when I bake it, adds a nice touch. Also, they are not bad raw if you want something a little crunchy. Cooked up they are well worth the extra time.

    Tere: WB, I am new. Jamaica is fabulous, you will have a great time!

    Meg: got backwoods Off with DEET, hope it will work. Thanks for the tip! Congrats on the ½ pound, every bit counts and you’re moving in the right direction!

    Adrienne: welcome! I also use fitbit to motivate myself to move more. If you would like to be fitbit buddies, here is my info: http://www.fitbit.com/user/239QFK

    Katla: enjoy those tomatoes! I have some growing up on my deck (hard to garden on the ground with my bad knee) and I’ve been able to get enough for myself each day. It’s really nice to grow your own stuff, and tastes wonderful!

    Grandmallie: glad to hear Chester is recovering well. Sodium is a killer for me too.

    DeeDee: great news from the dermatologist, that must be a relief!

    It’s looking like another hot hot hot day here in Maryland, with mega humidity thrown in. I’ve already done the morning walk with Jackson (my morkie) and not sure if I’m going to be able to get to the gym today or not (went yesterday) depends on work schedule. I plan on calling the dentist (one of my goals). I really have a phobia about the dentist, I dread it.

    I have my own chickens, brown egg layers. I don’t eat that many eggs, but they sure are delicious. Any other flock moms here?

    Have a great day ladies!
    Kat from Maryland
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    CityJane, yes, you are making me jealous. I love having the house open; these days I come down the stairs thinking it’s foggy out but it’s not, it’s just my house sweating on the inside of the windows.:grumble: We had broadbeans last night too – I have a fabulous recipe for fried tofu with dry-fried Sichuan beans – yum. I love Spanish tortillas too – one of our favorite quick and easy meals. And congratulations on being so close to the healthy BMI – that’s a real achievement! :drinker:

    Grandmallie, I think the humidity and heat just makes us limp. There’s not much for it but to just keep moving as you can. Congratulations on all of those steps!

    DeeDee, congrats on a clean bill of health from the dermatologist. I will have to go in a month or two – she’s not going to like me having a tanned tummy.

    Lucy, you don’t look old enough to have a granddaughter who can buy a house! Wow. Sounds like a great visit with the family. We’re planning on visiting the Flight 93 memorial this year during one of our visits to DSS at school – he’ll be up at Altoona. DH has always wanted to go.

    Sandy, I guess MFP has been experiencing some growing pains! A number of people here have been looking for ways to include some form of exercise even in the toilet – it cracks me up. You’re not the only one who does squats in the Ladies’ . . . :smile:

    Pat, I missed the cat story, but I can tell you around here it’s cat shedding season – but only the fur, not the whole animal (although it looks like an entire animal exploded in our house!). The vacuum is our friend, that’s for sure.

    Rachel, welcome. You’ll find lots of support and ideas here.

    Janie, I sometimes post on my newsfeed – and I know jb does. I mostly just post here though – it’s really all I have time for lol.

    Suzy, who did you go see? My garden is always a bit later than everyone else’s in this area, but I did get a couple of tomatoes and have some cucumbers that are about ready to pull. I’ve also already harvested the beets and turnips, onions need to come up before they rot, and lots of lettuce. I found some baby winter squash on the vines too. I love my garden, can you tell? My friends on FB are doing the T25 – I haven’t tried Insanity, have stuck to P90x and Combat. I’ve heard Combat is in some ways harder than Insanity – but I may have to add it in just for something different. I really like the BB program.

    Katla, I’m glad you’re feeling better. That was some horrible bug! We bought a Roku recently with the hopes that we can wean ourselves off of cable altogether, but we’re having a hard time giving up the Phillies. If I can find a baseball package (they already have football) we’re ready to go.

    Barbie, beautiful lavender! When we were in Hood River last, we bought some lovely lavender and blackberry lotion the lady at the hotel was selling – oh my gosh, it smelled heavenly! My daughter still has some – may have to steal it from her as I used up all of mine. LOL story: rosemary won’t winter here on the East Coast so I have to replant mine every couple of years or so. I bought a new one this year and was putting it in the ground . . . except the little tag in the plant informed me how to care for my lavender plant instead. So now I have both.

