Is your house Haunted?



  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    Sometimes, my farts follow me from one room to another. It's creepy.
  • Superdave24
    Superdave24 Posts: 158 Member
    Wow......there are some really good stories.

    Another thing that happened to me at that house. One late night a storm came rolling in. It was summer so we always slept with the windows open. Their was thundering and lightening and lots of blowing wind. I got really scared (because I was little) and went to run out of the room towards my parents room. At the point I reached the door to my bedroom the door slammed in my face. Something was keeping me from opening it. I finally got it open and escaped the room. The next day I noticed that the large lead weight that we kept in front of the door to keep it open (because the room had hardwood floors) with was in the hallway. Mind you....this thing is HEAVY. Long story short.....something slammed that door in front of me. And one more thing.....evidently there wasn't a storm that night. No one else heard it in the house.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I've got stories that would probably take up all 20 pages and roll the thread, lol
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Yes. My former MIL is still here. I can't wait until we can sell it and move.
  • belinus
    belinus Posts: 112 Member
    bah that friggin scared me when I first saw it in the movies

    Where is it from?
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    Yeah strange things happen in my apartment all the time: tears in the carpet, random objects moved from the counters and onto the floor, strange hairs on the couch. I sometimes think something is up with my apartment and then I remember that I have cats.

    OMG, this is so freaking hilarious! :laugh: :laugh:
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    A ghost stole my toast.

    I was making toast one morning in college, just one slice. But I put it in the wrong side and had to switch to the "one slice" side. A few moments later I heard the toaster pop, but my toast was gone. I looked everywhere, thought maybe it was flung up on top of the fridge or onto the floor...nay.

    Things in my apartment now move around and fall off the counter. But the culprit is my cat. She likes to watch things fall.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    My house was completed in 1872. It had construction begun on it before the Civil War, but got put on hold while that sorted itself out.

    Whatever is here is peaceful and wears lily scented stuff. I grow hydrangeas, roses, mums and daffodils around my house. That's it besides the azaleas.

    When we got the house it was bad off, front and back porches rotted through, roof leaking like a sieve. Yard overgrown to the point of jungle vibes. With every single improvement we make that impacts the house's structure or yard we tend to find dried flower petals on the kitchen counter afterwards. I don't know what kind of flower it's from, but I do know they aren't from my yard as it is now.

    Another thing is I leave very early in the morning. The upstairs has a dormer window over the porch. There used to be a window seat there. You can feel the lines of where it was in the floorboards. The floors are all hardwood and original to the house, never been replaced. But on several occasions I have seen someone in those windows sitting on a seat looking out. We try to keep the Roman shades drawn and latched at the bottom, but on these mornings they are completely raised. Curtains when we had them there would be pushed to the side.

    My hubby freaked me out once when we first moved in, I was in the living room around sunset and he went out on the back porch to call me to come help with something. He saw a woman out there but she vanished when he got about 15 feet from her. She was near the fig tree, and he thought it was me.

    Both my kids have asked on more than one occasion when they were sick if it was me checking on them in the middle of the night, or sitting in the rocker in the youngest's room. It wasn't. They are the ones who smell the perfume.

    Who ever she is, she is peaceful and stay.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    the house I grew up in is haunted...

    in particular my room, often the window that was closed at night would be open in the morning, doors unlocked and locked without reason, lights being on that were turned off...

    ghosts don't bother far more cautious of people...
  • nrod1988
    nrod1988 Posts: 111 Member
    At my mother in laws home... i lived there for 2 years had terrifying experiences... like crap from movies... i even saw a lil boy standing across my bed stiff and gray scariest **** thats ever happened to me! I also heard footsteps walking back and forth from the door to my bedroom to the bathroom... whistling, slamming kitchen cabinets... knocking on bedroom door. Also my husbands grandmother saw a girl standing on some chair with her ear against wall listening to my hubby and my conversation! I must say i think w/e was in that home was not good... My husband and I would always be arguing for dumb stuff and now that i think about it they say ghost feed off negative energy... scary... :(
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    When I lived in my old apartment I had 3 angel figurines hanging on the wall in my hallway and they were always getting moved around. I would find them all over the apartment. On the bathroom floor, on the kitchen floor,etc. and there is no way they could have fallen and landed in these places. One of them finally disappeared for good and I got rid of the rest of them. I used to keep a plastic cup on the side of the tub and I would find it sitting in the middle of the bathroom floor.

    I also used to see shadows. One time, my brother came over and I thought he had left, but I was sitting on the living room floor putting together an entertainment center and I saw someone walk down the hall. Thinking it was my brother I yelled for him to come help me, but he didn't answer, so I got up and went to see what he was doing and nobody was there.

