So I have a workout plan. What do you think?



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Well I came to give advice but it seems like you've got it all figured out. Best of luck with all your health and fitness goals. :flowerforyou:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Of course I want to tone my arms that's why I'm speed walking everyday.

    the what now!?
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'm obviously eating very healthy and I'll have a cheat meal once a week only. The main thing I want to change about my body is maybe drop a little weight since I don't have much to lose. I plan to tone my thighs because their flappy and they have strech marks so I want them tight and I'll be toning my but too.

    This is my workout for everyday,
    Walk beyond a mile in my community every morning and the next day do Butt and Thigh workouts in my house. So for example this day go walking and the next day do my leg workout. Basically one day walk and the next the leg workouts.

    What do you think? What's your honest opinion and of course eating healthy.
    For my thigh stretch marks I'm applying coco butter so that's going to help.

    Tomorrow I'm starting my leg workout in the morning for the first time and I'm excited. I've been walking everyday so far since Tuesday and I've been eating very healthy.:bigsmile:

    Hi there. I thought I'd add my two cents here. I want a firmer, higher butt and toned legs, too. I do a variety of leg/butt exercises for this. Do you have stairs in your house or nearby? Try adding a stair climbing exercise into your routine. Once or twice a week, I will climb my stairs for 30 minutes at a time. I just recently started climbing every OTHER stair, which really boosted the difficulty level. 30 minutes of that and I thought my legs were going to collapse from under me. It was awesome.

    I also ride my recumbent bike while I do laundry. It takes about 30 minutes for a load in the washer, and 45 min for a load in the dryer. I play this little mental game where I try to time the end of the dryer cycle with the end of my bike riding. Silly, I know, but it gets BOTH things accomplished.

    I also take or do Zumba once a week, sometimes twice a week. And, I'll go for an outdoor bike ride for 45 minutes once a week as well.

    I think you have a good start, but I'd put in some more variety if I were you, to avoid becoming bored. Also, from what I have heard, a variety of exercises uses various muscle groups in no specific order. This means the muscles are tricked into being worked in different ways, thereby more effectively working them better.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Im surprised no one mentioned that sooner. You cant tone your arms by walking. :noway:

    Push ups, body weight squats, lunges all will help if you cant get to a gym currently.

    Quit making excuses for not getting to a gym. If getting healthy is important, youll find the time and money.

    Lemme see....

    Do I pay my bills....or pay for a superfluous gym membership when I can work out at home for free????

    I'll take the gym membership, because THAT makes more sense.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Where is the rest of your workout?

    What about:



    IMO you have a very unbalanced workout plan.
  • adreeea
    adreeea Posts: 47 Member
    Im surprised no one mentioned that sooner. You cant tone your arms by walking. :noway:

    Push ups, body weight squats, lunges all will help if you cant get to a gym currently.

    Quit making excuses for not getting to a gym. If getting healthy is important, youll find the time and money.

    Lemme see....

    Do I pay my bills....or pay for a superfluous gym membership when I can work out at home for free????

    I'll take the gym membership, because THAT makes more sense.

    Thank you! That was an incredibly rude and insensitive comment. Some people HAVE to make the choice of paying their bills or having gas to get to work rather than paying for a gym membership. It doesn't mean at all the their health isn't important to them.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Im surprised no one mentioned that sooner. You cant tone your arms by walking. :noway:

    Push ups, body weight squats, lunges all will help if you cant get to a gym currently.

    Quit making excuses for not getting to a gym. If getting healthy is important, youll find the time and money.

    Lemme see....

    Do I pay my bills....or pay for a superfluous gym membership when I can work out at home for free????

    I'll take the gym membership, because THAT makes more sense.

    Thank you! That was an incredibly rude and insensitive comment. Some people HAVE to make the choice of paying their bills or having gas to get to work rather than paying for a gym membership. It doesn't mean at all the their health isn't important to them.

    I agree. Honestly, the thought of me going to a gym to workout is ridiculous. There is so much preening and strutting around by a bunch of people who go there more to be seen and admired by others, than just for an honest, sweat pouring workout.

    Some gyms are nothing more than glorified pick up joints. BLECH.

    PS: NOT saying anyone on here is one of "those people" I mention above.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Im surprised no one mentioned that sooner. You cant tone your arms by walking. :noway:

    Push ups, body weight squats, lunges all will help if you cant get to a gym currently.