    CritterSue – sometimes all you can do in a funk is push on through to the other side. There’s just no avoiding it so might as well go with it.

    Helen, your compromise on the pasta sounds just right.

    Vanessa – hi and welcome! You’ll find lots of support here – which is a good thing at our age, right? :smile:

    Kat, good luck on your goals – it sounds like you’re moving in the right direction (lol at thinking about the dentist). I’ve heard the Avon product SkinSoSoft is the best bug repellent there is – have you tried it?

    Adrienne, hi and welcome. I have a desk job too – at home, no less. I have to set an alarm to make myself get up at least every hour or so and walk around for a few minutes. Some people do squats and lunges during that time too. I also get up early and work out for an hour or more every morning before I get going for the day – exercise is, in my opinion, key at our ages.

    Meg, I’m impressed that you can speak both F and C! :laugh:. Congratulations on the loss! I know what you mean about white bread – we just got back from NC and all they had was white. It was a little disheartening, especially since DH has now reverted back to buying white bread and pasta. His default food isn’t terribly healthy, however, so he still needs coaching. He’s back on his diet big-time – when we were on vacation he sat down to dinner with two hamburgers (complete with all the trimmings) AND a hotdog loaded with baked beans! I think everyone was horrified. Fortunately his friends challenged him to a weight-loss duel, so he’s back.

    Tere, that’s a really great NSV! Good for you for hitting the gym like that.

    Yannie, I laughed at your Zumba story – when you said you were waving pom-poms around I only saw the first part of the word and thought you were waving porn around – I wondered when Zumba merged with pole dancing lol. Congratulations on winning the pool game! You had a really active day.

    Marcie, I like steel cut oats but need to plan if I’m eating them. I’ve been eating organic Irish oatmeal as I can still cook it in the microwave and it’s ready in a couple of minutes. The steel-cut are great if you’re making it overnight in the slow-cooker. I’m with you on the lots of fruits right now – more on that in a minute.

    OK, I’m going to stop at two pages. I read most of the updates but don’t have time to respond to more – but you are all in my thoughts.

    Yesterday DSD and I went to Costco in the morning to get it out of the way (so DH couldn’t complain about no food in the house anymore grr). We were both a little hungry and wound up buying a car-load of fruits and snacks – but all healthy. Well, except for DSD’s peanut-butter cups, but I don’t like those so not really tempted. She’s trying to eat vegetarian but is experiencing low protein while at her mom’s (who’s not much of a cook) so has been eating meat on occasion. I’m trying to teach her to add some protein to each of her meals to keep the count up. Hopefully she listens – but she’s a teen and we all know how they are :laugh:.

    Well, have a lovely day, everyone. Cheers!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Oh my, I am eating like a house a fire..
    dear me dear me.. im logging, but holy heaven's to betsy.. this isn't good.
    I haven't done much,except for laundry and going to take Homer for a walk, Chester needs just small walks for now.
    gonna run and take a shower and get ready for work.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Wednesday morning. I have been so busy the last couple days that I have not been keeping up. Just wanted to check in and I will read and get caught up. But wanted to say HI and hope everyone is staying cool. It has been 100 or over the last couple days. I had a family picnic on Saturday and then Monday spent the day at the waterpark with out of town grand children. Alittle sun burned but had great time. Been keeping my food log current and had acouple bad days. I am a stress eater and still learning to deal with that. Spending the day at the waterpark with DH ex as she lives with DSD and family so she comes everytime they do.Well have a GREAT day and keep cool.
    Blessed, Vicki GI Nebraska
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!was having trouble with my asthma yesterday.So I`m not pushing it today.
    Have a good one.Welcome newbies.
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I made some notes so I could reply to people and now I don't understand what I've written. How do you keep up with it? I don't have Word on my new computer so I can't use that to copy and paste.

    Vanessa - welcome. I'm new too and I'm so impressed with this group of women. From all backgrounds, all places, but all with the same goals. Different challenges, but everyone has something. Feel free to add me ....I'll try to add you if that's easier.

