Soup Diet



  • JayZ1488
    JayZ1488 Posts: 258 Member
    JayZ1488 wrote: »
    JayZ1488 wrote: »
    JayZ1488 wrote: »
    Not sure why I haven't read more of this. My diet has consisted of having a lot of soup and it has been working out well. Simple vegetable soups with carrots, onions, zucchini, squash, etc. .low in calories and delicious. It's been working for me. More should give this a try.

    I have a question. How much weight dos you lose and in how long.

    I was thinking about a soup and jello and Protein shake diet. The soups are a variety of flavor from progresso. The soups are creamy chunky lite and all are 200-250 calories a can.
    5 cans of soup a day
    2 zero carb 25g Protein shakes 105 calories a shake
    And 2 packs of sugar free 10 calorie jello.
    80 calories
    And a fruit granola fat free yougurt parfait which I weigh and make 250 calories
    So total my calorie in take would be roughly 1750 a day.

    This sounds terrible and unnecessary. 5 cans of soup a day!? I'd be sick of the sight of soup by the end of day one.

    Well that's just your opinion. I'm liking it and the weights coming off. Thanks for the reply!

    I'm confused. You said in your post today you were thinking about this diet. Now you're already on it and seeing results?

    I am interested in starting this new diet. I have been on soup diets before and have lost weight. I was curious on others out comes!

    Losing weight is only part of the battle. Keeping it off is the other issue. Doesn't seem like this diet is conducive to maintaining.

    I hear ya there, and the 45lb I lost haven't come back at all! I do think that soup in diets are helpful though, in my option because it has helped me!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    JayZ1488 wrote: »
    Not sure why I haven't read more of this. My diet has consisted of having a lot of soup and it has been working out well. Simple vegetable soups with carrots, onions, zucchini, squash, etc. .low in calories and delicious. It's been working for me. More should give this a try.

    I have a question. How much weight dos you lose and in how long.

    I was thinking about a soup and jello and Protein shake diet. The soups are a variety of flavor from progresso. The soups are creamy chunky lite and all are 200-250 calories a can.
    5 cans of soup a day
    2 zero carb 25g Protein shakes 105 calories a shake
    And 2 packs of sugar free 10 calorie jello.
    80 calories
    And a fruit granola fat free yougurt parfait which I weigh and make 250 calories
    So total my calorie in take would be roughly 1750 a day.

    When you put that in your diary, how much carbs, fat, protein, and sodium do you get?

    I chose a Progresso creamy light soup at random (light Chicken and Cheese Enchilada). It has 660 mg of sodium per serving. I'm assuming 2 servings a can? If the other soups are similiar, that would be 6,660 mg of sodium a day from soup alone. I don't limit sodium, but that's a lot.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    There is actually a soup diet book. Lol. But I'm just getting into making homemade soup bc it takes small amount of food to make and lasts for multiple meals. And low cal!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I sing a tasty ode to soup!
    When veggie-based, it makes me poop.
    With lots of water, makes me full;
    With savory spices, makes me drool!

    I like it thin, I like it creamy;
    as long as it is hot and steamy.
    On gloomy days, or when I’m stress’t
    with hearty bowl, I'm truly bless’t.

    My freezer and my pantry stores
    are not complete without my scores
    of veggie, beef, or chicken stock
    I make myself in pot-of-crock.

    And when a casserole or plate
    the leftovers I contemplate,
    it's likely that their later fate
    will be with broth or stock to mate.
    From dabs of spinach, beans and corn. . .
    Voila! Into a soup reborn!

    Not to mention, on the whole,
    I like to eat out of a bowl.
    Instead of plate, I'd rather ladle
    into a shape that I can cradle;
    and given choice 'tween fork and spoon
    tis to the last I'll opportune.

    So sing along, this ode to soup!
    Let's altogether in a group
    with one strong voice all pledge our troth
    to fine concoctions made from broth!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I lost weight when I first moved to NYC because I ate soup all the time. Mostly because it was cheap for me. I didn't understand CICO then. Now I would never choose to live off of soup like that since I understand how to eat what I want, and find other things better for satiety.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    That was beautiful, @rosebarnalice .
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I sing a tasty ode to soup!
    When veggie-based, it makes me poop.
    With lots of water, makes me full;
    With savory spices, makes me drool!

    I like it thin, I like it creamy;
    as long as it is hot and steamy.
    On gloomy days, or when I’m stress’t
    with hearty bowl, I'm truly bless’t.

    My freezer and my pantry stores
    are not complete without my scores
    of veggie, beef, or chicken stock
    I make myself in pot-of-crock.

    And when a casserole or plate
    the leftovers I contemplate,
    it's likely that their later fate
    will be with broth or stock to mate.
    From dabs of spinach, beans and corn. . .
    Voila! Into a soup reborn!

    Not to mention, on the whole,
    I like to eat out of a bowl.
    Instead of plate, I'd rather ladle
    into a shape that I can cradle;
    and given choice 'tween fork and spoon
    tis to the last I'll opportune.

    So sing along, this ode to soup!
    Let's altogether in a group
    with one strong voice all pledge our troth
    to fine concoctions made from broth!
