Im doing great on eating & working out..but i keep getting recruited

I am doing so wonderful on eating & working out. I feel great! But I've noticed when i post workouts /or what I'm eating on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media. I keep getting recruited by "Coaches" for team beach body. They keep trying to sell me shakeology shakes. I am not interested in all that, 4 years go when i lost weight that *kitten* was popular. Now i keep getting asked to join because "I'm inspiring" i believe that hard work is made in the kitchen & gym. I lost 60lbs 4 years ago eating the calories set by MFP and eating good foods (veggies, whole grains, fiber etc) .... whats your thoughts on shakeology or beach body coaches?


  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    They won't let me post it here.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Sounds to me like they want to claim your success is related to their product. No thanks.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I am doing so wonderful on eating & working out. I feel great! But I've noticed when i post workouts /or what I'm eating on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media. I keep getting recruited by "Coaches" for team beach body. They keep trying to sell me shakeology shakes. I am not interested in all that, 4 years go when i lost weight that *kitten* was popular. Now i keep getting asked to join because "I'm inspiring" i believe that hard work is made in the kitchen & gym. I lost 60lbs 4 years ago eating the calories set by MFP and eating good foods (veggies, whole grains, fiber etc) .... whats your thoughts on shakeology or beach body coaches?

    Most of them are a disgrace to the fitness industry and are actually part of the problem, not the fix. Shakeology is overpriced and mediocre at best. "Coaches" can have zero training in anything other than the lies the company tells them about Shakeology and it's magical properties.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Sounds to me like they want to claim your success is related to their product. No thanks.

  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I have a friend who is a long-time beach body/ shakehology and 21-day fix coach, but she's also a certified Zumba instructor and yoga instructor-- so at least she has some training in what she's doing workout-wise. The products are hokum, though.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I met a Beachbody coach through here and ordered a video through her and got an extra video included for free. She's not "coaching" me but I'm sure she got credit for the sale. It helped me, it helped her, win win situation. She's never tried to push me to buy anything else, become part of the team or whatever else. Works for me.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Sounds to me like they want to claim your success is related to their product. No thanks.


    Publicly eviscerate this sort of thing on Facebook once or twice and people will leave you alone. ;)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Sounds to me like they want to claim your success is related to their product. No thanks.

  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    IMO, from my own personal experiences...they see you lose a large amount of weight...then want to introduce you to their "magic" product...and then claim that all you did was use their "magic" product to lose ALL the weight! It works amazing.....just look at her before and after pictures! And ALL she did was drink 2 shakes a day! Amazing!

    Its ridiculous. The Shakeology fiends, er...I mean "sales reps" in my news feeds are also the ones constantly posting advice on how to "jump start your metabolism", how to ensure you get "superior nutrition that isn't available through food alone!" and "activate your internal organs with a big glass of water in the morning!"
  • sabrina_dolce
    sabrina_dolce Posts: 968 Member
    I'm not a fan of that shake stuff. I usually make a protein shake (Biotrust) after I work out. Aside from that that, just diet and working out work best. I can't live on just shakes
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    pondscum, bottom feeders - ALL of them
  • ChristinaOrr65
    ChristinaOrr65 Posts: 112 Member
    It is MLM, just like the wraps, which is why people are always trying to recruit you - if they do, they can make more money! I am not really sure I agree with people who are not professionals or really know what they are doing "coaching" people, and most the people I see online selling beachbody look like they have not been into fitness that long.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Be careful, I've read on here before that these scamwoo people steal people's before and after pictures.