    Quit making excuses for not getting to a gym. If getting healthy is important, youll find the time and money.

    Lemme see....

    Do I pay my bills....or pay for a superfluous gym membership when I can work out at home for free????

    I'll take the gym membership, because THAT makes more sense.

    Thank you! That was an incredibly rude and insensitive comment. Some people HAVE to make the choice of paying their bills or having gas to get to work rather than paying for a gym membership. It doesn't mean at all the their health isn't important to them.

    I agree. Honestly, the thought of me going to a gym to workout is ridiculous. There is so much preening and strutting around by a bunch of people who go there more to be seen and admired by others, than just for an honest, sweat pouring workout.

    Some gyms are nothing more than glorified pick up joints. BLECH.

    PS: NOT saying anyone on here is one of "those people" I mention above.

    Then you're going to the wrong gym.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member

    Of course I want to tone my arms that's why I'm speed walking everyday.

    the what now!?

    Your response made me LOL. :flowerforyou: :laugh:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Im surprised no one mentioned that sooner. You cant tone your arms by walking. :noway:

    Push ups, body weight squats, lunges all will help if you cant get to a gym currently.

    Quit making excuses for not getting to a gym. If getting healthy is important, youll find the time and money.

    Lemme see....

    Do I pay my bills....or pay for a superfluous gym membership when I can work out at home for free????

    I'll take the gym membership, because THAT makes more sense.

    Thank you! That was an incredibly rude and insensitive comment. Some people HAVE to make the choice of paying their bills or having gas to get to work rather than paying for a gym membership. It doesn't mean at all the their health isn't important to them.

    I agree. Honestly, the thought of me going to a gym to workout is ridiculous. There is so much preening and strutting around by a bunch of people who go there more to be seen and admired by others, than just for an honest, sweat pouring workout.

    Some gyms are nothing more than glorified pick up joints. BLECH.

    PS: NOT saying anyone on here is one of "those people" I mention above.

    Then you're going to the wrong gym.

    Correction - I've BEEN to the wrong gym. That's why I workout at home. Around here, it's either that kind of gym, or one that smells so bad from the workout sweat hanging in the air, that I feel the need to scrub my lungs when I get home.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    With all due respect the workout program you proposed doesn't seem like it's going to do much. If you want your workouts to have a significant impact on your body, you need to be operating at an intensity level that induces muscle fatigue in a regularly short period of time. Also, contrary to what women have been taught over the years, workouts that consists primarily of isolation exercises that specifically target the buns and thighs are not the ideal way of working the buns and thighs. Weighted squats, weighted lunges, deadlifts, sprints, and plyometrics are the best way.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Im surprised no one mentioned that sooner. You cant tone your arms by walking. :noway:

    Push ups, body weight squats, lunges all will help if you cant get to a gym currently.

    Quit making excuses for not getting to a gym. If getting healthy is important, youll find the time and money.

    Lemme see....

    Do I pay my bills....or pay for a superfluous gym membership when I can work out at home for free????

    I'll take the gym membership, because THAT makes more sense.

    Thank you! That was an incredibly rude and insensitive comment. Some people HAVE to make the choice of paying their bills or having gas to get to work rather than paying for a gym membership. It doesn't mean at all the their health isn't important to them.

    I agree. Honestly, the thought of me going to a gym to workout is ridiculous. There is so much preening and strutting around by a bunch of people who go there more to be seen and admired by others, than just for an honest, sweat pouring workout.

    Some gyms are nothing more than glorified pick up joints. BLECH.

    PS: NOT saying anyone on here is one of "those people" I mention above.

    Then you're going to the wrong gym.
    I've been to 4 and I have to kind of agree...they've all been very pickup jointish. Even the personal trainers I know treat their jobs like pickup joints....Though I have to admit a while ago when a cute buff football player doing yoga stopped what he was doing to ask me about weight lifting, it was adorable.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Okay so I'll try to avoid the snark in this thread as much as possible and just provide an opinion.

    Go ahead and walk. Walking is good for your heart, but it won't help your thighs and butt so much. I ran 20 miles a week for a year and my butt and thighs just got more flabby as I lost weight.

    So to fix this, I kept running because I love it. You shouldn't stop something you enjoy because you aren't seeing the results you want. Happy is part of the battle as well. So keep walking but add strength training.

