

  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Katla - My MIL takes the once-a-week Fosamax. However, it is the same routine: take on an empty stomach with 6-8 ounces of water and wait at least 30 minutes before eating or taking other medication. But she's up by 4:30 every morning anyway. She does hers on the weekend. Another alternative is the shot that you have every six months, but it cost something like $1,000 a shot when I looked into it. The once-a-week Fosamax seemed the most practical from a cost-benefit viewpoint and easier for her to comply with.

    Mary - Shep is getting to be a big boy! So cute!
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Shep is 4 months old today!



    Mary from Minnesota

    Has he ever grown, beautiful puppy! He's bigger than you. Gayle Minneapolis
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Lisa A plague on the Cisco house for not hiring you. It is truly their loss. Seriously, I am so proud of your NSV. I am not sure that I would have handled it as well.

    Margaret The Guest House is beautiful. If you like Rumi, you may also want to read The Gift by Daniel Ladinsky. These poems, written by him, are inspired by the writings of the great Sufi poet Hafiz. Curently, I am reading Garrison Keillor's collection " Good Poems" that has a wonderfully diverse set of American and British poets, some well-known, and others more obscure. But all worth reading.

    Katla I am sure your granddaughter will miss you very much. What about subscriptions to Highlights and Ranger Rick and National Geographic Kids or National Geographic Little Kids. A monthly treat from you is a wonderful way to keep in touch and let her know how much she is loved.

    Anne I find that my crockpot and rice cooker are so very valuable in helping me to stay on track. I can cook several days of food, repackage it, freeze it, and then toss it in the microwave. Add a bagged salad, and you have an easy dinner.

    Barbi It sounds like Jake will make it home safe and sound tomorrow. For some reason when I read about the windstorm, I thought of the t3 little pigs. I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house down!! No idea where that came from. I hope the winds stay away for the rest of the year.

    Dr. Katie Great picture. You DO have a nice smile and the loss is very visible.

    Debbie Snacking is something that is responsible for many of us gaining weight. Sometimes the "good" choices don't seem very appetizing, after all, how many carrots or celery sticks can we much at the office without turning orange or green? Have you tried no sugar added frozen juice bars? They serve a multitude of purposes- something sweet, something to crunch on, and since they are so very cold, the mouth effect lasts longer than eating something at room temperature.

    Sue I hope that this bout of sarcoidosis is over quickly and leaves no lasting effects.

    Mindy It sounds like you have more than anyone person should have to handle. At least you appear to have some support at work. It is great that you can take sick time for going to the hospital with Mel. Congratulations on the gift cards and donation wins.

    YvonnePedialyte does not sound like much fun. Please get back to the world of real food real soon. On a another note, greyhound #50? Impressive. They are such beautiful, gentle souls. Are you familiar with Greyhounds Reach the Beach in Dewey Beach, DE. Hundreds and hundreds of greyhounds from all over the country and their pet parents and families come to Delaware around the second weekend in October each year. I have never been, but I heard that it is something to behold. The spring version, much smaller, will be the second weekend in April.

    Marcelyn Six little ones for a week? You are a very brave soul. However, it sounds like a lot of active fun. Perhaps you could enlist a Senior Girl Scout to help you out? They would be on spring break also so might be looking for something to do for a few hours a day ( or their parents are looking to help them find something constructive to do).

    Time to get some sleep. I got my Hep A vaccination today in preparation for a trip to South America. I start anti-malarials next week. Joy, joy. A colleague of mine caught hepatitis there and I am not about to follow that example. Supposedly I will be in a low mosquito area. I really hope so. The WHO or CDC have not reported Zika in this area but I intend to live in long sleeves and long pants and hat with lots of sunblock and bug spray anyway.
    NSV - I have logged in for 80 days in a row.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Mary, my my Shep has grown. But I guess that's what happens to puppies, especially German Shepards.

