So hard!!!!

It's so hard say "no, I can't eat this delicious dessert!!!!"


  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    can't eat it? is your mouth taped shut? what is not allowing you to eat it? you can eat ANYTHING as long as you make it fit within your calorie allowance.
  • Mystical64
    Mystical64 Posts: 108 Member
    That is a struggle for me too. I love chocolate cake :neutral: One thing I found is if I keep a bag of Dove's dark chocolate candies in the fridge, and everyone else is having that great dessert; I get a piece of candy and let it melt in my mouth. Then I don't feel deprived so much.

    And if that doesn't help, I plan to have something I'm really craving on my cheat day or cheat meal.

    It's all in balance. Believe
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    It is hard. I agree with the suggestion of keeping small candies or cookies around. Those are easier to fit into my daily calories than a slice of cake or other large dessert and help keep me from feeling deprived or having massive cravings.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh gosh yes. It's what's been messing me up every single time.

    What I do now is ask myself what *specific* dessert I *really* feel like having right now... and if nothing comes to mind, I just try not to have any (or I'll have a cookie or 50 calories of chocolate or something).

    Basically if I go to a restaurant and I see the dessert menu and nothing jumps to me like 'oh I've been really craving this specific thing for a while', I just pass on it.
    can't eat it? is your mouth taped shut? what is not allowing you to eat it? you can eat ANYTHING as long as you make it fit within your calorie allowance.

    This for me is total BS though, because even with my 1900 goal, if I have any dessert that's more than 200 calories, I'll be hungry the rest of the day 90% of the time. And 200 calories of most desserts is just not satisfying to me (unless it's small things like cookies or ice cream bar or something, and even then, I'm not eating B&J or Haagen Dazs). Of course for me 'dessert' is cake or pie or a cupcake or a pastry or something.

    So yeah it's my advice OP... if you really crave something specific... plan your week around it and make it fit. There was no way I wasn't going to have some of my homemade kids' birthday cakes last week, for example (but yeah I overdid it a little bit on the cake).

    Otherwise, eat lower calorie/smaller treats to satisfy your sweet tooth (protein powder is a lifesaver for me for that).
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Why? I eat delicious dessert every day. And I am eating between 1200 and 1400 calories if I don't do any exercize. I make it a point to leave 250 to 300 calories at night for whatever I want.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh yes. It's what's been messing me up every single time.

    What I do now is ask myself what *specific* dessert I *really* feel like having right now... and if nothing comes to mind, I just try not to have any (or I'll have a cookie or 50 calories of chocolate or something).

    Basically if I go to a restaurant and I see the dessert menu and nothing jumps to me like 'oh I've been really craving this specific thing for a while', I just pass on it.
    can't eat it? is your mouth taped shut? what is not allowing you to eat it? you can eat ANYTHING as long as you make it fit within your calorie allowance.

    This for me is total BS though, because even with my 1900 goal, if I have any dessert that's more than 200 calories, I'll be hungry the rest of the day 90% of the time. And 200 calories of most desserts is just not satisfying to me (unless it's small things like cookies or ice cream bar or something, and even then, I'm not eating B&J or Haagen Dazs). Of course for me 'dessert' is cake or pie or a cupcake or a pastry or something.

    So yeah it's my advice OP... if you really crave something specific... plan your week around it and make it fit. There was no way I wasn't going to have some of my homemade kids' birthday cakes last week, for example (but yeah I overdid it a little bit on the cake).

    Otherwise, eat lower calorie/smaller treats to satisfy your sweet tooth (protein powder is a lifesaver for me for that).

    I completely agree with this. I have become much more particular about choosing large desserts (cake, pie, cupcakes, etc.) that are actually worth it to me to leave/make extra room for in my calories. I have been slipping on this a lot in the last month and letting myself go over too many times, so my weight loss has really slowed. This month I'm determined to get back on track by being more particular about choosing desserts, and being more diligent about making room for them in the day rather than letting myself go over.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh yes. It's what's been messing me up every single time.