    They want to use you because they know their junk doesn't actually work, but they want to make people think it does.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    Ugh I had a friend who is a shakeology coach invite me to join this 4 day healthy eating group on Facebook. I thought it was weird that it was only 4 days but I said sure. On the last day she sent me a message asking if I wanted to do a 21 day group next and I said ok. She then replies that in order to be part of the 21 day group I have to purchase a shakeology package. I was honestly really pissed... at her but also at myself for falling for it. I was like I've lost 82 lbs and I am perfectly happy with my progress and don't need to pay to be part of a healthy eating group on Facebook. Ridiculous.
  • alexandriareene
    alexandriareene Posts: 12 Member
    i had someone argue with me that she lost a ton of weight because the curb her cravings. these were her words "or me, I lost 75 pounds after I had my son Then I got pregnant again and cannot lose the weight this time. I've tried all my old ways and literally the scale was not budging. I decided to give beach body a shot. I like the shakes for one reason, and that is because they totally curb my cravings: I don't really like how they taste but in the afternoons when I usually want cookies or candy, a shake will totally satisfy that craving and fill me up. I also love the support and accountability. But it's still me putting in the effort. The shake isn't magic I'm still working very hard" how is drinking a shake ...doing the work? thats what i dont get ....she doesnt like how they taste but still drinking that sludge? Its a pyramid scheme!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I like BB workouts. But I don't like all of the other stuff. I was a part of a motivation group of people who were doing BB workouts and I got kicked out bc I wouldn't buy Shakeology and I told someone to go to eBay to find a program cheaper. I guess it wasn't really about helping me reach my goals, lol.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    I like BB workouts. But I don't like all of the other stuff. I was a part of a motivation group of people who were doing BB workouts and I got kicked out bc I wouldn't buy Shakeology and I told someone to go to eBay to find a program cheaper. I guess it wasn't really about helping me reach my goals, lol.

    It's never about helping you reach your goals when it comes to MLM's about helping them reach their goals of selling their overpriced garbage and recruiting more people underneath them so they make money.

    I find Beachbody the most reprehensible because they title their salespeople as "coaches". A "coach" in any other sense means somebody who has training/education in the field and is qualified to teach/coach others. Beachbody "coaches" have no training or education - in fact, in their "Coach's FAQ" it specifically says that no training or education in nutrition or exercise is required (I won't link to it because I don't even want to give them the page hits - Google it if you're interested in seeing it for yourself). I think it's disingenuous and slimy of them to call their salespeople "coaches" because the very title lends an air of credibility that isn't earned or deserved. They're not "coaches" - they're just pushy, greedy salespeople trying to rip you off by selling you their crappy products and/or recruiting you to become part of their MLM scam.
  • lbg257
    lbg257 Posts: 20 Member
    HI All! I am a beachbody coach and i just wanted to respond briefly. Beachbody products (including Shakeology) are definitely not for everyone BUT as a coach, I really really try to help people lose weight. It honestly has been so rewarding to help over 300 people lose weight in about a year. It is true that I don't have any fitness/health background (in fact I'm an attorney) but the products themselves are designed by the experts and my customers just follow them (and I help them if they have questions). Again, it is totally not for everyone and I'm just as happy to see my friends and family lose weight with any program, I just wanted to respond that a lot of us coaches do really love helping people with their goals (and it's not just for the money).
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited March 2016
    lbg257 wrote: »
    HI All! I am a beachbody coach and i just wanted to respond briefly. Beachbody products (including Shakeology) are definitely not for everyone BUT as a coach, I really really try to help people lose weight. It honestly has been so rewarding to help over 300 people lose weight in about a year. It is true that I don't have any fitness/health background (in fact I'm an attorney) but the products themselves are designed by the experts and my customers just follow them (and I help them if they have questions). Again, it is totally not for everyone and I'm just as happy to see my friends and family lose weight with any program, I just wanted to respond that a lot of us coaches do really love helping people with their goals (and it's not just for the money).

    This is ridiculous. If you don't know anything about fitness and health, what service are you providing besides "giving" them a way to pay money for something they could do for free?
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    lbg257 wrote: »
    HI All! I am a beachbody coach and i just wanted to respond briefly. Beachbody products (including Shakeology) are definitely not for everyone BUT as a coach, I really really try to help people lose weight. It honestly has been so rewarding to help over 300 people lose weight in about a year. It is true that I don't have any fitness/health background (in fact I'm an attorney) but the products themselves are designed by the experts and my customers just follow them (and I help them if they have questions). Again, it is totally not for everyone and I'm just as happy to see my friends and family lose weight with any program, I just wanted to respond that a lot of us coaches do really love helping people with their goals (and it's not just for the money).

    Then why not encourage them to sign up for MFP? It's free and you still get to help with their goals.