Night eating



  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    edited February 2016
    If you're not very hungry during the day, but still eating light meals you should be able to work in that late night hunger into your calorie goals. If you've tried eating enough during the day to keep you full at night and it's still not working then fit in your late night eating into your calorie goal. It doesn't matter if you eat day or night as long as it fits into your calorie goals.

    My heaviest meals are in the evening.

    I think that was the best advise so far!! Ok what I'm going to do then is eat 1200 a day allowing myself 400 for late night snacks. Ok il try this out!!! Thanks!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Your previous threads indicate that you're under-eating. This can lead to excessive hunger and even binging. Have you tried eating the number of calories MFP suggests plus at least some of what you're burning via your daily workouts? This will probably help you control your appetite.

    My daily calories are 1900. I wanted to try for 1600 and eat back half my work out calories now! It's just I still have this urg. Maybe I can save up 100-300 for 10pm-12am as a just incase. I don't wanna wake at 12 and eat candy, but an apple or something ok sure

    IIRC, that 1,900 calorie goal is based on you selecting 2 pounds a week. If you're cutting it even more, you are potentially undernourishing yourself. This can lead to cravings, which is what people have suggested to you in multiple threads. You're seeking help for the symptom -- you can easily address the cause, which is undereating combined with heavy exercise.

    I really enjoy exercising! I swim run, elliptical, weights every day, and a good hour to two in the sauna every day. I love the sauna and the fact that I feel so relaxed and also shred of water! I am not hungry most the day and I eat a large dinner, usually one meal a day. I was asking about a natural suppressent or healthier food options that are extremely low in calories. I'm good with 1600 a day, I'm not good with the urges at 11-12 am. Even if I was to eat more I still have this problem.

    I enjoy exercising too. But activity needs to be fueled.

    That you're looking for an appetite suppressant and low calorie foods that you can eat indicate that you're not "good" on 1,600 a day. You started this thread because you have the urge to eat and you say you need help to stop, so please don't simultaneously insist that nothing is wrong. You can ignore why you're having the urge to eat (you're not eating enough), but it isn't going to change the root cause.
  • kmorrill94
    kmorrill94 Posts: 1 Member

    I have exactly the same problem. On meds myself. My downfall is Mint Oreo cookies with a glass of milk around the same time you get those cravings too. I would have about a half a carton of them and I CAN NOT control myself when I start. more like a " oh just one more, just one more'' type of deal. I've started a diet about 3 months ago and the cravings have subsided due to the high amounts of protein and less carb and added sugar intake but i also have 1200 calories intake a day as well. I also have been sleeping better because of the low carb, low sugar intake and really high protein amounts. I'm not going to tell you it was easy to do. for 2 weeks I had the worst sugar withdrawals I've ever felt. but it did go away. with any addiction it takes time for it to subside( I was a smoker for 8 years and I turned to sugar stuff and food for the cravings of nicotine) Try to do frozen fruits with low fat organic yogurt and blend it when you have those cravings. It helps to make you full and it's sweet for that sugar tooth of yours!! also drink ALOT of water. like 5 or 6 16oz water bottles a DAY. set little goals for yourself so you don't get discouraged. that was my problem too. little babysteps.

    I wish you good luck!! you can do this!!!
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    edited February 2016
    Your previous threads indicate that you're under-eating. This can lead to excessive hunger and even binging. Have you tried eating the number of calories MFP suggests plus at least some of what you're burning via your daily workouts? This will probably help you control your appetite.

    My daily calories are 1900. I wanted to try for 1600 and eat back half my work out calories now! It's just I still have this urg. Maybe I can save up 100-300 for 10pm-12am as a just incase. I don't wanna wake at 12 and eat candy, but an apple or something ok sure

    IIRC, that 1,900 calorie goal is based on you selecting 2 pounds a week. If you're cutting it even more, you are potentially undernourishing yourself. This can lead to cravings, which is what people have suggested to you in multiple threads. You're seeking help for the symptom -- you can easily address the cause, which is undereating combined with heavy exercise.