    I can't go to the gym either. I'm a full time working single mom of a 3 yearold. So I use the You Are Your Own Gym program via the ap and do body weight strength at home. This has been helping. It's a full body program so I think this would work for you too. Lots of squats and lunges and pushups and what not. And the program is progressive, the moves get more challenging as time goes on so you can continue to see results for awhile.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I think what Im doing is perfectly fine. I've lost weight before and it made my thighs even more flappy so your wrong. Walking tones your legs because your working your legs when your walking and me doing the exercises for my legs will work. I've spoken to people about my thighs and they say do squats or lunges which is exactly what I'll be doing. I'm exercising so I'm sure I'll get the legs I want. I'm also eating healthy and my caloric deficit is fine. Thanks for your opinion but I know what I'm doing,

    If you think what you are doing is "perfectly fine" and are going to tell people who disagree with you that they are wrong, then why bother posting at all? You ASKED for opinions. If you don't really want them, why go through the trouble of asking?

    Just keep doing what you are doing since it is quite obvious that you know better than any of the rest of us and won't change what you're doing anyway.

    First you come on here asking for help, then argue with anyone trying to help you that you know what you are doing.

  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    I'm obviously eating very healthy and I'll have a cheat meal once a week only. The main thing I want to change about my body is maybe drop a little weight since I don't have much to lose. I plan to tone my thighs because their flappy and they have strech marks so I want them tight and I'll be toning my but too.

    This is my workout for everyday,
    Walk beyond a mile in my community every morning and the next day do Butt and Thigh workouts in my house. So for example this day go walking and the next day do my leg workout. Basically one day walk and the next the leg workouts.

    What do you think? What's your honest opinion and of course eating healthy.
    For my thigh stretch marks I'm applying coco butter so that's going to help.

    Tomorrow I'm starting my leg workout in the morning for the first time and I'm excited. I've been walking everyday so far since Tuesday and I've been eating very healthy.:bigsmile:

    Hi there. I thought I'd add my two cents here. I want a firmer, higher butt and toned legs, too. I do a variety of leg/butt exercises for this. Do you have stairs in your house or nearby? Try adding a stair climbing exercise into your routine. Once or twice a week, I will climb my stairs for 30 minutes at a time. I just recently started climbing every OTHER stair, which really boosted the difficulty level. 30 minutes of that and I thought my legs were going to collapse from under me. It was awesome.

    I also ride my recumbent bike while I do laundry. It takes about 30 minutes for a load in the washer, and 45 min for a load in the dryer. I play this little mental game where I try to time the end of the dryer cycle with the end of my bike riding. Silly, I know, but it gets BOTH things accomplished.

    I also take or do Zumba once a week, sometimes twice a week. And, I'll go for an outdoor bike ride for 45 minutes once a week as well.

    I think you have a good start, but I'd put in some more variety if I were you, to avoid becoming bored. Also, from what I have heard, a variety of exercises uses various muscle groups in no specific order. This means the muscles are tricked into being worked in different ways, thereby more effectively working them better.

    Speaking of stairs I liv in a two story house hahaha
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Guys seriously stop arguing with me about what I did wrong, yes I asked for their opinions and I responded in a rude way. Sorry but can you guys stop attacking me?
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Also NO I don't have a job to go to the gym so I'm not being lazy.yes I've applied but nobody is hiring me.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Also NO I don't have a job to go to the gym so I'm not being lazy.yes I've applied but nobody is hiring me.

    please can you explain how power walking tones arms... i REALLY need to know!
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Okay so I'll try to avoid the snark in this thread as much as possible and just provide an opinion.

    Go ahead and walk. Walking is good for your heart, but it won't help your thighs and butt so much. I ran 20 miles a week for a year and my butt and thighs just got more flabby as I lost weight.

    So to fix this, I kept running because I love it. You shouldn't stop something you enjoy because you aren't seeing the results you want. Happy is part of the battle as well. So keep walking but add strength training.

    I can't go to the gym either. I'm a full time working single mom of a 3 yearold. So I use the You Are Your Own Gym program via the ap and do body weight strength at home. This has been helping. It's a full body program so I think this would work for you too. Lots of squats and lunges and pushups and what not. And the program is progressive, the moves get more challenging as time goes on so you can continue to see results for awhile.

    Thank you for your mature response. Not everybody can go to the gym and I can't because one I'm still in high school and all the jobs I've applied to wont hire me. I'll take your advice. :)