    Heather - please hold on to that lovely weather until next week. The forecast I've looked at shows glorious weather until I get home next week, then 62 degrees in Altrincham (Cheshire), then rain :grumble:

    Marcie - I really like steel cut oats but as "M" said, you need to plan. I used the short cut method last time. Add oats to boiling water, simmer for a minute, let it cool then store overnight in the fridge. The next morning you can cook it on low for about 10 minutes. The only time I tried slow cooker oatmeal it was gluey so I must have done something wrong.

    Grandmallie - sorry about the nibbles attacks. You make me smile :happy:

    Kat - I'm envious of your chickens. Well, of you really but the fact that you have chickens! I'd love to but I think my husband would leave me. Do you live in a rural area? Are they bothered by other animals?

    We already have a dog, two cats, a guinea pig and fish. Oh, and he's allergic to cats and dogs ... but he does fine with our animals. I had a cat when I met him and she was part of the deal. I brought her over from England when I moved here and was so sad and homesick again when she died several years later. She was my little piece of home.

    Helen in damp Needham, MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    speaking of hump day...
    Have you( at least in the states) seen the commercial for Geico ,where the camel is walking through an office? Oh it is hysterical.. if anyone hasn't seen it go on youtube and punch in Hump Day geico ad...
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Did not make it to gym for the ladies exercise group this am..........had one of those rotten nights and ended up on the couch, also my lower back is quite unhappy today---my guess is the lifting and loading of the 10 watermelons.......into the cart, then into the car, then out of the car at the event---although I did have a bit of help with the last unload. Can't even think of doing anything for the squat challenge yet today; maybe later. My friends from yesterday are trying to talk me into joining the rec center again---used to belong; it lapsed---but I'm already going to two different gyms, adding a third seems a bit much to me (and I'm SURE my DH would have something to say!!!), although the lure of a deep water exercise class is appealing. That's the problem.........different activities at different gyms........no place has everything, and I have a few friends at each, all of whom swear thiers is the best!

    Marcie........great deal on your watermelons; think I paid $4.88/each.......I have used Bob's Red Mill Steel Oats and liked them

    Granmallie........hope your Chester continues to improve---sounds like he's on his way

    Meg........300 emails???? good grief........I think I's just delete them all and pretend they never came!!! How in the world can you deal with so many---you must be a speed reader and lightening typist (she says diligently using her hunt and peck method)

    Kat.......I would love to have a few chickens, DH says NO........but I have a friend who has about a hundred "girls" who she dearly loves and I get eggs from her.........love all the different sizes and colors; nothing like them!!!

    Heather.........I want your weather---send it, now, please.......

    M..........porn???--you made me laugh!!! Sounds like a great shopping trip at Cosco!

    Hello to everyone else and happy Wednesday to all,
    yanniejannie.......... sweltering humid mid-Atlantic
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies-

    Yesterday was not the best day foodwise nor emotionally. I have found that being in this huge house alone does not seem to be very good for me. It is as if someone has said that nothing I eat here will really count, and the emptiness of the house w/o my friends seems to be draining on me. It is a beautiful home, usually filled w/ lots of laughter, but right now it just seems big, empty and cold. I really think parts of both problems (eating & emotions) are being aggravated by three nights with very little sleep. These cats have decided that they really need to wake me up about once an hour. I think they have even agreed on a rotating schedule for who have duty at which hour. I am about ready to lock them in the garage at night! No, I won't do it; I will just threaten them with it.

    I have not made good choices or eaten well at all. It just seems to not matter right now. I will try to work my way out of this, but it sure feels icky at the moment.

    It turns out that I will need to go back over to my side of the Valley today, Friday and Saturday. That's a 65 miles round trip. Now, when I lived up North, it didn't seem unusual to drive like that because everything was far away. Now that I am living in an urban area I have gotten spoiled so I am having a bit of a pity party over the driving. I need a swift kick!

    Rachel- :flowerforyou: Welcome! Enjoy your bike rides, cool breezes are great even when you have to make them yourself!

    BarbieCat- That lavender is gorgeous! I love that smell outside or in a small arrangement, but I can't seem to grow it.
    I know it would be a good move for me to give up coffee but (pouting w/ hands on hips whilst stomping my little foot) I have given up gluten and milk, many nuts and berries, and I will NOT give up my coffee! :cry: (ok, snit over!)