    I really enjoy exercising! I swim run, elliptical, weights every day, and a good hour to two in the sauna every day. I love the sauna and the fact that I feel so relaxed and also shred of water! I am not hungry most the day and I eat a large dinner, usually one meal a day. I was asking about a natural suppressent or healthier food options that are extremely low in calories. I'm good with 1600 a day, I'm not good with the urges at 11-12 am. Even if I was to eat more I still have this problem.

    I enjoy exercising too. But activity needs to be fueled.

    That you're looking for an appetite suppressant and low calorie foods that you can eat indicate that you're not "good" on 1,600 a day. You started this thread because you have the urge to eat and you say you need help to stop, so please don't simultaneously insist that nothing is wrong. You can ignore why you're having the urge to eat (you're not eating enough), but it isn't going to change the root cause.

    I can look up supplements, what's wrong with that. They wouldn't make so many if some weren't healthy? For fuel, my body gets fuel and I still have enough fat left that my body can just eat of that if it's hungry. My body needs to weind off sweets and realize it's not ok to eat at 11-12am. There is nothing wrong other then night eating. Do you know any supplements that are natural and healthy? Also any ideas of low calories foods if not your not helping me. Thanks though
  • leomakarov
    leomakarov Posts: 27 Member
    edited February 2016
    Look into the idea of IF - "Intermittent Fasting". Sounds like you skip breakfast anyways, so it's a great start for you. In a nutshell, you don't eat for 16 to 18 hrs, (fasting state), and the other 8 or 6 hrs you intake all of your required calories for that day. So you eat 1700 calories from , say, 2 pm to 8 pm, then Fast till 2 pm the following day. There are lots of resources on the web how it's done. There are some groups on this site that follow it also.

    Ignore the "breakfast is a vital part of your daily food" BS. It's a lie.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Your previous threads indicate that you're under-eating. This can lead to excessive hunger and even binging. Have you tried eating the number of calories MFP suggests plus at least some of what you're burning via your daily workouts? This will probably help you control your appetite.

    My daily calories are 1900. I wanted to try for 1600 and eat back half my work out calories now! It's just I still have this urg. Maybe I can save up 100-300 for 10pm-12am as a just incase. I don't wanna wake at 12 and eat candy, but an apple or something ok sure

    IIRC, that 1,900 calorie goal is based on you selecting 2 pounds a week. If you're cutting it even more, you are potentially undernourishing yourself. This can lead to cravings, which is what people have suggested to you in multiple threads. You're seeking help for the symptom -- you can easily address the cause, which is undereating combined with heavy exercise.

    I really enjoy exercising! I swim run, elliptical, weights every day, and a good hour to two in the sauna every day. I love the sauna and the fact that I feel so relaxed and also shred of water! I am not hungry most the day and I eat a large dinner, usually one meal a day. I was asking about a natural suppressent or healthier food options that are extremely low in calories. I'm good with 1600 a day, I'm not good with the urges at 11-12 am. Even if I was to eat more I still have this problem.

    I enjoy exercising too. But activity needs to be fueled.

    That you're looking for an appetite suppressant and low calorie foods that you can eat indicate that you're not "good" on 1,600 a day. You started this thread because you have the urge to eat and you say you need help to stop, so please don't simultaneously insist that nothing is wrong. You can ignore why you're having the urge to eat (you're not eating enough), but it isn't going to change the root cause.

    I can look up supplements, what's wrong with that. They wouldn't make so many if some weren't healthy? For fuel, my body gets fuel and I still have enough fat left that my body can just eat of that if it's hungry. There is nothing wrong other then night eating. Do you know any supplements that are natural and healthy? Also any ideas of low calories foods if not your not helping me. Thanks though

    The help you want (assistance on how to undernourish yourself) is likely against TOS. You said in another thread recently that you had consumed as few as 1,000 calories for the day when these urges hit. I'm not going to help you limit yourself to 1,000 calories a day. I'm sorry if this upsets you. There is nothing wrong with eating. Your body is reacting as it is designed to do -- using hunger to signal you that you are under-feeding yourself.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    Your previous threads indicate that you're under-eating. This can lead to excessive hunger and even binging. Have you tried eating the number of calories MFP suggests plus at least some of what you're burning via your daily workouts? This will probably help you control your appetite.

