starvation mode ?



  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Save your money and learn how to normalize your eating and exercise. If you don't solve the head game, you will always lose the weight game.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    i just don't know how you can't be in severe maluntrition at 500 calories of salad a day.

    Severe nutritional deficiencies usually take more than a couple of weeks to develop. I'm not saying this is a good plan or one that the OP should continue for even one more day (she shouldn't), but it usually takes more than a couple of weeks of sub-optimal eating for real deficiencies to develop.

    i wasn't talking about getting so bad symptoms show up. she is malnourished at 500 cal a day.
  • marshageroli
    marshageroli Posts: 41 Member
    I love that you are working towards a great goal, but unfortunately, it sounds like the process may not be the best way. Mfp has a very easy to understand and healthy way for you to lose weight. I've tried tons of diets and have not been able to see any of them through because I could never live off of that lifestyle after the diet was over, therefore gaining back all the lost weight. Mfp is the first one that is manageable and realistic for years. If I were you, I would stop the injections and start a regimented calorie tracking diet (with food scale weighing). Don't expect to lose weight quickly, but honestly you can lose around 2 pounds a week, which seems pretty fast to me, without losing key nutrients and being miserable along the way. I hate to say this, but it sounds like the reason you are losing weight is from the low calories you are eating, not the injections. Good luck!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2016
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    i just don't know how you can't be in severe malnutrition at 500 calories of salad a day.

    Just doesn't add up here. something is terribly wrong if you are eating 500 calories a day and only losing 1 pound in a week.

    Malnutrition isn't a specific thing, if you aren't getting enough of any nutrient, including enough EFA or essential proteins then you are malnurished. There are people that eat huge amounts of food and suffer malnutrition because they aren't eating enough of certain micro nutrients so amount of food is only one aspect.

    However, yes, if you are only eating 500 calories you are going to lose a lot of weight, both through muscle and fat.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I have been doing lipo injections since 2/3. Start weight was 144.4 I work in an office so eating period is a struggle for me. The first week I was counting calories like mad, making sure I hit 1200 no matter what. Cut out everything but water (which the injections make me super thirsty so I am drinking over a gallon a day every day with out even trying). I lost just 2.4 lbs the first week. However since then I have stopped trying to cram in the 1200 calories cus I felt like I was eating all the time. The last 2 weeks I haven't logged my calorie intake, due to the fact I am only eating 1 meal a day (usually lunch being a salad or a subway sandwich not even being 500 cal max). I DO NOT EAT ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE 1 MEAL!. No snacking of any sort once I get home, no tasting food as I cook for my kids, etc. No gum, no candy, nothing other than water and the 1 meal a day. My question is, (with me having an office job) is starvation mode killing my weight loss? I went for my weekly injection this morning and I lost exactly 1 lb this week (so frustrating since I am paying $25 a week for these things!) I am starting my Gym membership today- Hoping that helps, but I am getting very frustrated at this point.

    It's most likely water weight for a variety of reasons, but I highly suggest quitting the injections and focusing on creating healthy habits. Set your goal to lose 1 pound per week, which will help with hunger you may experience coming off the injections. Protein and vegetables will help. Working out will give you more calories to eat and as long as you are being accurate you will lose weight without having expensive injections.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    i just don't know how you can't be in severe maluntrition at 500 calories of salad a day.

    Severe nutritional deficiencies usually take more than a couple of weeks to develop. I'm not saying this is a good plan or one that the OP should continue for even one more day (she shouldn't), but it usually takes more than a couple of weeks of sub-optimal eating for real deficiencies to develop.

    i wasn't talking about getting so bad symptoms show up. she is malnourished at 500 cal a day.

    I'm not understanding how she can be "in severe malnutrition" without having any symptoms of it. The human body is pretty resilient. We can handle a couple of weeks of eating poorly. I'm not saying one should *do* it, as there is no reason to put your body through that stress unless you have to. But I doubt she is in severe malnutrition.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    So is this part of a "doctor supervised" diet clinic where you are given a very low calorie diet and shots?

    Been there. Done that. Gained it all back.

    Stick with MFP, OP. Eat the amount of calories you are allotted. Use a food scale, weigh everything and log religously. It WILL work!

    Exactly! My ex did that and she gained it all back and more.
  • rreynolds2905
    rreynolds2905 Posts: 19 Member
    I am supposed to be eating the 1200 calories a day, but I did that for the first week and I felt like I was eating all the time. I am not saying what I am doing is right by any means, its just what my body is accustomed to. I was only eating at 8:30 at night due to kids practices, etc. It is REALLY hard to force yourself to eat when you just are not used to doing it.

    The lipo shots may be a waste of $, but since they are vitamins, etc.... it wouldnt hurt.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    i just don't know how you can't be in severe maluntrition at 500 calories of salad a day.