    Vanessa-:flowerforyou: Welcome!

    Tere- Wow! What a work out! Good for you! I did get into the pool yesterday afternoon. It was awesome. It isn't big enough for decent laps, but it sure feels good to be in the water!

    Grandmallie- I am right there w/ "house-a-fire" eating, too. Frustrating, isn't it.:ohwell:

    I know that I have missed welcoming some other new friends, so Welcome :flowerforyou: to all newcomers! I love forward to getting to know you.

    Ok, Ladies- Off to do the dreaded toxic waster disposal (aka, kitty litter duty). With three cats here, they seem to be having a contest to see which can produce the most!
    I will check back in tonight to announce the winner. :bigsmile:

    Pat (Phoo)
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Looks like another beautiful day in the Kootenays, around 30 – 33C which is I think around 90F. A little cooler than last week but still watering weather for the garden.

    Terri – did you see that in your first paragraph “it will be good to get back on track…’ a year ago did you think would be looking forward to eating less and differently? Amazing how we change isn’t it?

    Mary – wow, 4 inches off the waist is phenomenal – great work!

    Amanda – glad to see you online and hope you are feeling better fast (drips and drains indeed)

    Dee and Marcie – I don’t dislike tofu but I think I like the idea of it better than the taste of it. I eat it when I make it, or when others do, and I order it in restaurants sometimes, but I tend not to think of cooking it much at home anymore.

    LindaC – is a tunnel cake like a funnel cake – deep fried flat and really big with powdered sugar? And where was the music festival? Sounds like fun.

    DebA – what’s on your summer reading list (always looking for good book titles)

    SuzyA - I have 6 weeks vacation a year (one of the benefits of negotiating a good employment contract – lol) and at the moment have 3 weeks stacked up and get 6 more in August. So I really need to start taking some time off.

    Katla – I am envious of the tomatoes already. Mine won’t be ripening until late August, maybe early September as we had such a lousy June.

    Barbie – gorgeous lavender – nice and even. Mine are big but kind of raggedy looking and I’m afraid to prune them in case I accidentally kill them.

    Off to work….
    Hope everyone has a good, no – make that great, day!

    Lila in the warm but not too hot Kootenays, south east BC Canada
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I like to get up and get things done early, too. Hot days make it even more desirable. I hope you enjoyed your dinner with friends.:flowerforyou:

    Lucy: You don’t look or act anything like my idea of a great grandmother.:noway: I am so impressed!:wink:

    Grandmallie: I saw the camel in the office on hump day. Hilarious.:laugh:

    Sasha: We have had an unusual weather pattern this year. There have been a lot more sunny days than normal. :bigsmile: Your tomatoes will be wonderful this fall. I’m thinking your elevation is significantly higher than ours. We live at 31 feet. At least, that is what the instruments tell me. They also occasionally say sea level. This is definitely tidewater and sometimes during the summer the river runs backwards. I only grow cherry tomatoes because I like them best.:flowerforyou:

    Lin C: I wish you’d been able to dance your heart out. Maybe you can dance as much as you want next year. I have all left feet, and have never been able to dance worth a darn.:noway: I like music anyway. :bigsmile: We went to the Weiser Fiddle Festival once years ago and I’d like to go again sometime. :flowerforyou:

    The Century Link guy came out and changed over our internet service, and the new speed is much faster. But the people did not coordinate and our phone and TV are messed up. We still have Comcast TV, and we have no phone service on our house lines. DH needs to get this straightened out, pronto! Luckily our cell phones are with AT&T so we still have cell service. This is complicated by the fact that we’ll be gone most of the day to doctor appointments. :tongue:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Hump Day Ladies!!!

    I have been really good this week with my food choices, logging and getting my steps in. I am off on Friday and heading to the beach (Fenwick and Ocean City) for a long weekend, so may be a little off program for a few days, so hoping my diligence this week will pay off. There are some beach foods I just have to have – Dolly’s popcorn, Dumpster’s Ice Cream, but everything in moderation, right?

