Why is my belly area not going down



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I've lost weight everywhere, some parts even too much, yet my belly still protrudes like I'm pregnant! There's a pic in my profile that I took a couple of days ago (black pants, red tanktop) that shows what I mean :cry:

    You don't look pregnant in that photo! I think half the problem is you are turning your upper body towards the mirror but your waist is still facing away. You should feel proud of your progress, I think you look great!
    Thanks everyone. I guess it's silly of me to get upset about my belly anyway. The alternative (continuing to gain weight) was certainly not the answer. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

    And yes, my belly was the first place I started to gain weight in years ago. So I'm guessing it'll just be the last area to go.

    No it's not. There's nothing wrong with disliking a part of your body. I'd deck anybody who told me to just like my body the way it is. It's my body, **** off. As long as you can look forward and you're not obsessing over it, it's okay to desire something different. And the best news in the world is that if you still don't like it once you get to goal weight (I bet you will though), you can engage in some strength training to alter it's shape. Lots of options, lots to look forward to:)

    Thank you. Once I finally get there it's good to know that strength training may help.

    Don't wait! Doing strength training now will help you to look more toned, have better strength, and retain more muscle as you lose weight. Otherwise you are losing fat AND muscle as you lose weight. Everyone on here who lost the weight than started strength training later has said if they could do it all over again they would have started lifting as they lost. I say this as someone who keeps trying to make it a regular habit and failing, but hey, good intentions.

    Thanks so much for that advice. I don't have access to a gym so I'm going on Google now to see what strength training exercises I can do at home.

    Take a look at body weight exercises. Convict Conditioning and You Are Your Own Gym are two programs that could get you started in the right direction.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    So I've lost about 28lbs so far and I'm so excited about this. I still have around 40 to go give or take before I reach my goal. My problem is I'm losing weight everywhere except my belly area. Even my wedding bands are loose now. While I'm happy with my fingers, breasts, and back fat leaving, I want to start to see some changes in my belly area. Tell me what I need to do differently.

    I don't have access to fancy equipment. I usually walk or do exercise dvds for workouts. I'm not expecting a flat belly by no means necessary after carrying 5 children. I just want to start to see changes in that area.

    For many, if not most, the belly area is primary fat stores...it's generally first on and last off. I lost a total of 40 Lbs and I didn't seeing my belly go down until I had lost at least 20-25 Lbs...the most dramatic loss of my belly was the last 10 Lbs or so.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited February 2016
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    So I've lost about 28lbs so far and I'm so excited about this. I still have around 40 to go give or take before I reach my goal. My problem is I'm losing weight everywhere except my belly area. Even my wedding bands are loose now. While I'm happy with my fingers, breasts, and back fat leaving, I want to start to see some changes in my belly area. Tell me what I need to do differently.

    I don't have access to fancy equipment. I usually walk or do exercise dvds for workouts. I'm not expecting a flat belly by no means necessary after carrying 5 children. I just want to start to see changes in that area.

    For many, if not most, the belly area is primary fat stores...it's generally first on and last off. I lost a total of 40 Lbs and I didn't seeing my belly go down until I had lost at least 20-25 Lbs...the most dramatic loss of my belly was the last 10 Lbs or so.

    ^ This, exactly. The pattern in which your weight comes on/comes off is dictated by your genetics.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I've lost weight everywhere, some parts even too much, yet my belly still protrudes like I'm pregnant! There's a pic in my profile that I took a couple of days ago (black pants, red tanktop) that shows what I mean :cry:

    You don't look pregnant in that photo! I think half the problem is you are turning your upper body towards the mirror but your waist is still facing away. You should feel proud of your progress, I think you look great!
    Thanks everyone. I guess it's silly of me to get upset about my belly anyway. The alternative (continuing to gain weight) was certainly not the answer. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

    And yes, my belly was the first place I started to gain weight in years ago. So I'm guessing it'll just be the last area to go.

    No it's not. There's nothing wrong with disliking a part of your body. I'd deck anybody who told me to just like my body the way it is. It's my body, **** off. As long as you can look forward and you're not obsessing over it, it's okay to desire something different. And the best news in the world is that if you still don't like it once you get to goal weight (I bet you will though), you can engage in some strength training to alter it's shape. Lots of options, lots to look forward to:)

    Thank you. Once I finally get there it's good to know that strength training may help.

    Don't wait! Doing strength training now will help you to look more toned, have better strength, and retain more muscle as you lose weight. Otherwise you are losing fat AND muscle as you lose weight. Everyone on here who lost the weight than started strength training later has said if they could do it all over again they would have started lifting as they lost. I say this as someone who keeps trying to make it a regular habit and failing, but hey, good intentions.

    Thanks so much for that advice. I don't have access to a gym so I'm going on Google now to see what strength training exercises I can do at home.

    Take a look at body weight exercises. Convict Conditioning and You Are Your Own Gym are two programs that could get you started in the right direction.

    I'd also recommend Fitness Blender when/if you want to step up a bit. It's super affordable and you pretty much just need some good dumbbells (I have Powerblocks, they're adjustable so compact). While I'm not into heavy lifting I do love strength training with moderate weights and body weight and I am starting to catch glimpses of the good work happening under the fat!
  • elkhunter7x6
    elkhunter7x6 Posts: 88 Member
    Do you take measurements? Since my entire body was getting smaller at the same time it was hard for me to see that my belly was actually shrinking while looking in the mirror. However, I can easily see progress with the tape measure.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Congratulations on the 28 pounds, that's huge. Unfortunately, like every one else said, you can't spot reduce fat. I swear I'm going to have a 6 pack before any fat comes off my thighs.
    Continue what you are doing, because you're doing great.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    I feel ya on that. My belly has definitely gotten smaller but still a lot of far. I know this sounds weird but I feel as if my belly fat is almost a different kind. More squishy lol.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    So I've lost about 28lbs so far and I'm so excited about this. I still have around 40 to go give or take before I reach my goal. My problem is I'm losing weight everywhere except my belly area. Even my wedding bands are loose now. While I'm happy with my fingers, breasts, and back fat leaving, I want to start to see some changes in my belly area. Tell me what I need to do differently.

    I don't have access to fancy equipment. I usually walk or do exercise dvds for workouts. I'm not expecting a flat belly by no means necessary after carrying 5 children. I just want to start to see changes in that area.

    For many, if not most, the belly area is primary fat stores...it's generally first on and last off. I lost a total of 40 Lbs and I didn't seeing my belly go down until I had lost at least 20-25 Lbs...the most dramatic loss of my belly was the last 10 Lbs or so.

    I'm holding on to this comment! As I have a little less than 10lbs left to lose.