What did you give up for Lent



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    sith78 wrote: »
    I don't understand what the difference is to give up something during lent vs any other time of the year.

    I give up chocolate every year for Lent, for last 5 years or so. I love Chocolate and usually eat some nearly every day. I find it helps me develop self discipline at resisting this small temptation and helps me appreciate how fortunate I am to live in a country where food is plentiful and to appreciate it again after the 6 week break,rather than take that for granted.

    These are my own personal reasons and not a statement about other people's religions or their reasons.

    Yes any other 6 week period of doing this would acheive same thing - but left to decide on my own timing, it probably wouldn't happen so I use the period of Lent. The lead up to Easter is also when chocolate temptations are everywhere and we are frequently offered chocolate - so good time to resist eating it.
    Similar to people doing dry months for various reasons,I guess.

    Mods if my post is inappropriate, please delete it.