    For all the pet people on this board, I don’t think I ever shared about my pet family. I have four cats, they all came into our lives at different times and all were rescued. Falco if my orange fur ball and is my oldest at 11, then there is Hiku my Asian Siamese prince at 7, Indy-anna Cat who decided to adopt us when he showed up at our house 3 years ago and our newest addition Josie who also showed up at our backdoor nearly starved to death. Never thought I would have four cats or be “that cat lady”, but I guess no one can predict that life has in store for us. In addition, I have two large fish, an Oscar and a Jack Dempsey (Oscar & Jack), no I’m not that original in fish names.

    :smile: Barbie – I a loving your lavender plant. I will have to try and plant some next year. You’ve inspired me.
    :smile: Critter Sue – hope you get out of your funk soon, sometimes the heat can bring us down.
    :smile: Kat – I have heard “Skin so Soft” by Avon is a good mosquito repellent. I am a magnet to mosquitos, if there is just one in the room it will find me. I grew up in Baltimore, where in Maryland are you from?
    :smile: Heather – that scale is moving in the right direction, congratulations on the BMI.
    :smile: DeeDee – that is good news from your dermatologist.
    :smile: Mwheatcraft – we went to see Halestorm, they are sort of a heavy metal band. Sort of strange, I liked the band before I even knew that our friends son is the guitar player. So it was neat to hang out w/the band for the afternoon. I hear you about the garden, I really enjoy it. I think in about a week I will be up to my eyeballs in fresh tomatoes. I am not familiar w/Combat – I will have to check that out sometime.
    :smile: Grandmallie – I wish I knew the “rhyme or reason” for when we sometimes have a bottomless pit of a stomach, there are so many days I do so well and then there is that one day I could eat everything in sight.
    :smile: Pat – hope your cat sitting turns around for you. I definitely understand about the tootsie roll factory!
    :smile: Lila – I am envious of 6 weeks vacation!

    Ok need to get back to the rest of my day, be well…..
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning! Today was measuring day/weigh/blood sugar/ day. For the last 2 days I had weighed less than 200 pounds but today......200.8:sad: My blood sugar was 90 :smile: and I have lost another inch altogether. But that weight just drives me crazy.

    It's thundering out there now so that adds to the July over inches. Have a good day Vit F friends.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!

    I’ve had a great morning. I wasn’t moving very fast out of the bed today, but got with the program and Storm dragged me down the streets for our walk! Had a coworker come in with two boxes of Hanover Tomatoes, some cucumbers, and banana peppers. :bigsmile: My laugh for the day from my DSO "I don't think I'm up to going to the gym this evening. Are you really going to go without me?":laugh: It's really getting good to me!

    Heather – Of course you can come! It will be my first trip! :smile: Maybe we will get to England in 2015 – sounds like a great trip to plan. Wearing heels takes patience and time. I mostly wear 3 inches but do have some 4 inch heels for wearing out in the evenings. Flats are so much more easy and comfortable. However, you might want to start out wearing them for a couple of hours each day and increase the time as you feel more comfortable. That worked for me.

    Grandmallie – Great news regarding Chester! Grilled Cheese Sandwiches are great! Thanks for the grilled cheese sandwich thought cause that our dinner tonight – great garden salad and grilled cheese sandwiches. I love them so much that I have to limit myself to one every four months or so. :tongue:

    Welcome, welcome and welcome to Melanie and lilbit427:flowerforyou:

    Cakelady11 – I love your picture and fantastic weight loss.:smile:

    DeeDee and Everyone else – It is so great to be back! It is also great that you noticed that I was missing.:flowerforyou:

    Linda – I love, love, and absolutely love my Wii! :happy: Glad yours had a smile for you! I start every morning off with my body test. However, playing the golf games has spoiled my real golf swing. I think I’m going to have to take lessons before I go back out on the course.

    Kat – I know I know – dreaming of laying on the beach with gorgeous males bringing me low calorie drinks!:glasses: :drinker:

    Vickie – My DSOs exes occasionally attend family gatherings. At first I found it rather uncomfortable. Now I enjoy the company of the first (they had 2 children together) and made it clear to my almost DILs that the company of the second (who they profess to love but use to create confusion) (she and my DSO had no children) was not at all acceptable. :mad:

    Have a great evening ladies!