    Marcelyn, I used to take care of my oldest grand child for a long weekend. Then her sister came along and she is so different from her older sister although they love each other so deeply. Christina's oldest is like she was when she was a child. Her youngest is exactly what my youngest, Michelle, was like. I mean exactly. The spring break after Charlie retired he wanted to have the girls for the whole week. I should have figured that he meant that he wanted ME to have the girls for the week. I made sure I 'rested' during nap time. I have sworn I will never have them both again!!!!! She still keeps on asking since their church has all sorts of couple retreats but i always pass the opportunity on to some one else. The only time we have them is when they are here for a weekend and her and ehr husband go out to a movie with Michelle and her boyfriend. But by that time it is either their bedtime or almost and they don't make a peep. And it helps Mom and Dad and gives them sister time so all is well. Ellie gets up at 6 AM which is 5 AM here. So Charlie always gets up and they fix breakfast together. She loves his eggs. Then they 'watch' TV together. She watches and he sleeps.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary - oh my, he has really grown since last picture. So cute.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    CJ - Which country are you going to? Love South America and want to go back if I can persuade DH. He doesn't like having to fly from place to place - once he gets somewhere he likes to travel on the ground, but that isn't always possible with huge distances and high mountains. :noway: I am dreaming of Patagonia.
    A friend of my son got dengue fever in Peru. I was so neurotic in the Amazon you could hardly see me. Thick button up shirts and that terrible, leather rotting Deet. Yikes! Worth it though. :DB)<3

    The veg and guinea fowl curry last night was huge and poor DH couldn't finish it. Even so enormous, it only came in at 300 cals, including the yoghurt dip. Mind you, you wouldn't have wanted to light a match in our bedroom last night! :laugh:

    Anne - when I lived alone I used to tell people I didn't cook, I just assembled nice ingredients. We do have a very good company over here that makes excellent ready prepared food with no additives and I used them quite a bit. I also used them when I had teenagers who were coming in at all hours, so they could just shove something in the oven for themselves. I did a lot of label reading. Microwaved fish was excellent. These days I would go down the batch cooking route. Lots of veg which is ready prepared.

    Got to take DH up his tea.:love:

    Heather UK

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sat at Urgent Care for 2 hours tonight waiting to see the doctor - only one on duty. Results - DGS#1 Pink eye in both eyes and an ear infection. DSG#2 Strep. We all have seasonal allergies so I think part of this is from the spring blooms (especially cherry blossoms right outside our apt). First the other crud that everyone has been having and now this. I am so ready for everyone to be healthy again including all of you and yours who are experiencing all the crud going around!

    Now the tuba explanation tuba-smiley.gif. Tuesday night was a wonderful concert by 8 elementary schools and a middle school. Over 400 young musicians! Seeing kids in the musical arts or any arts just makes my heart sing. DGS#1 plays the baritone with the intent of changing to tuba next year. He's only 11 but already looking ahead to college with the hope of getting a scholarship for the tuba. Can't wait to hear him in the middle school band next year - they were so awesome I would have guessed they were older with more experience than they have. If I had it to do over again I would have become a music teacher. DGS#2 wants to play the trumpet or trombone when he is old enough. My kids were also in band - a flutist and 2 clarinet players. I didn't play an instrument as my gift and interest was singing. I got a scholarship but did not attend college after high school as I got married 4 months later.

    Chris we never forget anyone who has been here just wonder where they are and glad to see when they come back! <3

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Joyce - As I'm sure you know, any child who comes from a family with an unstable parent is going to have their fight/flight responses extra active. They were always alert, not knowing how the parent was going to be from moment to moment. This is the same for drug /alcohol/mental illness and all the rest of our many ills.
    You can rewire the brain, but it takes work and motivation. My DH has been to a CBT therapist and does his daily medItalian. He has much more self awareness, which we can discuss when he is calm, but when that panic hormone attacks him he is pretty much beyond reason. He really does turn into a two year old, like a flashback.

    It happens less and less often now and I must say he does recover quicker. <3 I think you must have a lot of strength to deal with your DH's frustration. :flowerforyou: :love:

    Lots of love to everyone. I'm waiting to hear if DS has got the house he wants.

