For those who weigh daily



  • FabianRodriguez94
    FabianRodriguez94 Posts: 221 Member
    Since I have not seen any type of halt in my weight loss, I will usually only log my weight when it hits a new low. If it stays the same or moves up, I assume water retention and just keep logging my food accurately as possible until a lower number shows.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    I weigh every day. They're all my actual weight. But since actual weight fluctuates I just put on jeans that haven't fit for years and get happy about that.
  • BoogeyBrat
    BoogeyBrat Posts: 212 Member
    I do weigh daily and record it in a document I have for that purpose. I'll then take the lowest number in those 7 days and enter it as my weight for MFP for the week. While I guess a more accurate method would be to take the average and enter that, it feels better to see those lower numbers. Even if they were only technically true for one instance on one day it helps immensely with motivation. As long as I'm seeing a continuous downward trend, I'm happy.

    The highest number in 7 days I don't get too bent out of shape over unless it's way off trend for the week, in which case I'll do some investigating and try to figure out what happened.
  • wrenak
    wrenak Posts: 144 Member
    I started this process on April 19, 2015, which was a Sunday. I record my weight in MFP every Sunday. I weigh daily and log into two different apps. (Libra and Fitbit so if something ever happens to my phone I'll have a record of them somewhere.) What I answer depends on who's asking. My mom and husband get the exact amount I weighed in at that morning. The machines at the gym get a rounded-to-the-nearest-pound weight. Today I weighed 187.6 so I told it I weighed 188. Anyone else I am willing to answer just gets the latest MFP weight.
  • McKittyJane
    McKittyJane Posts: 143 Member
    I weigh daily; I always state my weight as what is was the day before (i weigh before bed)
  • m27un
    m27un Posts: 217 Member

    I weigh in every morning! I find it motivating and I roll with that weight !!

    If you're reading this add me as a friend !!!!!! :)
  • TyFi_10
    TyFi_10 Posts: 14 Member
    I've lost 140 lbs, and each like 50 lbs have had differences in my tendencies. It's weird.

    At the beginning, I weighed every day. I was so obsessed. Then, I began more spaced out weigh ins, every week or even sometimes every second week. Now that I've reached my target weight, I'm less focused on weight as a whole. I periodically look just to make sure im not creeping back up, but I don't care about the number itself because lets not forget that weight at the end of the day is just a number.
  • lyndefisher
    lyndefisher Posts: 54 Member
    haviegirl wrote: »
    I weigh three or four times daily, just because I like data and don't freak out about fluctuations. I keep the lowest reading each day.

  • lyndefisher
    lyndefisher Posts: 54 Member
    My husband (he is following MFP also) both weigh on a daily basis but only record our weight on Sundays. That is our official weigh in day. If someone asks me what I weigh, I go by my weight on that Sunday!!
  • omobad312
    omobad312 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't really pick a weight. I weigh everyday and I guess if someone were to ask my weight and I actually decided to tell them, I'd say a range, like 160-163.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I weigh daily and log it on Happyscale. I take my weight as the weight for that day usually. I only log losses on MFP but all gains and losses on Happyscale so I can keep a record.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    scottsull7 wrote: »
    Bmoy87 wrote: »
    I weigh myself every 2 weeks on Saturday morning. I only do it every 2 weeks mainly because I drink so much water I have to "water fast" the whole night so I have a proper weigh-in. I think weighing yourself more than once a week is overkill and your treating your weight loss as a race and not the proper life change it is and your possibly setting yourself up for failure.

    Actually, exactly the opposite is true. When you weigh yourself everyday you see more clearly the trends and fluctuations. Most people responding here that weigh every day don't get excited and drastically change their behavior because their weight went up 0.5 or 1 pound from the previous day. We know it will come back down and that weight fluctuates due to any of several factors. Weighing every day actually helps to see how weight loss is long-term, and you stop being worried about the difference from day to day. I step on the scale every morning when I wake up and then I go about my day.

    This is how I am, but not how I always was! I find myself obsessing much LESS about my weight/the scale now that I weigh daily and see that fluctuations are normal.

    Previously, when I weighed weekly, if I hopped on the scale early out of curiosity, it would devastate me to see it a couple pounds heavier. Now from weighing daily, I know that is normal fluctuation

    A lot of people mentioned Happy Scale, which I have been using but I don't think I really get it. It doesn't appear to tell me my average weight, only my "best in 10 days." I'm sure there's something I'm not getting but I'm not too worried about it.

    Also many people mentioning that no one asks their weight. Sorry, that was just an example. What I really mean is the weight you think of yourself as.
    You can go into settings and change it to display your 10 day moving average or your best in 10 days.

    Aha! I see now. Thank you :)