


  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    aaronc171 wrote: »
    Here's some more bro science from an actual physician.

    Newsflash! Chiropractors aren't "actual physicians". And this one has been legally reprimanded for his quackery.

    Oh wow!!!!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Medilia wrote: »
    So I spoke with my friends again today and after trying to deter me by saying "Don't worry about the science, we'll look after you."
    They finally told me the science... and then dumbed it down for me.
    The way my PT/Mentor/Friend has explained it is essentially: I can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, it's just it will happen really slowly on both fronts. This is good because it is manageable. I will most likely lose the fat before I gain all the muscle I want. Once we get to that point we will focus on just building muscle.

    He said because a lot of muscle advice comes from body builders it is often three stages, stage one which is their pre-shedding and bulking where they just work on staying fit, the fat shedding stage, the muscle gain phase. But this is not sustainable hence why they cycle through it. They will be ripped with low body fat for a few weeks and then pile it back on. Since I am not looking to be a body builder this isn't what I want to do. Plus unsustainable.

    The other great thing is, our bodies if properly fueled will adapt to anything. Since I am eating a high protein diet I am giving my body the source to build muscle. I am then lifting heavier and heavier weights, my body in response is going "Oh, I better get stronger because this will kill me otherwise."

    While my increase in muscle is probably a newbie gain there is no reason that if I continue to look after my body I can't be eating at a deficit or around maintenance and building small amounts of muscle.

    Having said that, I should really be calorie counting to see where I am. But I gave up today. I had my shake, did a 24KM mountain bike ride. Then went to the pub where we had post-ride chips. Then when to sword practice and fought a few rounds. Was taken to another pub for more chips. Defenitely not a typical day.

    That's about it, yeah. Good to see your friends know their stuff.

    One thing though, bodybuilders can sustain pretty low bodyfat year round, just the extremely low ones + dehydration for contests should not be kept for more than a few days.