    Another time I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I saw a black cat jump up on the arm of the couch (I didn't have a cat) and it scared me so I jumped and screamed a fell off the couch. I got up to go look for it to take it outside, I never found a cat.

    My sister swears that apartment was haunted.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    A ghost stole my toast.

    I was making toast one morning in college, just one slice. But I put it in the wrong side and had to switch to the "one slice" side. A few moments later I heard the toaster pop, but my toast was gone. I looked everywhere, thought maybe it was flung up on top of the fridge or onto the floor...nay.

    That is the best ghost story ever. Even ghosts need toasts.

    One time I was walking upstairs to my room. The bathroom door was open, and there was a very large mirror you could see from the hallway. I happened to glance over and saw a small girl, about 8 or so, with long black hair and some sort of dress on, looked old fashioned. She was very pale and looked Gothic,. She looked right at me for a good 10 seconds. When I looked back, she was gone.

    One time, I was up late playing video games in my room. I "felt" something walk into the room. I tried to ignore it because typically if you pay attention, it tends to make it worse. I just kept playing. .. Until I felt it walk up next to me, and then it brushed my shoulder. I ran. :D
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    All you have to do if a ghost bothers you is to tell them very loudly "If you don't leave me alone, I will vaporize you." Sometimes they still walk around yer house, but they will steer clear of you.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    My grandfather was a huge believer in the paranormal, and everyone knew it. In his old house, he was in the bathroom in his room doing his business when a little blonde boy peeked in around the door (it was open because that door was broken and no one could get it to stay closed) and then he left and shut the door behind him...and it stayed closed. He came into the living room where my dad and brother, who was about 6 at the time and blonde, were sitting on the couch. He asked my brother how he got the door to stay closed. At which point my dad told him that he and my brother had been sitting there together and hadn't moved in about ten minutes.

    When my brother was very very little, around two, he used to go over to a corner in the house mentioned above and look up and just laugh and giggle and babble as if he were playing with an adult. He would do that for hours, just sit there looking up and giggling.

    My grandpa also used to frequently see a woman and a young girl that stood hand in hand that would just be there when he turned around. Whenever he tried to talk to them, they'd leave.

    After he died, my grandmother was lonely and wasn't used to sleeping alone, so she asked me one night to come sleep in her bed. I woke up that night and saw a baseball sized green orb on the left side of the room. I didn't think anything of it, I just smiled at it and felt happy. The next morning I hadn't remembered it until my grandmother asked if I had seen "the big green light on the left side of the room" last night. I thought about it and just kind of was like, yeah, grandma, that was the smoke detector. And then she reminded me that it was on the right side of the room, in the opposite corner. I remembered how inexplicably happy I felt seeing that green light and still believe it was my grandpa. Haven't seen him since, but I think it was his final goodbye, since I never got to say it.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    All you have to do if a ghost bothers you is to tell them very loudly "If you don't leave me alone, I will vaporize you." Sometimes they still walk around yer house, but they will steer clear of you.

    No, that doesn't work at all. Threatening them does nothing. What are they to be afraid of? They're dead. They're either there because of negativity or they're there to tell you something. If the former, pray and don't feed it. If the latter, listen or get someone who can. Often they will just move on if they feel like they've been heard.
  • My sister and I lived by a simple rule: always be in bed and asleep before 3 AM. If you held to this rule, and you stayed asleep, you'd be okay. This was my personal belief: be in bed before 3 AM and always have a cat sleeping on the bed with you. I don't know the origin of my belief, I just know it's a truth I held dearly from age of 10 to 18.

    The house I grew up in, and my parents still live in, was built in 1881. It was used as a "boarding house for women," which is a fancy way of staying it was a brothel, from the time it was built until the owner's death around 1920. It was used as a retirement home from 1950 to the 1960's, and our dining room is the room they would have viewings in. Found that out via a friend of my father's whose grandfather lived and died here---he refuses to enter the house whenever he comes over.

    Growing up, my sister and I would always hear things: a bell ringing in the middle of the night; a baby crying; you'd hear voices downstairs that would sound distorted as though someone had left a TV on with the volume on low. It was never a great feeling whenever you chanced upon the unexplainable; however, I can't recall ever feeling scared to the marrow. I think the freakiest thing that happened to me was I woke up in the middle of the night, and the window blinds beside my bed where being moved, as though someone was running a finger up and down them. My reaction was to throw my blanket over my head, muttered 'go away.' (Just to note, our cat was sleeping between my head and the window, disproving my theory that cats chased away paranormal activity.)

