Keto diet 1 week and no weight loss?



  • trudydelbrocco
    can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong?

    a fad diet with not enough caloric intake.

    Her calories may be too low, but it's not because it's a fad diet, it's because she hasn't informed herself well enough to be eating as she should on a low carb, high fat diet.

    I never really had a weight problem until menopause, and now that's done and I'm still stuck with the extra 30lbs. I've been hiking(up to 5 miles) 3 times a week, as well as once or twice a week swimming laps, still no go. I'm 51, and I fear if I don't find a solution for my body, then every year there will be a few extra pounds....and I refuse to be a fat old lady!! So far, I like this, but too soon to say if this is what will work for me(it's only been 2 days) but if it works....then for me it's not a "Fad Diet" it will become a way of life. Anything that is sustainable, is not a fad diet, if it works and you can always do it, it's a way of life. I do not want to spend the rest of my life counting calories, but that didn't work for me anyway. The grapefruit diet, Cabbage soup diet...those are fad diets, there is no way you could eat like that for life....therefore I've never tried them, because I don't want a diet...I want a new way of eating, so I can keep the pounds off and enjoy a healthy life.

    P.S. I do like the bulletproof coffee. I drink my coffee black with one Stevia, so the thought of even just milk in my coffee was gross to me, but I bit the bullet(no pun intended) and gave it a try, I like it. I did add one Stevia, which is allowed.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I understand i need to increase my fat intake but what is the beest foods to eat to increase fat and get into ketosis?

    Add cheese to your omelette. Add butter to things, or coconut oil. Hell, look up some "fat bomb" recipes and make those. They're like candy!
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    You're probably holding onto poop. Low carb is very constipating.

    If you're eating enough veggies, it's not.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    You're probably holding onto poop. Low carb is very constipating.

    If you're eating enough veggies, it's not.

    I agree as this has not been my experience.
    I'd suspect carb creep but that usually doesn't happen till one is eating this way for a bit of time.

    ETA: this is an old thread though...wonder how the OP is doing these days :smile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    OP: if you're still around (Since they hid the search function I have no way of knowing), and you're still doing a keto/low carb diet, consider joining one of the low carb groups. You'll find that they actually ANSWER your questions.

    Cheers and best of luck with whatever you choose.
  • ksutte
    ksutte Posts: 76 Member
    I started Friday and I'm down 4 lbs. Mine is medical, too much insulin. I'm at no more than 20 NET carbs per day, must have 2 cups leafy greens, and 1 cup of veggies, only up to 4 ozs of hard cheese/day. 100 oz of water a must, then all the meat I want so long as it is organic, grass fed, free range, etc. Eggs specifically says do not eat eggs without yolk. This is for weeks 1-6. Mine is a 12 week program, not sure what the other 6 weeks consists of. I am having a hard time eating enough calories, I've not made it to 1500 since I started, but I'm also not hungry. A little cranky for sure, assume carb withdrawal. Also taking a lot of vits throughout the day some are specific to my needs, but some like ortho digestzyme I believe helps the body break down the proteins so they can be used properly. Feel free to friend me, we can muddle through this together.:smile:
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I've been stagnant with my weight loss for months (and putting on a few lbs from my prior lowest point), really, almost a year after dropping an initial 50lb. The last 6 months I've been analyzing, counting calories, weighing everything, figuring out BMR/TDEE, and getting absolutely nowhere, I decided to try lo carbing it for a while. Not a full keto diet, just keeping my carbs under 50g a day. Before, I was eating up to 250g a day.

    I'm down nearly 10lbs in 3 weeks. The 1st week or so I had the lo carb flu- headaches, etc. but that has stopped. I had low energy during that time as well, but that has also stopped. I feel good, my mind is clear, my energy level is normal. My weight loss is consistent and almost predictable. No big jumps, just steady.

    I like the plan because aside from a few carb heavy foods and IPA beer that I miss,, I enjoy what I'm eating. Now that I'm used to planning my meals, it's been pretty easy. Lots of different kinds of meats- beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, lots of leafy green veggies and other fresh veggies from my garden. Stuff like summer squash, cukes, tomatoes really don't have a lot of carbs, and a 16oz boneless chicken breast and 2-3 cups of summer squash sautéed with onions in butter and olive oil fills me up just fine. I make a bunch of chicken breasts and then have them for lunch all week, cut one up over a bed of mixed greens with some avocado, tomato, cukes, some chile peppers and balsamic and olive oil for dressing, it makes a great lunch. Eggs and sausage for breakfast. A steak and salad for dinner.

    It's not a permanent solution but it has jump started my weight loss. If I can drop 20-30bs this way and then maintain it, I'm where I want to be. The key is not to just jump back into how I was eating before- keep an eye on the carbs but gradually add them back in until I find the point where they start causing me problems again.

