Weight loss comments



  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Honestly I get more annoyed when people lie to me than anything. Yes, I WAS fat before. And you claiming otherwise is both absurd and irritating. I get equally upset when people say "oh but you've lost so much weight you can quit now!" I really can't. I'm still in the top of the overweight bmi, and that's not even to mention the fact that I made this goal for myself and it's none of your dam business what I do with my body.
  • gandssmith
    gandssmith Posts: 67 Member
    Honestly I get more annoyed when people lie to me than anything. Yes, I WAS fat before. And you claiming otherwise is both absurd and irritating. I get equally upset when people say "oh but you've lost so much weight you can quit now!" I really can't. I'm still in the top of the overweight bmi, and that's not even to mention the fact that I made this goal for myself and it's none of your dam business what I do with my body.

    I had the same problem. People asking me how much I've lost and then telling me I don't need to lose anymore. I'm like really???? I'm still technically considered overweight. At that point I was probably still 3 or 4 pounds from a "healthy bmi". I've gained some back since then and am working to get it back off but the point is I felt so proud of myself for working hard and getting to where I was and then ppl have to come along and plant a seed of doubt. I just wish ppl would think before they speak. Because of this I've tried to never tell somebody "they don't need to lose anymore". Just bc I think you look fine, doesn't mean that person is where they want to be.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    gandssmith wrote: »
    Honestly I get more annoyed when people lie to me than anything. Yes, I WAS fat before. And you claiming otherwise is both absurd and irritating. I get equally upset when people say "oh but you've lost so much weight you can quit now!" I really can't. I'm still in the top of the overweight bmi, and that's not even to mention the fact that I made this goal for myself and it's none of your dam business what I do with my body.

    I had the same problem. People asking me how much I've lost and then telling me I don't need to lose anymore. I'm like really???? I'm still technically considered overweight. At that point I was probably still 3 or 4 pounds from a "healthy bmi". I've gained some back since then and am working to get it back off but the point is I felt so proud of myself for working hard and getting to where I was and then ppl have to come along and plant a seed of doubt. I just wish ppl would think before they speak. Because of this I've tried to never tell somebody "they don't need to lose anymore". Just bc I think you look fine, doesn't mean that person is where they want to be.

    I had this yesterday again. In the end I was in the middle between three ladies 1. asking me how much I'd lost, 2. what I weighed now - When I answered I do not know as I don't weigh myself one insisted on caclulated it on average sizes and loss charts totally ignoring my I don't care and not interested, plus continuing to tell me I should eat the big chocoalte easter egg as I as way to strict on myself - which made me bite my tongue not to respond back as to why I am loosing an you are not. I managed to extract myself from the quite intimidating circle they had formed around me. It felt really as if my personal space was invaded

    I know I have lost a lot of weight and if asked at the start I would have been more than happy to be here. But my goals have changed and it is none of their business. Even wearing a wide skirt could not hide it anymore. but I get sooo tired of this type of third degree. I am so much more than just a number on a scale and damn it I loath being the centre of attention and put into a spotlight that I did not seek (I am an introvert, my personal space may be a bit larger than of some) all these three ladies have known that about me for years. I hate to say it but it is at time like that when people are gloating over me, people that had nothing to do with what I achieved that I get so incredible sad and self consious. I really need to focus then that I do this for me, myself and I. If not focussing on that all I want to do after such an episode is run off to my own little cave, hide and yes eat that huge easter egg, just te be rid of these comments.

    I did not but I did get away from them and sat on the couch on my own for a little to recuperate.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    No one says anything and I don't want to hear about it anyway.
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    During the last two weeks I have had a number of people noticing/commenting. I didn't mind telling them how much I've lost thus far, but I made the mistake of telling one of these people that I still have as much left to lose as I've lost thus far (about 12Kg) and got the inevitable comments about where I think that weight could possibly come off - even though I'm still technically overweight by 6Kg and thus aiming for a relatively modest BMI of around 21 to 22 as my ultimate goal weight...

    Now I just don't mention the fact that I'm still looking to lose weight, but rather focus their attention on my fitness goals (which are more important to me in anycase...)
  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    I've been up and down so much that people don't even comment anymore. I'm thankful for that this time because I am really focusing on long term success.
  • bketchum1981
    bketchum1981 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm about the here and now. I don't want to go back. Comment away!
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    I can't wait for someone to comment...it means they can tell a difference from all my hard work. I'm not a super private person though so I don't mind discussing just about anything;)
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I don't mind compliments and brief comments from people who I know casually, and my closer friends I don't mind telling them more details if they ask. I don't like people gushing over me and going on and on about how "you look so much younger!" and "I can't get over it, you're so thin!" It's like- okay new topic. Luckily I don't have many that do that.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    amyn73 wrote: »
    I've been up and down so much that people don't even comment anymore. I'm thankful for that this time because I am really focusing on long term success.

    Same here. If you mention the weight loss they might just roll their eyes and think to themselves, "yea, right, seen this before." I am, like you, focusing on long term success.
  • Chanchka
    Chanchka Posts: 359 Member
    I used to be sensitive about it, but now I'm more open about my weight struggles and I just say to myself -- "hey, the truth is that I am/was fat! And people can clearly see it." If someone makes a comment about my weight-loss, it means my hard work is paying off and it's noticeable. And honestly, most likely the person's saying to himself, "good for her, doing something about her weight and getting healthy!". Nothing wrong with that. I happen to like the feedback and it actually helps motivate me to keep going,
  • jacki865
    jacki865 Posts: 122 Member
    I like hearing the comments on it, cause right now I have lost about 25lbs and I still can't notice the difference. It is nice to hear it from somebody who dosent look at me and my body everyday. I am also a pretty open person so I don't mind telling people how much I weigh or how much I have to lose. I just like to know that my handwork is being noticed. Nothing wrong with that.
  • dorisj717
    dorisj717 Posts: 381 Member
    The comments about my weight loss don't bother me, what bothers me is when someone says or she doesn't want that (a cookie, pizza, anything). Don't speak for me maybe I do want a cookie or a slice of pizza but if I want it or not I don't need someone else speaking for me. Usually I do say no but sometimes I do want something, just a taste not a whole meal.
  • Calibrate
    Calibrate Posts: 52 Member
    "I have no idea, I never used to weigh myself" [/quote]

    I am sooo stealing this!
  • joepayer
    joepayer Posts: 59 Member
    dorisj717 wrote: »
    The comments about my weight loss don't bother me, what bothers me is when someone says or she doesn't want that (a cookie, pizza, anything). Don't speak for me maybe I do want a cookie or a slice of pizza but if I want it or not I don't need someone else speaking for me. Usually I do say no but sometimes I do want something, just a taste not a whole meal.

  • LORRIE22
    LORRIE22 Posts: 26 Member
    When someone asks me about my weight...I just tell them I never weigh myself because my weight is always going up and down. And right now it is down...Let's hope it just stays down this time.
  • MultipleHigh5s
    MultipleHigh5s Posts: 49 Member
    I love the comments and I love talking about it. I am probably super annoying
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,324 Member
    People are too moody.. If you don't compliment them the way they see fit or when they're in the mood..they get mad. I say, only comment to a close friend if you know they don't min.d…if it is a coworker..say "you look wonderful" and never mention weight. Even the best shrink in the world couldn't get a good read on what to say to each person.
  • happyscruffy
    happyscruffy Posts: 26 Member
    One particular work colleague was more then happy to discus my post pregnancy weight gain. Since iv lost over 20lb she hasn't even commented!

    Generally I like if people notice my weight loss as I can't always see it when I look in the mirror.
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