    What I do now is ask myself what *specific* dessert I *really* feel like having right now... and if nothing comes to mind, I just try not to have any (or I'll have a cookie or 50 calories of chocolate or something).

    Basically if I go to a restaurant and I see the dessert menu and nothing jumps to me like 'oh I've been really craving this specific thing for a while', I just pass on it.
    can't eat it? is your mouth taped shut? what is not allowing you to eat it? you can eat ANYTHING as long as you make it fit within your calorie allowance.

    This for me is total BS though, because even with my 1900 goal, if I have any dessert that's more than 200 calories, I'll be hungry the rest of the day 90% of the time. And 200 calories of most desserts is just not satisfying to me (unless it's small things like cookies or ice cream bar or something, and even then, I'm not eating B&J or Haagen Dazs). Of course for me 'dessert' is cake or pie or a cupcake or a pastry or something.

    So yeah it's my advice OP... if you really crave something specific... plan your week around it and make it fit. There was no way I wasn't going to have some of my homemade kids' birthday cakes last week, for example (but yeah I overdid it a little bit on the cake).

    Otherwise, eat lower calorie/smaller treats to satisfy your sweet tooth (protein powder is a lifesaver for me for that).

    I completely agree with this. I have become much more particular about choosing large desserts (cake, pie, cupcakes, etc.) that are actually worth it to me to leave/make extra room for in my calories. I have been slipping on this a lot in the last month and letting myself go over too many times, so my weight loss has really slowed. This month I'm determined to get back on track by being more particular about choosing desserts, and being more diligent about making room for them in the day rather than letting myself go over.

    Yeah for example... A grocery store donut? NOPE. A donut from the local delicious donut shop? Heck yeah. A few months back I didn't have any dessert over 200 calories for 3 weeks just to 'save' calories for a piece of cheesecake (which I ended up splitting up too).

  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Hey - if it was easy, EVERYONE would by skinny! ;)
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I agree with the "getting pickier" crowd - I tend to look at my calories as money - and I want to get the best value and the biggest bang for them if I am going to spend them.. So no pale imitations, no mindless mouthfuls of something 3rd rate - I want to save up and go to Vegas baby and have that really meaningful treat!!
  • kpkitten
    kpkitten Posts: 164 Member
    I realised that a lot of the time, I either want that dessert because someone else is having it, or because I'm hungry when I'm thinking about it.

    The way I avoid having to say no to the dessert is by avoiding buying food or being a position to make decisions about food when I'm hungry. If I'm eating out, I order a filling main/starter combo or I plan to eat dessert and get a salad or light option. If I know I'm going to be in a position where there's dessert that will be hard to say no to, I either plan to not say no by fitting it into my calories somehow (including sharing it with someone) or by making myself full enough with other food that I won't eat it all and therefore can't justify buying it.

    My partner knows I hate seeing him eat things that I can't eat, so he either has dessert right after our main course, when I'm "still digesting", or we buy things in single portions, or things that he loves that I don't, or he just goes and eats it away from me or I eat something lower calorie whilst he enjoys the dessert (my least preferred option if it's something I actually want).

    Something that might work for you is to equate the dessert to something else worth those calories, either something "healthy" like a chicken salad, or greek yogurt and see how much of the healthy thing you could eat compared to that one dessert, or to something you wouldn't really want to eat - for me this would be anything dripping with fat! And remember, as delicious as it might taste for the few minutes that you're eating it, that dessert is really just fuel for your body. It will turn into poop. Maybe it's expensive poop, maybe it's free because someone else offered it to you poop. Still poop. Really hit home for me just how pointless letting my food hold me hostage was when I thought about what that statement actually means.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Thats what she said.

 inner 13 year old made me do it!
  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    The title of this thread and the content are a little disappointing.

    However, it's very appropriate for a weight loss forum.
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    Thats what she said.

 inner 13 year old made me do it!