    Heather UK

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Friday! Wowsa, this week flew by!

    Lisa- I'd like to add my congrats on not getting the job with Cisco! I firmly believe that leaves your door open to a much better opportunity! So glad you owned it, got out and ran the steam off instead of eating it, as I probably would have done!

    Mary- Great picture of you and Shep! He is a big boy! Love those ears!

    Gloria- Omigoodness! Strep and pink eye AND aren't you just getting over a bug? Hope everyone feels better soon!

    To all of those experiencing power outages- Hang in there and stay safe! I always feel like a power outage is an adventure, but after a day or two of it, I am ready for a NEW adventure! Luckily we have a gas stove/oven so it does make cooking easier and the kitchen stays warm as long as I am baking.

    As I look outside at the darkness, I am really looking forward to DST this weekend! Just that extra hour of daylight after the kids go home each night will be WONDERFUL! I will be drinking that up every night! Got up and got my strength training in this morning! First time in about three days I have felt like I don't need the sleep more than the work out.
    1 minute of push-ups
    1 minute of superman
    1 minute of bridge
    1 minute of dead bug hold
    1 minute of plyo squats (jump squats)
    (repeated four times)
    2 minute plank and 2 minute wall sit

    Have a great Friday!
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Thought this article was worth sharing:


  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Great article Gloria!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Good Morning, Ladies.

    kay, I see a great difference. You keep up the great work, girl friend. Woo Hoo And hey, ya gotta love a man that does the laundry. I sure love mine.

    Beth, how great to feel "food righteous". I love it.

    Lisa, sorry about the job but the good side is, you aren't heading for a year and a half of super stress. ((((Hugs)))) Good girl for the run.

    Miriam, when I saw your hot tub workout all I could think of was those chickens. tee hee hee. Sorry.

    I read what I could but need to get a shower. I went to sleep last night pretty early and got up this morning about 5:30. The clock was set for 7:00. I saw the sunrise over the ocean. It's going to be a beautiful day. Our room is at the back of a U shaped building facing the beach so sun was partially blocked by the building.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor: I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity: Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love you,
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Morning ladies~
    back from the gym.. now I dont take the calorie count to heart for treadmill on MFP but is said I burned 900+ calories for 75 minutes on the treadmill I am trying to get my 10,000 steps in before leaving the gym, so that is a goal I guess.. having a banana with jif powdered peanut butter (mixed with water) and a cup of vanilla energy tea... made spagetti and sausage for the old goat and it is gonna be bat *kitten* crazy at work today so had to throw in a couple of pre made things because I will have to eat on the run...
    Janet~ lovely lovely view... I love the ocean... one of my favorite places..
    Joyce~ I was thinking of you and should have posted it to facebook for you.. it is a cartoon of a man and woman and the man is saying to the woman I dont care where we got to eat except for the 12 places you just mentioned :smiley:
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Off to the garage sales this morning... the support here is nigh overwhelming in its intensity, and amazing. Thank you all so much for every word. They all matter, and I treasure every one.

    Mary - you and Shep both look beautiful... I grew up with a German shepherd, and never lost that fondness for them.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    DJ- more like a turkey! One big turkey! I feel like those chickens when I have the tub at 104!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Karen ... DH loved the quinoa!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    A quick hidee ho before I go to work.. 12,000 already and my feet are gonna be barking at the end of the day.. thats for sure.. the tree's are budding and I am sneezing up a storm grrrr, only thing I can take is flonase~ oh well will do that twice a day for the spring....working 9-5 with a 1/2 hr lunch ,but it will not work out that way.. will be lucky to get 15 minutes to sit and relax... should bring my headphones with me and do meditation but even if I do sit ,I sit up front with the Troll and we have to answer the phone during lunch and you dont expect her to pick the phone up, when she does she puts it on hold and I have to schedule the appointments~ all I can say Is Karma , want to be there when it comes around to her
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Anne - <3 Baby steps - you got this!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Mary, You and Shep are both adorable. :)