    Severe nutritional deficiencies usually take more than a couple of weeks to develop. I'm not saying this is a good plan or one that the OP should continue for even one more day (she shouldn't), but it usually takes more than a couple of weeks of sub-optimal eating for real deficiencies to develop.

    i wasn't talking about getting so bad symptoms show up. she is malnourished at 500 cal a day.

    Ok, now I see what you mean. Symptoms don't usually show up for a while for most deficiencies.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I have been doing lipo injections since 2/3. Start weight was 144.4 I work in an office so eating period is a struggle for me. The first week I was counting calories like mad, making sure I hit 1200 no matter what. Cut out everything but water (which the injections make me super thirsty so I am drinking over a gallon a day every day with out even trying). I lost just 2.4 lbs the first week. However since then I have stopped trying to cram in the 1200 calories cus I felt like I was eating all the time. The last 2 weeks I haven't logged my calorie intake, due to the fact I am only eating 1 meal a day (usually lunch being a salad or a subway sandwich not even being 500 cal max). I DO NOT EAT ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE 1 MEAL!. No snacking of any sort once I get home, no tasting food as I cook for my kids, etc. No gum, no candy, nothing other than water and the 1 meal a day. My question is, (with me having an office job) is starvation mode killing my weight loss? I went for my weekly injection this morning and I lost exactly 1 lb this week (so frustrating since I am paying $25 a week for these things!) I am starting my Gym membership today- Hoping that helps, but I am getting very frustrated at this point.

    These weight loss clinics are notorious for spreading bad info. It looks like they've told you some really terrible misinformation. You should start by educating yourself on how weight loss really happens. These clinics are in business to make money . they prey upon the naïve and desperate so they can make a profit. If they told you that weight loss comes from a calorie deficit they would be out of business . so stop listening to the hype and start researching on your own. You are very misguided about weight loss and starvation mode .

    Weight loss comes down to a calorie deficit. Calories in and calories out.

    If your really eating 500 cals per day , your not doing yourself any favors. Your likely losing muscle mass so your end result very well could be loose saggy skin and a soft doughy physique. I'm sure that's not the look you want . you need to preserve as much muscle mass as possible.

    Please do some serious research on your own . start by reading the stickied posts in the beginning of this forum . you will learn that what you think is fact, is actually misinformation.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I am supposed to be eating the 1200 calories a day, but I did that for the first week and I felt like I was eating all the time. I am not saying what I am doing is right by any means, its just what my body is accustomed to. I was only eating at 8:30 at night due to kids practices, etc. It is REALLY hard to force yourself to eat when you just are not used to doing it.

    The lipo shots may be a waste of $, but since they are vitamins, etc.... it wouldnt hurt.

    If you think you are deficient in vitamins, you can easily pick up a (much cheaper) vitamin supplement at a grocery or drug store. And don't be so confident that people haven't been hurt by these types of injections. The weight loss industry is pretty poorly regulated. You can't be sure what is in these shots or in what quantity. People have died from weight loss supplements.

    You don't have to eat all the time. You can eat once a day if that is what you prefer. Just eat more than 500 calories.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited February 2016
    144 pounds - are you very short? Where do you get those injections, what are they supposed to do? Invest $15 in an electronic food scale, and use it. Log everything you eat and drink except pure water, honestly and accurately (check all nutrition labels). Eat the number of calories MFP tells you, and YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.

    yes- I am 5'3" (if I stand really straight) haha

    No... that isn't very short! I 5'3 as well :p I asked because healthy weight is height:weight - with your height you are just slightly overweight, and your weight will not go very fast off you. 0.5 - 1 pound per week on average is a good pace at your weight. But you have to eat. You will NOT enter "starvation mode" (which is a myth) or starvation mode (which happens when you have been underweight and starving for months), but undereating is not good for your health and wellbeing, and it will make you prone to overeating the minute you off the diet/regimen.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    Why are you looking to lose 30-50 pounds if you are 144 at nearly 5'3"? I am also nearly 5'3" (161cm) and small build, the very lowest weight I should really be in 48kg (105.8lbs).

    Taking injections is going to do nothing for you, I'm also pretty sure (note this is opinion feel free to correct me with evidence) unless you have any serious health/lifestyle issues your liver doesn't need help with 'its processing and excretion of chemical waste products within the body.'.

    Echoing advice above, eat at a deficit calculate your TDEE and BMR and go from there.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am supposed to be eating the 1200 calories a day, but I did that for the first week and I felt like I was eating all the time. I am not saying what I am doing is right by any means, its just what my body is accustomed to. I was only eating at 8:30 at night due to kids practices, etc. It is REALLY hard to force yourself to eat when you just are not used to doing it.