    My daily calories are 1900. I wanted to try for 1600 and eat back half my work out calories now! It's just I still have this urg. Maybe I can save up 100-300 for 10pm-12am as a just incase. I don't wanna wake at 12 and eat candy, but an apple or something ok sure

    IIRC, that 1,900 calorie goal is based on you selecting 2 pounds a week. If you're cutting it even more, you are potentially undernourishing yourself. This can lead to cravings, which is what people have suggested to you in multiple threads. You're seeking help for the symptom -- you can easily address the cause, which is undereating combined with heavy exercise.

    I really enjoy exercising! I swim run, elliptical, weights every day, and a good hour to two in the sauna every day. I love the sauna and the fact that I feel so relaxed and also shred of water! I am not hungry most the day and I eat a large dinner, usually one meal a day. I was asking about a natural suppressent or healthier food options that are extremely low in calories. I'm good with 1600 a day, I'm not good with the urges at 11-12 am. Even if I was to eat more I still have this problem.

    I enjoy exercising too. But activity needs to be fueled.

    That you're looking for an appetite suppressant and low calorie foods that you can eat indicate that you're not "good" on 1,600 a day. You started this thread because you have the urge to eat and you say you need help to stop, so please don't simultaneously insist that nothing is wrong. You can ignore why you're having the urge to eat (you're not eating enough), but it isn't going to change the root cause.

    I can look up supplements, what's wrong with that. They wouldn't make so many if some weren't healthy? For fuel, my body gets fuel and I still have enough fat left that my body can just eat of that if it's hungry. There is nothing wrong other then night eating. Do you know any supplements that are natural and healthy? Also any ideas of low calories foods if not your not helping me. Thanks though

    The help you want (assistance on how to undernourish yourself) is likely against TOS. You said in another thread recently that you had consumed as few as 1,000 calories for the day when these urges hit. I'm not going to help you limit yourself to 1,000 calories a day. I'm sorry if this upsets you. There is nothing wrong with eating. Your body is reacting as it is designed to do -- using hunger to signal you that you are under-feeding yourself.

    There's something wrong with eating at night when you know you've had your calories for the day that's all. My body needs to realize that I have always over indulged and that's not going to happen anymore. Thanks for the help. In regards to 1000, that's to low. Il be sticking to 1600. Thanks again
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    leomakarov wrote: »
    Look into the idea of IF - "Intermittent Fasting". Sounds like you skip breakfast anyways, so it's a great start for you. In a nutshell, you don't eat for 16 to 18 hrs, (fasting state), and the other 8 or 6 hrs you intake all of your required calories for that day. So you eat 1700 calories from , say, 2 pm to 8 pm, then Fast till 2 pm the following day. There are lots of resources on the web how it's done. There are some groups on this site that follow it also.

    Ignore the "breakfast is a vital part of your daily food" BS. It's a lie.

    I've fasted before. I never did intermittent though. I went three days no food and sis that 3 times in the course of a month. To me that was tough but I did like it after day two and how relaxed and focused I felt. In regards to IF it sounds like all I'm really doing is eating one big meal a day?
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    kmorrill94 wrote: »

