90Daysss Plan

Has anyone done the 90daysss plan by Joe Wickes? I'm really tempted to sign up but the cost is putting me off a little. I'd like to know other peoples experiences before I sign up :)


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Out of curiosity, what is it the plan offers that you can't get for free from a site like this one?
  • katieboo93_
    katieboo93_ Posts: 57 Member
    Well that's kinda what I want to know too..
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    So what are you getting for 149 Pounds? Motivation? A book? Tweets? Signed headshots?

    He claims he learned most of what he promotes online...it doesn't sound like he has much formal training.

  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    What is it that interests you in his program?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    OP, it sounds like Wicks is arguing that the benefit of his program is mainly that since you pay so much for it, you will stick with it. If that sounds like something that will motivate you, it may work. Some people really do adhere better to a plan when money is on the line.

    But if you can be motivated for free, why pay?
  • katieboo93_
    katieboo93_ Posts: 57 Member
    I like the fact that it incorporates the science behind food and will enabled me to meet my macros more effectively
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I like the fact that it incorporates the science behind food and will enabled me to meet my macros more effectively

    What exactly does that mean? How does the plan incorporate the science behind food?
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    After the 90 days, what happens? That's what I want to know. A lot of these programs promise you astounding results in 90 days, and you get them, but then go back to your old habits and ways of eating, and start skipping workouts, and you're right back where you started. :)
    It might be a good jumpstart to your health plan, but I wouldn't give anyone 149 pound (what's that in US? 200$? ) to tell me what I could learn just by browsing these forums and talking to people who've been where I am. But then, I'm a cheapo.
  • katieboo93_
    katieboo93_ Posts: 57 Member
    And that it would be 100% tailored to me
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    I like the fact that it incorporates the science behind food and will enabled me to meet my macros more effectively

    How does it incorporate the science behind food?

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    And that it would be 100% tailored to me

    Based on what factors?
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I don't know anything about it but there are free plans on prm.com or do your own research and create your own plan or with that money you would spend get a nutritionist and get a plan that way.

    Pretty much everything I've done I learned from reading books and what I learned on here and other sites. I learned about portions and weighing my food. What foods to consume moderately and what to avoid. (Junk foods and processed foods) I make my own meal plans and it's really working so far! And other than cost of a few books it was free.
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    edited February 2016
    Op as you have probably figured out by now, most MFP members are not fans of programs that promise results for a "fee". There is nothing MFP can't give you that this program will. You don't need this program.
  • ClicquotBubbles
    ClicquotBubbles Posts: 66 Member
    And that it would be 100% tailored to me

    And so would it be if you read the main threads on here and looked around youtube, fitnessblender ( i think it's called. And you would'nt be 149 quid down. :)
  • katieboo93_
    katieboo93_ Posts: 57 Member
    Ooooookay guys. I was interested in other people experiences. I get that people are not fans of the plan. I wanted to see if anyone who used MFP AND the plan found it to be worth the money.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ^^^ Probably aren't going to find that here. Sorry.
  • katieboo93_
    katieboo93_ Posts: 57 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ^^^ Probably aren't going to find that here. Sorry.

  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    People here are just trying to convince you to save your money.

    Just use mfp... It is free. Eat the foods that you like, but weigh all of it and log it... Stick to your calorie goal and you should see progress. That's it, really.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Ive bought the book only from asda for £8 as i was looking for healthy cooking and i love this book. Ive not signed up for the 90 plan im sort of doing it myself without paying them for account and for the c1 c2 c3 thing lol. I already workout 30 mins 5 times a week but adding in his greats meals makes it better for me to stay on track.

    This is my week 2. I had post on gerenal forum last week to see if anyone was doing it but no one replied :( glad i found this lol.

    I dont wanna waste money like people say buy the plan from them i find it easier and cheaper to just buy book and ill buy his next one coming out aswell. i make up my own planner for the week, batch up on sundays store in fridge or freezer for the week and measure everything and log it all :). my dairy is open aswell and ive logged for the full week I do have spare calories i can use if i do feel peakish and i still need to log my breakfast aswell lol. Glad im not along on this :D
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Oooooh if you wanna see people experinces. Go on youtube. Ive been watching justine jade on her 90 day sss plan. Shot video's but it has been good to see someone doing it aswell to give me motovation for it too. I like joe's youtube video aswell wish he's make some more food ones lol