    Maybe it's me, but I'm seeing results I haven't seen in a long time and it is encouraging.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I've been stagnant with my weight loss for months (and putting on a few lbs from my prior lowest point), really, almost a year after dropping an initial 50lb. The last 6 months I've been analyzing, counting calories, weighing everything, figuring out BMR/TDEE, and getting absolutely nowhere, I decided to try lo carbing it for a while. Not a full keto diet, just keeping my carbs under 50g a day. Before, I was eating up to 250g a day.

    I'm down nearly 10lbs in 3 weeks. The 1st week or so I had the lo carb flu- headaches, etc. but that has stopped. I had low energy during that time as well, but that has also stopped. I feel good, my mind is clear, my energy level is normal. My weight loss is consistent and almost predictable. No big jumps, just steady.

    I like the plan because aside from a few carb heavy foods and IPA beer that I miss,, I enjoy what I'm eating. Now that I'm used to planning my meals, it's been pretty easy. Lots of different kinds of meats- beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, lots of leafy green veggies and other fresh veggies from my garden. Stuff like summer squash, cukes, tomatoes really don't have a lot of carbs, and a 16oz boneless chicken breast and 2-3 cups of summer squash sautéed with onions in butter and olive oil fills me up just fine. I make a bunch of chicken breasts and then have them for lunch all week, cut one up over a bed of mixed greens with some avocado, tomato, cukes, some chile peppers and balsamic and olive oil for dressing, it makes a great lunch. Eggs and sausage for breakfast. A steak and salad for dinner.

    It's not a permanent solution but it has jump started my weight loss. If I can drop 20-30bs this way and then maintain it, I'm where I want to be. The key is not to just jump back into how I was eating before- keep an eye on the carbs but gradually add them back in until I find the point where they start causing me problems again.

    Maybe it's me, but I'm seeing results I haven't seen in a long time and it is encouraging.

    Sounds like it's working well for you :drinker:

    For me, it has to be a way of life as it's due to a medical issue I chose to go Keto. If I remember correctly, if this is not for life, and one plans to add back in a higher degree of carbs at some point, it should be done slowly, as in 5-10 g increase daily until you find the level that works for you to maintain.

    Going low carb can make you more carb sensitive than you were previously (as I understand it) and you can jack up those glycogen stores to appear to produce a 4-8 pound gain from the increased stores alone. Good luck with it, I keep reading that the weight loss is unsustainable when one goes from a low carb back to regular carb diet. :ohwell: I myself fell prey to the 'carb creep' that had me at what I thought was a plateau but simply wasn't....darn cashews by the fistful. :blushing:
  • Jill_with_a_G
    Jill_with_a_G Posts: 58 Member
    I see no veggies in that diet.... Agree...."low carb" is not "no carb". Nutrition is KEY in any way of eating.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Sounds like it's working well for you :drinker:

    For me, it has to be a way of life as it's due to a medical issue I chose to go Keto. If I remember correctly, if this is not for life, and one plans to add back in a higher degree of carbs at some point, it should be done slowly, as in 5-10 g increase daily until you find the level that works for you to maintain.

    Going low carb can make you more carb sensitive than you were previously (as I understand it) and you can jack up those glycogen stores to appear to produce a 4-8 pound gain from the increased stores alone. Good luck with it, I keep reading that the weight loss is unsustainable when one goes from a low carb back to regular carb diet. :ohwell: I myself fell prey to the 'carb creep' that had me at what I thought was a plateau but simply wasn't....darn cashews by the fistful. :blushing:

    That's my plan, gradually increase until I find the point where I can maintain, once I get to my target weight.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    You have to ask yourself. Can i eat this way the rest of my life. If you answer no. You are on the wrong track. Getting in shape, losing weight HAS to be a lifestyle change or else its no going to last.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    You have to ask yourself. Can i eat this way the rest of my life. If you answer no. You are on the wrong track. Getting in shape, losing weight HAS to be a lifestyle change or else its no going to last.

    I don't think you have to eat this way the rest of your life. You just can't go back to eating badly once you lose the weight. I think that's where so many people fail. They drop a lot of weight and once it's off, go back to eating like crap, and then wonder why the weight comes back. I agree that it's a lifestyle change, but that doesn't mean you are locked into only 1 way of maintaining that lifestyle.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi I started the keto diet I am one week in but no weight loss my diet consists of:

    *2 full eggs 6 egg whites,

    *35g whey protein small spoonfull of peanut butter

    *170g chicken fillit

    *35g whey protein small spoonfull of peanut butter

    *170g chicken fillit with handfull of green beans

    can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong? I am 140 ponds,

    Looks like too much protein. It's supposed to be high fat, moderate protein, low carb.