    I have exactly the same problem. On meds myself. My downfall is Mint Oreo cookies with a glass of milk around the same time you get those cravings too. I would have about a half a carton of them and I CAN NOT control myself when I start. more like a " oh just one more, just one more'' type of deal. I've started a diet about 3 months ago and the cravings have subsided due to the high amounts of protein and less carb and added sugar intake but i also have 1200 calories intake a day as well. I also have been sleeping better because of the low carb, low sugar intake and really high protein amounts. I'm not going to tell you it was easy to do. for 2 weeks I had the worst sugar withdrawals I've ever felt. but it did go away. with any addiction it takes time for it to subside( I was a smoker for 8 years and I turned to sugar stuff and food for the cravings of nicotine) Try to do frozen fruits with low fat organic yogurt and blend it when you have those cravings. It helps to make you full and it's sweet for that sugar tooth of yours!! also drink ALOT of water. like 5 or 6 16oz water bottles a DAY. set little goals for yourself so you don't get discouraged. that was my problem too. little babysteps.

    I wish you good luck!! you can do this!!!

    Finally lol someone who understands!! I appreciate the advice and the helpful hints on what to do and eat. I'm gonna try really hard, I no I'm in a deficit and that's why I crave at night, but this is the amount I want and what I'm to deal with lol thanks for your support !!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Your previous threads indicate that you're under-eating. This can lead to excessive hunger and even binging. Have you tried eating the number of calories MFP suggests plus at least some of what you're burning via your daily workouts? This will probably help you control your appetite.

    This. Your previous threads have advice that holds true here. Eat More. Smaller Cuts. You do yourself zero favors by working hard physically for 18 hours a day and not fueling your active lifestyle.
  • leomakarov
    leomakarov Posts: 27 Member
    leomakarov wrote: »
    Look into the idea of IF - "Intermittent Fasting". Sounds like you skip breakfast anyways, so it's a great start for you. In a nutshell, you don't eat for 16 to 18 hrs, (fasting state), and the other 8 or 6 hrs you intake all of your required calories for that day. So you eat 1700 calories from , say, 2 pm to 8 pm, then Fast till 2 pm the following day. There are lots of resources on the web how it's done. There are some groups on this site that follow it also.

    Ignore the "breakfast is a vital part of your daily food" BS. It's a lie.

    I've fasted before. I never did intermittent though. I went three days no food and sis that 3 times in the course of a month. To me that was tough but I did like it after day two and how relaxed and focused I felt. In regards to IF it sounds like all I'm really doing is eating one big meal a day?

    Doesn't matter how many meals you have. You can have 5 or 6 if you can fit them all in that 6 hr window and keep the calories at 1600 (or whatever your goal is).
  • Lapetitechat
    Lapetitechat Posts: 4 Member
    Night snacking is my worst enemy!! I can be so good all day and then whammo! Night munchies. Argh. My partner is supposed to be dieting too but he's a big time cheater, let me tell you!! Especially at night when he brings out the cookies.... evil, tempestuous, naughty man!!!

    You know what has helped me? Sugar-free jello and a mug of low calorie hot chocolate. Seriously, they are my new best buddies at night. I eat the jello first because gelatin is somewhat filling even if it doesn't crunch, sadly. (cry) The drink is like 60 calories but it is a warm chocolatey hug (I swear) and the two slosh around in my tummy and give me the illusion of fullness. It works. Plus it is so low calorie that I don't go overboard on my daily calories. I admit I miss a crunchy snack though. Nope, carrots and celery do not fit the bill for a crunchy night time treat.

    Or, I have eaten a bowl of Quaker Life Cereal with milk sometimes/instead - but the calories are higher and it is easy easy easy to fill the bowl instead of eating a measured amount, let me tell you. Hell, I could swallow the whole box in minutes.... so cereal is not often allowed out at night due to it's potential sudden death.

    **Now - the sugar free Jello and the light hot chocolate are admittedly likely full of artificial sweeteners/crap chemicals - I know - bad bad bad - but this isn't a forever treaty! It's just something for now until slimmertimes happen and then hopefully I will find another type of snack that works as well at filling the gap without porking me out.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    Night snacking is my worst enemy!! I can be so good all day and then whammo! Night munchies. Argh. My partner is supposed to be dieting too but he's a big time cheater, let me tell you!! Especially at night when he brings out the cookies.... evil, tempestuous, naughty man!!!

