I am finally getting some well-needed Answers............



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    July24lioness: Did you mention in another post you are a vet? Can any of this be service related?

    Yes, I am an Army Vet and I would not attribute any of my ailments to being service related. They are more hereditary than anything and environmental in other ways.
  • mfp1daves
    mfp1daves Posts: 4
    Always stay optimistic...
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    She also has no idea how many she burns. Because of her extensive and VERY SERIOUS health problems including a tumor on her pituitary and hypothyroidism her body is not functioning as a normal body. Typically just the hypothyroidism in and of itself could throw her hormones so out of whack that her metabolism is barely functioning. Throw in the tumor and you've got a recipe for hanging on to, or even gaining, weight.

    Regardless of her overall opinion on weight loss, low-carb dieting and counting calories, you must at least understand that right now there is very little point to counting, even if she wanted to. Even the lowest recommended 1200 could be well above where her metabolism is functioning.

    Incidentally, it's not always necessary to count your calories. Even if you adhere strictly to calories in-calories out, once you've gotten the swing of your diet down and you've practiced it pretty consistently, you start to know what you've eaten in a day. I'm not entering in calories to MFP for the rest of my life. Eventually you learn to eat right and know how to maintain a healthy weight.

    Congrats Lioness, on finding out what is wrong and hopefully you can get some solutions to get back on track and healthy soon. Good luck!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Oops. It would seem lefty's most recent response I was replying to is now gone... Hmmm.
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