    My dad never believed us when we said the house was haunted until he woke up to see a man standing beside his side of the bed. He didn't tell us about this until years later because he didn't want to give credence to our claims. Mom was always more open to the possibilities, but never really heard anything other than the muted conversations downstairs.

    Once this guy who lived in the house in the 70's stopped by to look for metal artifacts in the yard. He, my sister, mom and I got to talking, and he asked us, "So, have you all ever seen or heard anything that can't be explained here?" We answered in the affirmative, and he asked, "Does it always happen around 3 am?" At that point my sister and I looked at each other completely freaked out--we had never told anyone that everything weird happened at, or after 3 am. The guy, and his family, had more malevolent things happen to them than we did (he had beds shaking, misplaced items, doors slamming shut, etc.). It was just one of those moments of perfect clarity.

    Even though I'm 29, and I haven't lived in a haunted house for 12 years, I still hate being up past 3 AM, and I absolutely refuse to allow the house to have darkened rooms. I feel like my tag line should be, "And you shall know me by my trail of lights."
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    My house was completed in 1872. It had construction begun on it before the Civil War, but got put on hold while that sorted itself out.

    Whatever is here is peaceful and wears lily scented stuff. I grow hydrangeas, roses, mums and daffodils around my house. That's it besides the azaleas.

    When we got the house it was bad off, front and back porches rotted through, roof leaking like a sieve. Yard overgrown to the point of jungle vibes. With every single improvement we make that impacts the house's structure or yard we tend to find dried flower petals on the kitchen counter afterwards. I don't know what kind of flower it's from, but I do know they aren't from my yard as it is now.

    Another thing is I leave very early in the morning. The upstairs has a dormer window over the porch. There used to be a window seat there. You can feel the lines of where it was in the floorboards. The floors are all hardwood and original to the house, never been replaced. But on several occasions I have seen someone in those windows sitting on a seat looking out. We try to keep the Roman shades drawn and latched at the bottom, but on these mornings they are completely raised. Curtains when we had them there would be pushed to the side.

    My hubby freaked me out once when we first moved in, I was in the living room around sunset and he went out on the back porch to call me to come help with something. He saw a woman out there but she vanished when he got about 15 feet from her. She was near the fig tree, and he thought it was me.

    Both my kids have asked on more than one occasion when they were sick if it was me checking on them in the middle of the night, or sitting in the rocker in the youngest's room. It wasn't. They are the ones who smell the perfume.

    Who ever she is, she is peaceful and stay.

    :') What a happy story! She's happy that you are bringing her beloved home back to life. She is happy to watch over your children and make sure your family is okay. So sweet! <3 I hope she - and all the ghosts in these stories - find peace and rest. If you encounter a ghost, kind or troublesome, I think we should pray for them - just like the living. :)
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    There is a spirit in the house i live in now haunting my daughters rooms.

    When I first moved into this house I loved it, it was the perfect home for us it has three bedrooms four baths. It was so cheap for how big it is and i just thought wow god is blessing us. Until I moved in and I realized why it had sat vacant for so long, the first week I put my daughter to sleep in her room.

    She was given this cute little motion sensored cow toy if you waved your hand infront of it it would moo and sing a song. I went downstairs and sat on the couch ready to watch a movie when i started hearing this soft strange lullaby music. I thought, thats strange I dont remember turning on her noise maker but i must have and forgot so i continued to sit and listen. Then I heard these loud steps coming down the stairs, i watched the stairs intently thinking I would see someone but they stopped just out of my sight at this point i decided to go check on my daughter as i walking up the stairs I could hear her motion sensored cow mooing.

    I thought wow ok shes awake and it was her i heard, when i walked into her room not only was she asleep but the motion sensored cow was all the way on the otherside of the room facing me. I brushed it off and decided to go to bed, well fast forward somewhere around 2am in the morning i heard crying coming from her monitor, then i felt a hand on my shoulder my brother had stayed the night with me because it had been my first night alone in a new neighborhood in a new house.

    He very plainly said, "do you hear that?" I said very angrly "YES! Go get her and bring her to me," he then replied "Ash, shes right here.." I turned around and realized my daughter was sleeping next to me i had gotten her before i fell asleep. We both looked at eachother like WTF.

    The scariest sound i have ever heard, was this babys cry on my monitor. An unearthly distorted painful cry.
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    I think it is, but the ghost says it isn't , so inconclusive really......
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    love this thread, I wanna come back to read more