My worst DOMS story, what are yours?



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I had doms on my biceps a few times where i had to walk around like this all day:

    Couldn't pick things up off my desk or extend my arms at all. Tried to open a few pull doors and couldnt. :)

    I laughed out loud :bigsmile:
  • Mountainbum777
    Mountainbum777 Posts: 76 Member
    Congrats on learning to deadlift OP! It's an awesome exercise.

    I remember going shopping for bathroom fixtures with my hubby the day after I re-started a lifting program following a year long hiatus. Because I know how to lift I probably went heavier than I should have and the next was hell. I remember shuffling around the bathroom tile store in dire pain trying to look chirpy so hubby didn't make fun of me. It was pure hell and he did end up making fun of me :( I was as graceful getting in and out of that car as the day I was about to give birth (sigh).

    Haha this was me exactly last week! Year off jump back into squats like I still had muscle....I couldve really used a walker for the next 4 days.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    Great story.. I have hobbled around sore from leg day. I can't match your story thought. Thanks for the chuckle.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    So this is my first post ever! :) Thought it'd be kinda funny to share with you my experience this morning and to hear some of your stories.

    On Tuesday I finally got the courage to try dead lifts. I organised one of the gym trainers to help correct my form, accurately estimate my fitness level and set up a training schedule for me. Now when I am being watched I like to impress people, so I agreed to more weights, faster speed on the treadmill and lower squats.

    Well now I am paying for my ego confidence, I can barely make it up the stairs; heaven forbid I want to go back down them :s , my knees like to buckle every now and then too just to remind me of my cockiness.

    Now you have the full back story; this morning on the bus to work at the 48hr DOMS peak, there was no space downstairs so I managed to just about hobble up to the top deck, found myself a seat at the back and slowly realised my mistake :/ I am currently writing this after being on the bus (which should take 15mins maximum) for an hour. I went back past my bus stop and then again back towards my work. With each long stop I struggled to drag myself up, move forward a little and collapse into a seat closer to the stairs. Seat by seat!

    I also had to call work with a bus full of people to explain my idiocy and why I was late.

    Then to top it off I had to bum shuffle red-faced down the bus stairs, shouting out to the driver to please wait for me terrified of another hour on the bus, with a nice little queue of people waiting to get on after what was left of my dignity me to get off.

    I now appreciate my thigh muscles a lot more and how important they are to everyday movement, so I was wondering what other funny lessons people have learnt when getting back onto the exercise scene :D

    You poor thing! That tops any kind of DOMS story I have. My worst was thinking I would train for a tower climb and doing 30 minutes of stairs with no lead up. I couldn't walk normally for a week. I felt pretty ridiculous, but, well, you win :). Hope the rest of your day makes up for it.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I think you guys might be over doing it. The absolute worst I've ever had was the first time I tried snowboarding, and even then I just lost about 25% of my range of motion ( I couldn't put my arms over my head or squat down to pet the dog).

    Ya, might be all the "listen to your body" drilled in to me from all my years of yoga, but the only experience I've had that comes close to what others have related was after my massage therapist had just learned a new psoas muscle massage technique and overdid it on me.

  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    My worst DOMS was after I took a horseback riding lesson after a 20+ year hiatus... I managed to mount, complete my lesson but as for dismounting wow ouchie. I was proud of the fact that my body didn't collapse to the ground, but my legs were so sore I slid my torso against the iron stirrups & had scrape marks the full length of my torso for a couple of weeks... As for walking & climbing stairs I was using the wheelchair ramp & elevators for the next couple of days!