Are funny women sexy?



  • bexboxxx
    bexboxxx Posts: 189 Member
    ALL funny women are sexy but not all sexy women are funny.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I'd throw Ellen a bone.

    f yeah
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Well I'm categorically not sexy, but I am one of those women who jokes a lot - I tend towards dry humour or whimsicality.

    Unfortunately I have a tendency to use humour at times where it's generally not appropriate. For instance, years ago I had an interview for a job in 'the City' and was warned that the guy interviewing me was one of those self-important twats who like to ask 'creative' questions in interviews as he fancied himself something of a amateur psychologist. Within the first 2 minutes of the interview I knew I didn't want the job so decided to have fun. Sure enough, along came the creative question:

    "MsPudding, if you could be someone famous from history, who would you be and how do you think it would help you in your career?"
    "If I really wanted to progress, I'd definitely be Catherine the Great...." (Adding a suggestive eyebrow raise)

    He didn't laugh - in fact he looked rather worried. I didn't get the job.

    (PS: If you don't know your European history basics you'll be scratching your head over that one)