Any Gym Love Stories?



  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    edited March 2016

    there is a difference between looking around and point blank staring lol i had that the other week. I'm running on the treadmill and this older man comes in and starts using a cpl treadmills down. i can see out of the corner of my eye he is watching me. his head is turned fully my way lol so i look down to make sure the girls haven't fallen out... then i turn my head his way and yup he is fully staring. he smiles then i go back to my running zone lol
  • Dumpty393
    Dumpty393 Posts: 127 Member
    Lol I know when someones staring and when somones looking around. Im not talking about the random 2 second eye locks or random glances. Im talking legit staring...or looking at the same person over and over and over.

    Its not a matter of me "wanting them to be checking me out so I assume they are" sort of thing (im not egotistical and assume everyones checking me out). Im talking about the ones that are blatantly doing it.
  • Dumpty393
    Dumpty393 Posts: 127 Member
    lisa9805 wrote: »
    there is a difference between looking around and point blank staring lol i had that the other week. I'm running on the treadmill and this older man comes in and starts using a cpl treadmills down. i can see out of the corner of my eye he is watching me. his head is turned fully my way lol so i look down to make sure the girls haven't fallen out... then i turn my head his way and yup he is fully staring. he smiles then i go back to my running zone lol

    Yeah thats more what i was talking about. Except i can see them in the corner of my eye and then look at them and they actually turn away sometimes and then i can see in the corner of my eye theyre looking again as after I turn away.
  • ladymuaythai
    ladymuaythai Posts: 1,298 Member
    I have and it was a disaster.

    I developed a crush on this chick I used to see at the gym every morning (M-F) for like a year. She was like the female version of me: skinny... but toned up, yanno? We even had the same routine: 1 hour strength training followed by 1 hour of steady state cardio. Our horoscopes were aligned, bro!

    So finally one day I built up the courage to follow her out to the parking lot. I already knew what kind of car she drove and where she liked to park at.... I gathered that intel many months beforehand.... but I had to make this encounter look like it happened by chance, you know? So I jogged up to her and nervously sputtered "H-h-hayy" (not knowing what I was going to follow that up with) and, as fate would have it, she turned around and smiled as if she had written this fairy tale herself. I threw my arms up with relief and asked "Wanna go to Chick-Fil-A later?" She agreed without any hesistance and our date was set for 7pm that evening.

    This is where the record would screech. I pulled into the restaurant and waved to her. She got out of her car and, to my shocking horror, was wearing jeans with rhinestones going down the front, on the back pockets, just all over the place. I thought, did her grandmother buy her a hot glue gun for Christmas? What an absolute mockery of denim if I've ever seen it! All I could think about was all those man hours I spent watching her on the elliptical from afar and not once did I ponder what her fashion sense was like beyond the usual workout attire. I had to step up my intel after that debacle. Even the FBI gets it wrong sometimes.

    LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Ur Intel gathering skills r poo then. How could u not know her sense of style was off? Jokes. But for real great story. I'm glad I wasted my time reading it :heart:
  • hockeysniper8
    hockeysniper8 Posts: 253 Member
    @clubsilencio have u bought her new jeans yet?
  • Zeus727
    Zeus727 Posts: 78 Member
    Saw someone squatting and *kitten* got my attention saw who it was and it was a guy.ruined my day in the gym.
  • bunnyghost
    bunnyghost Posts: 142 Member
    i hope i never do because gym guys aren't my type haha. i like nerds who will play video games with me all day. i'll fall in love at a pokemon gym :yum: