
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I've kinda been out of it since the middle of June. :ohwell: Lots going on at home,... new grandchild, crazy children, siblings, mother and SO. But its all good and I'm back! Hopefully I'll get caught up on posts soon.

  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hello all & happy Monday! Interview is over! :drinker: I have no clue how it went. I believe I gave effective responses, but it’ll depend on so many variables that I’m just going to kick back and hope for the best. Now, back to making me a better me – on to the gym now that I’ve done a little catching up.

    CityJane – face exercises, I must have missed that. Can you point me in the right direction? I’m actually worrying a bit about fending off creepy neck.

    Tina – I had to google NSV to find out what it meant ;-)

    Katla – so glad you’re on the mend. Good luck with the PT.

    LizPlus – so sorry you and DH had to go through that all again. Feel better soon!

    Grandmallie – My 2 cents: I agree with DeeDee as far as avoiding the scale. I, too, was bad on Saturday, weighed on Sunday – up 2 lbs, weighed this morning back down 1.2 lbs. Less than a lb. for bad eating and little exercise was worth it to me. My new attitude had me owning the slip up and then just adding more to my Sunday workout.

    Heather – good on you for both those NSVs!

    Marcie – yes, they are wonderful. I’m just starting to settle in myself.

    Viv – while you think that photo may look horrible, I hope you pat yourself on the back for doing the race, especially in the heat! There’s a gentleman somewhere here on MFP who has lost maybe 150 - 200 lbs. (don’t remember exactly). Anyway, he took (& has posted) photos of himself every day after he worked out. I agree it’s motivating – now I just have to remember to take the pictures.

    Linda – will send prayers and good thoughts your way. Good luck with the PT.

    Michele – good luck with all the family issues, they sound so complex, I hope it all works as you hope.
  • I am delighted to have found this message board!! Being over 50 and doing the menopause thing has been hell as far as weight loss is concerned. I have fought my weight since I was 13 so I knew lots of tricks for dropping pounds quickly. NOT SO AT THIS AGE!! It is terrible to finally learn who you really are and how your body works by the time you're in your 40s only to hit your 50s and start all over again. Tell me to be patient and that I can and will lose 15 lbs!
  • Hello I'm brand new to mfp (5 days now). Do I need to do something special to join this group, or does posting a msg on here join me automatically.

    I have gained 2.5 lbs since I joined...ugh

    I enjoyed reading the goals...they made me think more about my goals.

    July goals:

    *exercise at least 4 times per week
    *drink 8 glasses of water per day
    *keep my garden maintained
    *de-clutter at least 10 bags of stuff to go to charity
    *begin stair climbing
    *begin strength training
    *finish taxes (behind 3 years)
    *be less reactive towards my depressed husband
    *play with my granddaughter more (I have been raising her for the last year)
    *buy some new clothes for myself
    *figure out something to do to take time out for myself

    Thanks for the support!

    Medford, OR Samantha♡
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I think I am up for good now. I went back to bed yesterday at 5:30 PM and got up at 9:30 this morning. I won't tell my daughter that I felt that bad while I was there. Having the stress of having the car break down and DH having his heart beaitng real hard while we were waiting sure didn't help.

    Hope you all having a good Monday. We have to go grocery shopping. I think that and going to Radio Shack to get a new charging cord for my cell phone will have to do for my exercise today. My legs kind of feel like jello.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Linda - hope everything heals well. Good luck tomorrow, you'll be in my thoughts

    Viv - congrats on the walk! Have fun on your trip. I remember when Jessica went to her prom someone took a picture of me, you could see only my backside. It was then and there that I swore 1) there is no way I would wear horizontal stripes and 2) yikes, did I look wide! Pleanty of willpower being sent your way

    Marcie - I never knew that about meat and the appendix. Interesting....

    Heather - 1/2 an inch....fantastic!

    grandmalle - water temp of 90, doesn't even feel refreshing, feels more like a bath.

    So much for the good news from Bryan. He said that Greg is coming in (I'm assuming that he means into Avila) at 9:34pm and he would like us to come on the same train as he and Diana will be preparing, then they plan to go to Avila to meet Greg IF they have all the preparations done. I keep telling him that I want to help, that it'll go faster with three people than two. I do hope things go well when I see him, but I'm not holding out much hope. Vince has the letters ready to give them for a wedding present, he asked me how we should sign Diana's. We did find the translation of mother-law and father-in law on line so that's how we signed her letter. Well, one day he'll need us, I just keep reminding myself of that.

    Overslept today (forgot to turn the alarm on) so skipped the yoga, just did the Jari Love DVD, had a bit of breakfast and then we needed to rush out to a meeting.

    Liz - that's terrible for your husband. Hope he heals fast now.

    Helen - what would you like to know about my son? I don't mind sharing.

    The paper says that the temp in Madrid is in the 90's. Not even sure if they have a/c over there.

    Tina in MD - NSV = non-scale victory, like someone giving you a compliment or being able to do something that you weren't able to do previously

    The lady who took care of my father before he died called (she's in Poland). It's very hard to understand. From what I could gather, it appears that on the 5th (she kept saying son-in-law) I'm thinking that someone in her son-in-law's family died. She kept saying "he was only 14"

    I had some beans that I froze. I went to put them into the container that I had, and frozen they didn't fit. So I just needed to eat 1/2 cup so that the container would close and I could put that in the freezer.

    jodios - you make my mouth water! How lucky your dd and her friend are!

    Heather - so sorry for your husband's loss. I agree with you, it's better not to have a long-term suffereing, better for the person and the person's family. How great that you got those pajamas! Reminds me that I need to get another pair of babydolls.

    Tere - congrats on the grandchild!

    leishaheathco - be patient and you WILL lose the 15 pounds

    samariah - welcome, no, you joined just by posting. Come back often. This is a great group

    Well, I probably won't be posting for a while. We leave tomorrow at 5a.m. (yes, a.m.). You all will be in my thoughts.

    Off to play mahjongg.

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    well I had a moment I guess yesterday, I have been walking 3-4 times a week between the gym.. well the underwear I have been wearing is lose in the butt, not the waist mind you but the butt :laugh: so i sorta have a saggy bottom now.ha ha...i see some of these younger women in the gym with there little buns all nice and firm and wearing there little racer back gym shirts. and laugh, cause in my mind I would love to look like that.. but in my soul I know I wont.. I will get trim and healthy but at 53 ,the other aint happenin...
    Well keep Chester in your thought's tomorrow,I have to drop him off between 8-8:30 tomorrow morning... poor lil guy,getting his bladder sliced open again ,those damn stones, he is on meds daily and script food. but those little suckers come back...
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, Ladies- I have been away from the computer as I settled in here at Suzie's house to kitty/plant sit. While I was busy, three pages were added to the board! Awesome.

    It is strange being away from my little house, and my regular routine. I am not even sure how, when and where to eat! I did go shopping this afternoon, so I do have good, calorie friendly food around, but because I am not in my own element, I find myself drifting off and thinking of all sorts of alternatives to what I know I should be doing and should be eating.
    The pool exercises here will not be like the rec center, but I do have a small private pool for my use. Now, it just needs to stop thundering in the distance so I can actually get into the pool! I think that it will be easier for me to walk here than it is at home because Suzie lives in a much flatter area. Hills just about kill me! However, this means I have to get up and out early enough that it isn't in the 100's!
    For today, I am just taking it easy and listening to the thunder. Oh, and I am listening to the three cats trying to establish their pecking order. I wish they would get it settled because their conversations are a bit frightening.... they are not attacking, but I don't think they are speaking kind words to each other, either.

    Michelle- The pill pockets don't work for PeeVee because he is just too fussy. I got 1/2 of a sedative into him back crushing them into the little bit of wet food he gets in the morning. However, as soon as he saw the cat carrier come into the house, he must have experienced an adrenaline charge that wiped out the effects of the pill. Oh, well, we made it, and I don't have to think about taking him back home for two weeks!
    BTW, there is nothing wrong with you. Not wanting to exercise seems pretty normal. You are upset over the wedding & Bryan, you are under emotional stress w/ Denise and that is all going to have an impact on your daily routine. Be gentle with yourself, this stress will ease in its own time.
    Enjoy your trip..... I know nothing seems like it will work, but keep yourself open to joy.... I believe it will be there for you.

    Joyce, Indiana- The Silver Sneaker's place.... is that part of the medicare advantage program? I read something about it in the info packet, but I don't understand what it really provides. I am sorry you had so much car trouble. I hate cars (and computers), and often wish nostalgically that we were back in the horse and buggy era. But, with my luck, I'd be the one cleaning up after the horses, not the Lady of the Manor.

    Linda- Workman's comp is a pain in the "situpon"... I don't know why they have to make things so difficult, hope things go well for you on Tuesday.

    Marcie- I have never heard that meat has fiber threads that can wrap around the tip of the appendix. That is very curious to be, so I am off on a research mission! Thanks for giving me something to do!

    Liz- Oh, I am sorry you got a nasty cold! Hospitals are not healthy places to visit!

    Grandmallie- Sending kind, healing thoughts for Chester!

    Ok- Off to stage another kitty intervention! Take care, be well, Enjoy today!

    Pat (Phoo)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I did it, I did it:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: I wasn't as starving as I had been when it came to supper time but I was tired of the places we usually go to. DH suggested that we change the pattern :noway: :noway: :ohwell: :frown: :frown: I told him that no way did I want a 'pattern' and that I wanted to go to Golden Corral. He didn't like the idea because he knows he can't control himself. Well so what. That's his problem. I was ready to test myself. So we did!!!!!!!! I always start out on any buffet with a salad bar. I used to always put cottage cheese on my salad but thanks to MFP I know that cottage cheese has a high sodium count. So I skipped that and put some almond slivers and dried cranberries on it instead. YUM. I always cut my salad up like a Mom cuts her kids spaghetti so it takes a while to eat it. Then it was time for the meat/vegetable bars. I love the pot roast and meatloaf there but I try to stay away from red meats now so I got baked chicken instead.with green beans and carrots. Then came my nemesis, the desserts. I spent quite a while cruising it deciding what to do. You know when the cakes are cut and people take a piece there is always a little piece left over on the plate??? That's waht I took of the carrot cake and chocolate cakes. Then I had them dip up one small scoop of butter pecan ice cream. I wanted a piece of corn bread so bad. But it stayed back there for some one else to choose and get fat from. So I stayed within my daily goal.

    I hope I can sleep well tonight since I have had so much sleep the last 2 days because tomorrow needs to be back to normal. Back to the Y. And :cry: back to DH pattern:sad:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, we are a busy bunch aren't we!
    Congrats Joyce that was a well plan meal :flowerforyou:
    hope everyone is getting through all this heat and humidity okay it is pretty brutal here last few days.
    Glad we know to drink more water it really seems to help.
    Well my home page this am said I've been here 195 days at MFP, I have lost 10 lbs since being here not a great loss but
    I have learned so much since joining snd have lost enough in inches to wear summer clothes I bought a few years ago and
    never wore. plus I just don't get in a dither like all the diets I've followed and failed in past years. so I'll continue on with my
    goal of 10,000 steps a day, stretching exercises given to me by doctor and the big thing is I'm still here and working at it!!!
    My thanks to Barbie for this thread and for all the ladies here who are funny,whitty,full of life and knowledge :flowerforyou:

    take care Prayers to all who need them be it people or pet
    Juanita in sudbury
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies! What’s with the site today? :huh: It’s been down on and off all day and my home page still isn’t up. Anyone else having these problems or is it just me? DD#2 says it’s because you all de-friended me LOL:bigsmile:

    Went to water aerobics and did a bunch of work in the garden. It wasn’t too hot but boy was it humid. Got the water softener system serviced for the year. I found a blue jay in one of my planters pulling apart the petunias! That was odd. I finished another chapter in the test bank and only have a handful left.

    Katla: so glad you are feeling better! :smile: That has been one miserable sickness!

    Gail: you can sure send some of that rain our way! We finally turned the sprinklers on for the year. Grilled salmon…one of my favorites!

    Deb: I love the picture of you speeding around the track collecting bugs on your teeth! :laugh: We put most of our bird feeders in squirrel cages so they can’t get the seed. They are expensive though. Also we use a lot of safflower, which the squirrels don’t like.

    Janie: fingers crossed for your job interview. I’d love to work .5

    Barbie: your days are so full I really admire all you do

    Michele: well I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you at the wedding. Say when are you going to open your own catering business? You cook more than any one I know! Have safe travels and I’ll be thinking of you while you are gone.:flowerforyou:

    Linda! So nice to see you here again!:flowerforyou: Good luck in court. I am hoping the judge sees things your way.

    Viv: I sure hear you on seeing photos of yourself that just make you cringe. All of mine are that way, although I do have to say we just recently had our pictures taken for the church directory and while I didn’t like the way I looked, I didn’t hate it either. That’s a switch and it’s been a long time, but I can still see I have a long way to go!

    Marcie: it’s a long journey to learn and incorporate all the things you need in order to be healthy, isn’t it?

    Heather: you crack me up! TMI here too; DH and I always sleep au naturale, but have to make sure the door is mostly shut! If we shut it all the way, all the cats start banging against it and won’t stop until we open it, so we can’t do that. I have to admit being more worried about the kids seeing my rolls of fat than noticing that I was nekkid! LOL so sorry about your loss but I’m with you; I hope I go quickly too.

    Grandmallie: good for you to learn something and move on! I don’t remember if you were here when this happened to me or not, but I was wearing a pair of undies one day that were too big. I didn’t really think about until I started walking around at work and they kept falling down under my slacks. So I would walk 3 or 4 steps then have to hug the wall and pull them up hopefully so that no one noticed. That went on all day. Step-step=step-YANK. Step-step-step YANK. When I got home I ripped them in half before throwing them out.:tongue: Prayers and best wishes for Chester!

    DeeDee: throwing you a virtual life preserver!:bigsmile:

    Liz: so sorry about DH! A yellow hubby is a frightening sight! Glad they finally let him out. Best wishes for both of you to feel better soon!

    Helen: I bet you are looking forward to your visit home

    Tina; you were close…non-scale victory! Something great that doesn’t involve the scale, like fitting into a dress you couldn’t wear last year!

    Jodios: I will be waiting patiently for the UPS man to deliver my dinner from you…can’t wait and hoep the gelato isn’t melted! That sounded like a fabulous dinner!

    Tere: so glad to see you again and to hear all is well!

    Leishaheathco: welcome to our group. Menopause is the pits

    Samariah: welcome to you too! You joined just by posting!

    Joyce: hope DH is feeling better now and things have settled down for you two.

    Pat: we are a chatty bunch, aren’t we?

    Well I’m off to have a shower and get a few things done. Tomorrow is weigh in day, I don’t know what to think. I have been good all week with food and exercise but don’t feel different. Take care, Meg from steamy Omaha where the golfers are heading out for the Senior Open.:drinker:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening all,

    Welcome newbies!

    Busy, busy day and tomorrow is only going to be more so. Gym this am for squats, lifting, and ladies exercise (increased my weights to 4lbs. each hand during the session), home, shower and errands; then to a movie with friends (The Lone Ranger).......... back home, phone call with DD, then back to gym for rest of my squats and yoga. Finished lifting my elephant this evening----ended with a total of 31,390lbs.---on to the next one. Trying a zumba class tomorrow.

    Tried to pick up a quick frozen dinner to zap in a hurry----first choice was a Boston Market meal--- till I checked the sodium!!!! It was 1050 mgs.---put back in a hurry!!! Got something much lower but really had to look!!!

    Liz........nice to see you back; hope hubby has a complete recovery

    Linda.........very best of luck tomorrow, hoping you will get the money, fingers crossed

    Heather.........congrats on the NSV and the new pj's and friend.....keep forgetting to tell you, hope those wonderful Christmas plans all happen in just the way you want them to

    Meg..........yes, my home page is acting up too.........

    Exhausted and soon for bed,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Linda - hope everything heals well. Good luck tomorrow, you'll be in my thoughts

    Viv - congrats on the walk! Have fun on your trip. I remember when Jessica went to her prom someone took a picture of me, you could see only my backside. It was then and there that I swore 1) there is no way I would wear horizontal stripes and 2) yikes, did I look wide! Pleanty of willpower being sent your way

    Marcie - I never knew that about meat and the appendix. Interesting....

    Heather - 1/2 an inch....fantastic!

    grandmalle - water temp of 90, doesn't even feel refreshing, feels more like a bath.

    So much for the good news from Bryan. He said that Greg is coming in (I'm assuming that he means into Avila) at 9:34pm and he would like us to come on the same train as he and Diana will be preparing, then they plan to go to Avila to meet Greg IF they have all the preparations done. I keep telling him that I want to help, that it'll go faster with three people than two. I do hope things go well when I see him, but I'm not holding out much hope. Vince has the letters ready to give them for a wedding present, he asked me how we should sign Diana's. We did find the translation of mother-law and father-in law on line so that's how we signed her letter. Well, one day he'll need us, I just keep reminding myself of that.

    Overslept today (forgot to turn the alarm on) so skipped the yoga, just did the Jari Love DVD, had a bit of breakfast and then we needed to rush out to a meeting.

    Liz - that's terrible for your husband. Hope he heals fast now.

    Helen - what would you like to know about my son? I don't mind sharing.

    The paper says that the temp in Madrid is in the 90's. Not even sure if they have a/c over there.

    Tina in MD - NSV = non-scale victory, like someone giving you a compliment or being able to do something that you weren't able to do previously

    The lady who took care of my father before he died called (she's in Poland). It's very hard to understand. From what I could gather, it appears that on the 5th (she kept saying son-in-law) I'm thinking that someone in her son-in-law's family died. She kept saying "he was only 14"

    I had some beans that I froze. I went to put them into the container that I had, and frozen they didn't fit. So I just needed to eat 1/2 cup so that the container would close and I could put that in the freezer.

    jodios - you make my mouth water! How lucky your dd and her friend are!

    Heather - so sorry for your husband's loss. I agree with you, it's better not to have a long-term suffereing, better for the person and the person's family. How great that you got those pajamas! Reminds me that I need to get another pair of babydolls.

    Tere - congrats on the grandchild!

    leishaheathco - be patient and you WILL lose the 15 pounds

    samariah - welcome, no, you joined just by posting. Come back often. This is a great group

    Well, I probably won't be posting for a while. We leave tomorrow at 5a.m. (yes, a.m.). You all will be in my thoughts.

    grandmalle - hope everything goes well for Chester

    I understand that Denise is going to borrow Pete's aunt's car since her "check engine" light came on. Pete is going to drive her. I'm sure it's because the transmission on her Toyota went so they only have the Jeep and Pete needs it to go to work.

    Joyce - sounds like you did wonderful at Golden Corral. I'm so proud pof you.

    Came home from mahjongg early, only maj'd once.

    Juanita - inches mean so much more than pounds. Good for you

    Meg - all day long when I've gone to my home page, MFP keeps telling me it is temporarily unaviailable. Hopefully, it'll be available when I get back....lol Speaking of a catering business, do you know that I recently got my Serv-Safe certification? I didn't know that's what I was getting, but I took the class anyway since it sounded interesting. Just the thought of seeing you go step-step-yank put a smile on my face

    Going to be short since Vince wants to shut down the server. You all will be in my thoughts.

    Michele from NC
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Checking in again. I’ve been to the gym to do my 35 minutes of treadmill, abdominal machine, & circuit exercises for legs. I’ve just added 2 since right knee is still unhappy that I fell on it 3 weeks ago but I got through 3 sets of 10 at 30 lbs. While I did feel somewhat wimpy, at least I did them. I’ve already done 13,000 steps and I will need to do one more dog walk tonight & that’s about a mile. Yea, me!

    Barb – I keep forgetting to thank you for keeping this message board going, maybe it’s sometimers? Thank you so much.

    Leisha – yes, you will, of course you will lose those 15 lbs. there’s lots of good advice to be found on MFP in general & from these ladies in particular. Give yourself time, too.

    Samantha/Medford – yep, posting your message did it. It sounds like life’s a bit complex right now. I’m sending good thoughts about your July goals. Remember, don’t beat yourself if you don’t meet them all, just roll with it. That’s the attitude change I’m trying to embrace this time.

    Joyce – glad you’re giving yourself a break today. My break day was Saturday and I've come back strong since. I know that jello feeling!

    Michele – good luck with everything!

    Grandmallie – both Chester & you will be getting prayers & good thoughts!

    Joyce- great choices, I don’t know if I could do that yet. Desserts were your chance to show self control and give yourself a reward, too.

    Juanita – that not getting in a dither is huge! I’m hoping that having that mindset will make all the difference for me, too.

    Meg – I’ve been seeing the same thing. BTW, thanks, I’d just like to know I’m going the same place every day.

    Janie, Pacific NW
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: I write a gratitude list every morning to start my day. It helps me reflect on all that is good in my life and take the focus off the things that are struggles for us. It makes a huge difference in how I live my life. All of you on this thread are frequently on the list (you’d be there every day except that I make an effort to list different things every day).

    :flowerforyou: LindaS. I am beyond joy at seeing you posting on the thread again. Happy to hear that the surgeries were successful and thinking good thoughts about your upcoming court date.

    :bigsmile: Viv, congrats on completing the Race for Life (especially in hot weather).

    :flowerforyou: Marcie, if you open your food diary, it might help us give you some suggestions on things to eat to up your calories a bit and still stay with you food limitations and be healthy (something other than candy bars)

    :flowerforyou: Heather, congrats on both of your NSV’s

    :flowerforyou: Liz, what a terrible experience for you and DH and on his birthday besides…..things should get better now.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, a workout designed just for you sounds awesome.

    :flowerforyou: Helen, how great that you get to go home to England even if the weather won’t cooperate.

    :flowerforyou: Tina, tell us about your dogs……mine are Standard Poodles and when the temperature gets above 65 they think it’s too hot and don’t want to go for a walk.

    :flowerforyou: Tere, it’s good to see you back…..don’t let all the “stuff” that’s going on get you down.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, going to the gym is a great way to get away from thinking about how the interview went...for someone with a sore knee you've done an amazing amount of walking

    :flowerforyou: Leishaheathcote, welcome…..yes, being patient, taking baby steps, and doing this one day at a time is the way to lose the weight and recreate your life.

    :flowerforyou: Samantha, posting makes you an automatic part of our community…….now keep coming back….you have some awesome goals

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, give yourself a day to recover and then get back on the exercise road.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, bon voyage….we’ll be thinking of you while you’re gone.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, I’ll be keeping Chester in my thoughts tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, the only way I can get up early enough to take my dogs for a walk before it gets too hot, is to go to bed super early. It took some practice, but now I do it routinely.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, you did a great job at Golden Corral…..the only way I can deal with desserts is to never eat them at all….it’s easier that way.

    :flowerforyou: Juanita, losing 10 pounds is great…..without MFP it could have been a 10 pound gain….and you have the inclination to keep doing all the healthy things you’ve learned here.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, not having the friend feed on my home page today gave me the extra time to reply to more people on our thread……my days are full of walking and dancing and a lot of fun stuff, but yours are full of writing ,parenting, and cleaning…..things I don’t do at all.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I haven’t found anything packaged that doesn’t have too much sodium.

    :bigsmile: There is nothing to report from here----same dog walking and digging in the dirt. We have a house guest coming next weekend so we’ve put some effort into house cleaning.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :love: Had my newborn fix today. Also had my toddler fix today. 2 in 1 day. Wow, I am such a lucky Oma (that is 'grandma' in Dutch).

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, I asked around for DHEA, but it is not available in Canada; apparently not approved for sale.

    MFP seems to have problems. No feed today. I am sure they are working on a fix.

    :cry: there was a terrible accident in Lac-Magentic in Quebec a couple of days ago. A run-away train with multiple crude oil cars derailed, exploding in the middle of town. 5 dead so far, with ~40 still missing. What a tragedy.

    I had today off, and got lots of things done. The weather has been fantastic. Tomorrow back to work.

    "Treasure each other and treasure each day."

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening everyone in Vit F land.
    A little cooler here today, but nice for dog walking. I think they appreciate it a little cooler as well.

    Barbie - having an extra dog is kind of fun, but Jasper is deaf and even when he sees the hand signals he pretends he doesn't and looks away or at anything else but me. Pretty funny sometimes but he does sort of hear and respond to a sharp handclap and knows that he needs to pay attention then. However, my SUV is a disaster from wet sandy beach paws; even with the vinyl liner in the back section.

    Michele - hope your flight is good and I'm holding on to the belief that things will get better once you get there face to face.

    Meg – my newsfeed has been down all day pretty much. Maybe the site is doing some upgrades (or they are hosted out of Toronto like my financial software at work which just emailed me to say that the storms have knocked out all of the large service providers). Just kidding because I’m pretty sure this is hosted in the good old USofA which has much more capacity!d

    Linda – fingers and toes crossed for you for the Court session. Hope your hand is feeling a bit (well actually a lot) better today.

    Renny – love the name Juniper, very cool! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your time with the little ones.

    I’m about to start taking Mondays and Fridays off for the balance of the summer (as well as a couple of weeks in August). My vacation time has kind of stacked up and we’re a little short handed at work so I haven’t been comfortable taking much time off. I put the hammock up yesterday (that’s probably why it rained last night), so I plan to do a little summer reading in the horizontal position.

    Have a good evening and following morning everyone. Does anyone else tend to ease up on the water during hot spells? I know it seems counter intuitive but that’s what happens to me. I have to really push to drink enough water when it gets hot – weird.

    Lila in the warm but not too hot Kootenays, south east BC Canada
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie:flowerforyou: I considered not going to the desert bar but I knew what my husbands plate was going to look like and I wanted to test myself. I did and I passed, it tasted good and I'm proud:smile:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • iwantodance
    iwantodance Posts: 28 Member
    This is an active group! I'm not sure I can keep up like some do.

    I'm almost 56 and have been struggling with my weight off and on all of my life. I was in the "Chubbette" sizes when I was a kid. Most of you over 50 will probably recognize the use of the word, "Chubbette", if you were an overweight child. I think Sears or JC Penney's carried the "Chubbette" sizes for girls and, "Huskies" for boys.

    I had my first weight loss at age 14 and was a totally changed person. I kept it off pretty good until I had my 4th child in my early thirties, then dieted again and kept it off until about 7 years ago. Even when I was thin, I almost always felt fat unless I was going through an anorexic phase.

    Many factors are involved in my last weight gain. I quit smoking, became less active, and am taking 2 different medications that have weight gain as a side effect, not to mention my age.

    I joined My Fitness Pal sometime last year but didn't actively use it until now. At least, I'm hoping to be active. My motivation is the added "X" tagged on to my clothing size and the way my upper arms flap in the wind when I raise them. I have a bad habit of shopping for clothes when I get bored or depressed but I've promised myself I won't buy anything new until I've lost 15 lbs. I won't need to get much since I've saved a lot of the smaller clothes that I wore before my last gain.

    I'm inspired to lose weight and to become more fit. I want to walk my dog more often and farther and, I want to dance!

    K, in Western Washington
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I’m back from visiting family, where I ate more restaurant and processed food than I normally do. Looking at my swollen feet and ankles, I know I have gained water weight! It will be good to get back on track tomorrow.

    Katla - glad you are feeling better

    Meg - water aerobics and gardening…sounds like a nice day

    Michele - good travels… family can be complicated

    Viv - the Race for Life sounds like a good cause

    Barbie - your Gratitude List sounds like a great way to start the day… I also try to keep positive thoughts

    Renny - Congrats Oma, on the new grandbaby and your toddler time

    Lila - enjoy your 4 day week-ends

    Janie - good for you…going to the gym and doing all that walking!

    jannieyannie - I am also going to try a zumba class tomorrow, now that I’ve put it in writing I’ll have to go!

    K - I want to dance, Welcome

    Terri (from Oregon)