    Haha I almost typed the same thing! :smiley:

    Now onto the topic at hand. I truly believe that you should enjoy any and all foods *as long as you log it*. I love my late evening snack, so I make sure to have 200+ cals for that evening snack. I also make sure to hit my macro goals. You don't have to feel guilty. Enjoy! That's the wonderful thing with logging your calories. You no longer have to feel guilty with a treat because you know it was within your limits

  • samkharvey22
    samkharvey22 Posts: 5 Member
    Ummm... So yeah... it's Girl Scout cookie season and I pretty much ate an entire box of Samoas this past weekend. So much for staying under my calorie goal. I have to have more discipline. I had synched my Fitbit up with this app and it says I burned 2800 calories today and came in under my calorie goal. How is this possible? I ate cake, cookies, and drank wine! What is a macro goal?
  • samkharvey22
    samkharvey22 Posts: 5 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    puffbrat wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh yes. It's what's been messing me up every single time.

    What I do now is ask myself what *specific* dessert I *really* feel like having right now... and if nothing comes to mind, I just try not to have any (or I'll have a cookie or 50 calories of chocolate or something).

    Basically if I go to a restaurant and I see the dessert menu and nothing jumps to me like 'oh I've been really craving this specific thing for a while', I just pass on it.
    can't eat it? is your mouth taped shut? what is not allowing you to eat it? you can eat ANYTHING as long as you make it fit within your calorie allowance.

    This for me is total BS though, because even with my 1900 goal, if I have any dessert that's more than 200 calories, I'll be hungry the rest of the day 90% of the time. And 200 calories of most desserts is just not satisfying to me (unless it's small things like cookies or ice cream bar or something, and even then, I'm not eating B&J or Haagen Dazs). Of course for me 'dessert' is cake or pie or a cupcake or a pastry or something.

    So yeah it's my advice OP... if you really crave something specific... plan your week around it and make it fit. There was no way I wasn't going to have some of my homemade kids' birthday cakes last week, for example (but yeah I overdid it a little bit on the cake).

    Otherwise, eat lower calorie/smaller treats to satisfy your sweet tooth (protein powder is a lifesaver for me for that).

    I completely agree with this. I have become much more particular about choosing large desserts (cake, pie, cupcakes, etc.) that are actually worth it to me to leave/make extra room for in my calories. I have been slipping on this a lot in the last month and letting myself go over too many times, so my weight loss has really slowed. This month I'm determined to get back on track by being more particular about choosing desserts, and being more diligent about making room for them in the day rather than letting myself go over.

    Yeah for example... A grocery store donut? NOPE. A donut from the local delicious donut shop? Heck yeah. A few months back I didn't have any dessert over 200 calories for 3 weeks just to 'save' calories for a piece of cheesecake (which I ended up splitting up too).

    YUP. All of this. I couldn't agree more!
  • samkharvey22
    samkharvey22 Posts: 5 Member
    It's so hard say "no, I can't eat this delicious dessert!!!!"

    This is my problem. So discouraged as I have more than 20 pounds to lose.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Ummm... So yeah... it's Girl Scout cookie season and I pretty much ate an entire box of Samoas this past weekend. So much for staying under my calorie goal. I have to have more discipline. I had synched my Fitbit up with this app and it says I burned 2800 calories today and came in under my calorie goal. How is this possible? I ate cake, cookies, and drank wine! What is a macro goal?

    I ate an entire box of Samoas in a day. "Just make it fit in your calories" doesn't work for me. I get one taste and it's all over.
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    Stay strong. I try to remind myself: I can eat this and not see a loss as quickly, or just say no and see a loss just a bit sooner.
  • CassidyScaglione
    CassidyScaglione Posts: 673 Member
    I have eaten cake at breakfast for three days straight. Lol.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have eaten cake at breakfast for three days straight. Lol.

    I used to do that as a kid... no problem. Now if I do that I'm starving and craving carbs all day. It's sad.