    You know what has helped me? Sugar-free jello and a mug of low calorie hot chocolate. Seriously, they are my new best buddies at night. I eat the jello first because gelatin is somewhat filling even if it doesn't crunch, sadly. (cry) The drink is like 60 calories but it is a warm chocolatey hug (I swear) and the two slosh around in my tummy and give me the illusion of fullness. It works. Plus it is so low calorie that I don't go overboard on my daily calories. I admit I miss a crunchy snack though. Nope, carrots and celery do not fit the bill for a crunchy night time treat.

    Or, I have eaten a bowl of Quaker Life Cereal with milk sometimes/instead - but the calories are higher and it is easy easy easy to fill the bowl instead of eating a measured amount, let me tell you. Hell, I could swallow the whole box in minutes.... so cereal is not often allowed out at night due to it's potential sudden death.

    **Now - the sugar free Jello and the light hot chocolate are admittedly likely full of artificial sweeteners/crap chemicals - I know - bad bad bad - but this isn't a forever treaty! It's just something for now until slimmertimes happen and then hopefully I will find another type of snack that works as well at filling the gap without porking me out.

    Haha I know the feeling. It's hard when you have a partner or family and friends who are always cooking, eating or buying fast food, junk food. I'm at Walmart now, I'm going to buy some jello because I enjoy it and forgot it's 10 calories a serving lol thanks for the hot chocolate tips as well you really helped a lot and hopfully il use this for my urges!
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I also have this same problem, and lately I have found that one thing that helps is to eat some plain, nonfat greek yogurt with cinnamon sprinkled on it and some frozen berries in it. I weigh that with the food scale, eat it, drink some water with apple cider vinegar in it (that helps with cravings a bit) and then brush my teeth. Brushing my teeth tells me, "You are done eating for the day." If you have trouble sleeping (I also have this problem), have you tried melatonin? Per my doctor's recommendation, it is totally safe for helping you sleep, even for kids.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    OP regarding your supplements question (which seems to be a hot topic again):

    Herbal supplements are not regulated and often don't disclose, or under disclose, their ingredients. Supplements such as Herbalife and Hydroxycut have been found to cause increased liver toxicity and even failure. Even after a class-action lawsuit was filed, and Hydroxycut promised to "change" their ingredients list, it was still found to cause substantial liver damage.

    Please Google any supplement you consider taking.

    This is my standard link for a long-term study that found in support of this argument:

    Some have dismissed it since it's six years old, but there are newer studies with similar findings on the same site for the US National Library of Medicine.
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    beckytcy wrote: »
    I also have this same problem, and lately I have found that one thing that helps is to eat some plain, nonfat greek yogurt with cinnamon sprinkled on it and some frozen berries in it. I weigh that with the food scale, eat it, drink some water with apple cider vinegar in it (that helps with cravings a bit) and then brush my teeth. Brushing my teeth tells me, "You are done eating for the day." If you have trouble sleeping (I also have this problem), have you tried melatonin? Per my doctor's recommendation, it is totally safe for helping you sleep, even for kids.

    See I like you. I like when people can recommend medications like melitonin. I use that to. You had great advice thanks!
  • jakeziskin1
    jakeziskin1 Posts: 175 Member
    OP regarding your supplements question (which seems to be a hot topic again):

    Herbal supplements are not regulated and often don't disclose, or under disclose, their ingredients. Supplements such as Herbalife and Hydroxycut have been found to cause increased liver toxicity and even failure. Even after a class-action lawsuit was filed, and Hydroxycut promised to "change" their ingredients list, it was still found to cause substantial liver damage.

    Please Google any supplement you consider taking.

    This is my standard link for a long-term study that found in support of this argument:

    Some have dismissed it since it's six years old, but there are newer studies with similar findings on the same site for the US National Library of Medicine.

    Are there any suppliments you like it feel are good and not bad for your liver