Nobody wants to lift no heavy *kitten* weight!



  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    Body Stats: Female. 42. 5'5". 181.799999999999999 lbs bf-Bulkasaurus Rex
    Current Lifts 1 rep: Bench Press-165. High Bar ATG Squat-285. Row-125x5. DL-345. OHP-125. Front Squat 225.
    Body Goals: 170 lbs. 22% bf.
    Strength Goals for 2016: 1 rep max: Bench Press-175. Squat-315. Row-don't care--pull ups 5 strict would be nice. DL-400+. OHP-140. Front Squat-250.

    Those are impressive numbers. Your bench looks way out of whack compared to the other lifts. Injury?

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