I'm starting the IIFYM lifestyle



  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    adescio wrote: »
    Since I just started this week, and I'm looking for a good coach to give me specific % according to my goals, I didn't want to waste more time and started by myself... I bought a book and read a ton online and used the formula and all these stuffs you need to calculate and then adecuated it to my goals according to what I read (0.6 g of prote per pound of lean mass, 0.5 g of fat and the raimining for my carbs) so I don't know... 1600 kcal is definetly a deficit because my IBM is 2300 so I went down under the recommended 20% less for weight loss

    One thing that's been missed here is that 2300 less 20% is 1840, not 1600.

    I'm not familiar with IBM in this context. Maybe you mean TDEE?

    Yes, for weight loss it doesn't matter what kind of foods you eat, so long as you are in an energy (calorie) deficit--except, of course, that some foods may make you feel fuller, longer, for the same or fewer calories than other foods, so sticking to your calorie goals on foods that have lower satiety values for you can be a lot harder. You need to experiment and observe if you don't already know which foods work better for you in terms of satiety.

    Macros are important for some aspects of overall health and for optimizing muscle retention while in a deficit. (And, IMO, your method of setting your percentages, by first figuring out in raw grams how much protein and fat you want, then adjusting your percentages to fit those goals, is the proper methodology, since just choosing a percentage without reference to the desired grams has the bizarre result of shooting for less protein just because you're at a deficit.)

    Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are important for health, and different foods have different micronutrients, so for overall health, what you eat does matter. But it doesn't matter what you eat for weight loss.

  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    adescio wrote: »
    I'm down 80. Bulked twice and on my second cut right now. I eat what I want . watch my macros. Pick stuff up. Put stuff down. Going on 4 + years.

    That's amazing!! Did you do it with a coach or by yourself? I've been loving this eating style but I wanna make sure I'm doing it right and still on the search for a good coach

    I had a trainer for about 3 months.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    This is the success story that introduced me to IIFYM (His responses to the questions he's asked are very informative)

    He also has a youtube channel and has introduction videos for IIFYM that you may want to check out.

  • Dvdgzz
    Dvdgzz Posts: 437 Member
    edited February 2016

    I did an extreme version of IIFYM where I went from about 220 to 178 eating mostly junk for anyone that has doubts. I posted the link above. The thread got 5 stars and I was even "repped" by a mod for it. I doubted it would work so I went full stupid for a while to test it. It began to work so I stuck with it and had amazing results.

    I do not recommend doing it like me just an extreme example to prove that it's ALL about calories in vs. calories out.