Trying to lose with NO support at home



  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I think if the both of you are used to sharing food as one of the things you "do" then it's going to be hard for him to get used to that changing. It's not because he's trying to sabotage you. Many of us use food as part of the way we communicate love. We feed one another, we provide and share in delicious food and use that as a signal of our love. My husband would get upset I didn't want to go out and get ice cream sometimes and I'd just remind him, "don't you want me to be thinner?" I am obese and while he has never made any negative comments on my appearance, I'm sure he'd find me more attractive at a healthier weight. We still eat fast food a lot. I just get fewer things and choose the healthier options. That way we are still eating together and eating the "same" things most of the time. I am lactose intolerant so he got used to me not sharing a pizza with him a long time ago.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hubby and I eat differently- and my kids eat differently from me. Thats how it is right now. Am I a busy bee in the kitchen, yep! But I get to see my body change week to week.
    I have 100% support but he has tons more calories than I do. Dinner is his biggest meal and my smallest. When we eat together its when we order in.

    Not to make a blanket comment here but- communication.
    If it repeatedly falls on deaf ears and its a big deal to you then either go to the mattress with it or shrug it off and just do you!