How much/often do you exercise?



  • sbermud
    sbermud Posts: 58 Member
    An hour a week
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I take an Orange Theory class 4-5 times a week (hour long) and walk approximately 20 miles a week on top of that.
  • Ggmaccer2015
    Ggmaccer2015 Posts: 6 Member
    6 days of gym classes or running and one day off but a 10,000 steps walk... Also try to get my 10,000 steps per day everyday....

    I feel good and it's my hobby... But have had times when exercise was " punishment" for bad eating and it didn't work I gained weight anyway so enjoy, set non weight goals and destress/me time....
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Roughly 12-13 hours cycling per week.
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    I walk at least a couple of miles each way of my commute and often walk for most of my lunch break. At the moment I'm doing Couch to 10k so there's a bit of running three nights a week as well. Very little resistance training at the moment, but I'm planning to swap the lunchtime walks for the work gym.
  • hollen_carol
    hollen_carol Posts: 121 Member
    ashleyylo wrote: »
    Wow. All of you guys are so active.
    My current program has me doing weights 3xper week, cardio (approx 30min) twice per week, and one circuit style class. And I thought that was going at it pretty good.

    I am lazy in comparison to most of you!

    Nah, we're not all active. I love and respect all the active MFP peeps. I'm just not one of them. 30-40 min bodyweight training, 3x week for me. My cardio is walking instead of driving kids to and from bus stops/school, grocery shopping, and nearby errands (SAHM here).

    It's enough for me; I see results, I get to eat a respectable (to me) amount, and I don't feel overwhelmed when I get a rest day every other day.

    I'm right with both of you! I often feel like a slouch around here but I don't want to do what I cannot keep up with for life. If I do any extra, its because I want to lose a few pounds. Once the pounds are off, I go back to this again.
  • msjanetcole
    msjanetcole Posts: 31 Member
    Over 100 pounds, every other day, stationary bike, other days walking and/or strength training.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    vixtris wrote: »
    Hey everyone! I just entered maintenance last week. I've lost 90 lbs in the past 13 months, and a total of about 150 lbs from my highest weight. As I was losing weight, I exercised a lot, every day - cardio on the elliptical for 2+ hours, plus 1 lifting session a week. I felt working out for 2 hours every day was too stressful for me, so since starting maintenance I have reduced the cardio time to 1.5 hours/5 days a week, and 1 lifting session per week as well. So far, this has been working great for me, and it gives me 1,900 calories to work with on a daily average (after eating about 1,300-1,400 calories a day, that's a pretty generous amount for me!). But, I wonder if its too much exercise? It obviously is not nearly as much as I was doing before, but I don't want to seem obsessed. However, I feel really good after working out on the elliptical, and I do want to keep my fitness level at least the same, if not improve somehow (and I also want to eat more food!) I also may want to try new activities this spring/summer, like maybe swimming, biking, or hiking.

    So, for those who are maintaining, how much/how long/how often do you exercise? What kind of exercise(s) do you do? What is your daily calorie intake for maintenance? Do you exercise solely to eat more food, or do you do it for other reasons as well? At what point do you think it becomes an obsession?

    I exercise 5-6 days per week...usually I ride anywhere from 60 - 80 miles per week and I lift 3x per week. My exercise didn't change when I went to maintenance...I just ate more.

    Too much exercise is relative...most over-train issues aren't actually a matter of over-training but rather underfeeding that training.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    My fiancé and I lift weights 5 days a week about an hour routine a day.. some a little longer, some shorter. We walk other days, talking about some HIIT cardio on off days.
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    To maintain, 4-5 days a week an hour of weightlifting only. To decrease some weight, I add HIIT 3 x week for 15-20 min and a caloric decrease from 2500 to 2000-2200 cals. Cardio is not my choice of exercise but you gotta do it sometimes! At least for cardiovascular health purposes :)
  • viblanco
    viblanco Posts: 32 Member
    I wouldn't consider your exercise regimen extreme at all. Like someone said in a previous post, if fitness is your hobby it isn't extreme in your eyes.

    I currently work out 6 days a week I average about 1.5 to 2 hours a session. My workouts are strength training focused with about 15-21 minutes of HIIT style cardio at the end. I usually burn about 800-1000 calories per workout session. An "outsider" looking in may think what I am doing is extreme but for someone who has made fitness a huge part of my life it is normal.

    Do what makes you happy. Plain and simple :smiley:
  • Ciera247Zumba
    Ciera247Zumba Posts: 22 Member
    What you're doing sounds awesome and healthy, so long as you maintain that happy attitude of enjoyment (& listen to your body on times you may be pushing too much or need rest). I recommend supplementing what you do with yoga and quality stretching to help prevent muscle aches/fatigue and improve flexibility to help prevent injury. :) Keep it up!
  • mikeski52
    mikeski52 Posts: 59 Member
    Wow, so many people exercising 5+/week. I lift, +10minutes cardio, 2x a week and can't be bothered to spend more time than that!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    3x a week circuit body weight cardio usually 60-70 minutes
    2x week strength/weight training usually about 50 minutes
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    mikeski52 wrote: »
    Wow, so many people exercising 5+/week. I lift, +10minutes cardio, 2x a week and can't be bothered to spend more time than that!

    Those of us that work out 5+ times a week generally do so because we truly enjoy it. Not because we're trying to punish ourselves or anything.
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    edited February 2016
    mikeski52 wrote: »
    Wow, so many people exercising 5+/week. I lift, +10minutes cardio, 2x a week and can't be bothered to spend more time than that!

    Those of us that work out 5+ times a week generally do so because we truly enjoy it. Not because we're trying to punish ourselves or anything.

    Truth :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    jsidel126 speaks much truth. I walk 1 mile on my treadmill each weekday morning, but weight loss is not the goal. Cardiovascular and HDL improvement is my goal with that activity.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    Walking 10k/steps a day and workout four days a week. Here's my workout schedule:

    Day 1: Shoulders and Biceps
    Standing Military Press – 5/3/1
    DB Military Press – 4 x12
    Side Laterals/Rear Laterals – 4 x12
    Barbell Curls – 4 x12
    Preacher Curls – 4 x10

    Day 2: Back
    Deadlift –  5/3/1
    Bent Over Rows – 4 x12
    Chin ups – 4 x10 (or do Lat Pulldowns)
    Good Mornings – 4 x10
    Hanging Leg Raises – 4 x12

    Day 3: Chest and Triceps
    Bench Press – 5/3/1
    Weighted Dips – 4 x10
    DB Flyes – 4 x12
    Triceps Pushdowns – 5 x 20
    Push ups – 4 sets to failure

    Day 4: Legs and Abs
    Squat – 5/3/1
    Leg Press – 5 x 15
    Leg Curls – 5 x 15
    Leg Extensions – 4 x12
    Ab Wheel – 4 x12
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,211 Member
    I walk on the treadmill or outdoors 3-4 times a week. Typically it is in the 35-45 minute range. I ride an outdoor bike for cardio work when the weather is nice, instead of walking. Twice a week with weight-training- 60-65 minute sessions each. I use the machines at the "Y". If I am ambitious, I do a bit of cardio at the "Y" as well.....Some of my pals on hear have inspired me to dance exercise on occasion, to change up the cardio routine. I feel so much less stressed, and enjoy the spring in my step that comes from regular exercise.
  • rickyll
    rickyll Posts: 188 Member
    4-6 times a week but try to keep them short and intense. An hour max. This hour doesn't include a warm up, conditioning, and stretching/rolling though.. adding those things make the total gym time about an hour and a half. What I do before and after my weightlifting is what allows me to workout that often.