    The lipo shots may be a waste of $, but since they are vitamins, etc.... it wouldnt hurt.

    If you really want to continue taking the supplements, buy a good brand of "B Complex" vitamins and save yourself a ton of money.

    If you can only eat once a day, don't worry about it. The number of meals and when you eat them has no effect on weight loss. Do whatever works for your preferences and schedule. You need to rethink what you eat during that meal. Plan better and use higher calorie foods (more meat for example) so you get your 1200 calories in without eating more food.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Wow OP. You don't have much to lose (30 lbs?), why on earth would you resort to eating only 500 cals/day and taking injections? Use MFP the way it was designed, with a moderate calorie deficit (1 lb/week or even 0.5lb/week would be appropriate for you). Focus on logging everything you eat accurately, trying to get in primarily nutrient dense foods, exercising if you enjoy it, leave room for treats if you like.

    Give these a read, as well as the other stickied "most helpful posts" in each of the forum sections:

  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    mommazach wrote: »
    Never skip meals.... Especially breakfast as it starts your body. This was one of the hardest things I ever learned. If it's drinking a meal replacement... Get it in. Otherwise your body does go into starvation mode and holds your calories. Start the day right. Eat a protein, and start exercising. Once your body is done with the starvation mode, and you are honest with your counts, you will lose weight.

    starvation mode is a myth, if you are in a caloric deficit you will lose weight. After being in a caloric deficit for an extended period of time, weight loss and metabolism may slow down but not to the point of actually stopping weight loss.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I am supposed to be eating the 1200 calories a day, but I did that for the first week and I felt like I was eating all the time. I am not saying what I am doing is right by any means, its just what my body is accustomed to. I was only eating at 8:30 at night due to kids practices, etc. It is REALLY hard to force yourself to eat when you just are not used to doing it.

    The lipo shots may be a waste of $, but since they are vitamins, etc.... it wouldnt hurt.

    I'm confused then. How did you come to the point of needing to lose weight if you aren't used to eating even 1200 calories per day? You must have been eating far more up till recently.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    What you're describing isn't starvation mode where the body somehow retains, or gains, fat while in a deficit. What you're setting yourself up for is actual starvation where you fail to provide your body with necessary macro and micro nutrients so your body looks inward and cannibalizes itself to keep the most vital functions running.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    The Lipo-Vite & Mic Lipo b-12 injections are weekly injections formulated to enhance fat burn and boost energy to help patients lose weight. Both injections have shown great effects for individuals wanting to lose 30-50 pounds.

    Both injections include vitamins and amino acids. The lipotropic helps breakdown the fat during the metabolic process and promotes the exportation and burning of fat from the liver for extra energy. Other vitamins and amino acids in the injections are:

    Methionine: to breakdown fats
    Inositol: to regulate contents of the cells
    Choline: helps to emulsify cholesterol so it doesn't settling on arterial walls
    Vitamin B12 Cyanocolamanim: maintains energy levels and emotional stability
    Vitamin B1 Thiamine Hydrochloride: to strengthen the immune system
    Vitamin B2 Riboflavin: bolsters the immune system and guards against infection
    Vitamin B3 Niacinamide: for high cholesterol
    Vitamin B5 d-Pantothenol: plays an important role in cell regeneration
    Vitamin B6 (Only in the Lipo-Vite b-12) Pyridoxineto: utilize energy from food you eat

    Yes unfortunately, even yesterday being a sunday I logged 570 calories. I eat when I get hungry which is around 3pm every day. I just never get hungry which is (according to the clinic) why I was not losing weight. My body is accustomed to eating the 1 time a day because I have done it for years.

    So the clinic told you the reason you aren't losing is because you never feel hungry ?? Smh. Think about that statement for a minute. Think about how weight loss works. ( calorie deficit) how would that possibly be true ?!

    These injections are not some fat burning miracle . if you really had a deficiency then they might be helpful but that has nothing to do with weight loss.

  • rreynolds2905
    rreynolds2905 Posts: 19 Member
    I am supposed to be eating the 1200 calories a day, but I did that for the first week and I felt like I was eating all the time. I am not saying what I am doing is right by any means, its just what my body is accustomed to. I was only eating at 8:30 at night due to kids practices, etc. It is REALLY hard to force yourself to eat when you just are not used to doing it.

    The lipo shots may be a waste of $, but since they are vitamins, etc.... it wouldnt hurt.

    I'm confused then. How did you come to the point of needing to lose weight if you aren't used to eating even 1200 calories per day? You must have been eating far more up till recently.

    I have had 3 kids and an office job. I sit 90% of the day. I guess everything I ate just made its way to my waist. If I could just repostion the fat I would be a REALLY happy camper LOL. Its not so much my weight as a number as much as what it is looking like I am 5 months pregnant.
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