Weird habit I've developed in maintainence - anyone else do it?



  • ChristinaOrr65
    ChristinaOrr65 Posts: 112 Member
    I do this too, I buy something as a "treat" for myself, but then I never seem to want it anymore. I guess my tastes have changed, yay! It still feels good to buy them though.
  • veggiecanner
    veggiecanner Posts: 137 Member
    I'd rather spend on something I can eat. And if I did have a stash my husband would eat it and he Is trying to loose weight too.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited March 2016
    DrEnalg wrote: »
    .... I stockpile junk food.

    Mostly candy and cookies, but also things like Doritos, fried chicken, etc. Re. the candy, I have a spot on top of my refrigerator and it currently has three gourmet chocolate bars of different provenances, a basket of valentines candies of various kinds I just cant part with, a package of Oreos, two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, various bags of jelly beans, and three multipacks of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups stacked on top of one another.

    I do eat them, but very slowly and very occasionally. I mostly just like to look at it, and then NOT eat it. Is that weird? Does anyone else do this?
    I think it's a leftover from when we used to be able to eat more. Like, I never realize exactly how long it will take me to get through things. I've been eating Girl Scout cookies two at a time for a couple weeks now. I still have about half of a sleeve left, which means I probably won't finish it for another four or five days. Luckily my husband ate some of the peanut butter ones or it would have taken me a couple months to go through two boxes of cookies, and that's with trying to finish them.

    I just had to throw away an entire unopened bag of Munchies snacks that I'd bought for a road trip and never opened. I kept thinking "I need to eat some of those" and I never did.

    I, too, have a candy dish set out that needs to have chocolate in it.

    Halloween candy gets thrown away and replaced with Christmas candy. Christmas candy gets thrown away for Valentine's Day sales candy. Easter is coming up and I still make an Easter basket for the both of us, so I'll have Easter candy around for a while. Last year, I ate my dark chocolate bunny for about a week before giving up and throwing the rest away.
    I do this too, I buy something as a "treat" for myself, but then I never seem to want it anymore. I guess my tastes have changed, yay! It still feels good to buy them though.

    All of this. Additionally, I keep junk food around in part because, as contradictory as it may sound, getting rid of junk from my living space does NOT help cravings. When I have a choice to eat the junk food, I find that I don't want it. If I get rid of it all, however, I suddenly get the urge to eat some junk food. I'll have some of it occasionally, but the goodies are never as tasty as I remember them. I crave my peas, corn, lentils, etc. most of the time now. Haha. It's amazing that I've reached a point in life where I honestly feel that way.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    I wouldn't say I stockpile, but I do like having a stash of treats I think are worth the calories and like others said it makes me a little nervous if I run out. For me, having it is like having savings in the bank. If I know I have small treat available at home I won't be tempted to go "into debt" and eat some random high-calorie treat during the day.
  • myfavoriteyear
    myfavoriteyear Posts: 31 Member
    That's actually a cool idea if it works for you...but there are certain foods I would not trust myself to have around like that. For example I love chinese cracker mixes and I pigged out on it almost every time I bought it. It would not be pretty if I had that stuff around in bulk!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I don't stock pile but I still have a box of chocolates left from Christmas, I enjoy a few of those now and fact they'll soon be going out of date so maybe I should have more soon :smiley:
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    You all have seriously more will power than I do.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    rhtexasgal wrote: »
    I have two teenage boys and a hubby who is weak about anything sweet. I don't have to worry about stockpiling or hoarding! They eat everything. If there is something special I want just for myself, I hide it within an empty brussel sprouts box in the large deep freeze or I buy a pint of ice cream that I like (like mocha java chip) that they do not like so I don't have to worry about it being gone when I am in the mood for it.

    I was just thinking that I could never stockpile anything. I have 5 kids in the house--3 of them teenagers. They eat everything immediately. The empty brussel sprouts box is genius!

  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Can't have junk food in the house, the kids will eat it to the exclusion of anything else.

    So no. Junky stuff is bought on occasion, and disappears almost immediately.

    Liquors, though...We do have a shelf of nice stuff in big bottles, and only drink a couple of nights a week, and usually only one or two, and sometimes do that out at the bar, not at home! The collection we have looks like we are big drinkers. I just can't buy the small bottle when the big one is less per ml and it keeps forever, and like to be able to make what i want, and it's pretty to look at too.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yes and no.

    I have a package of Oreos in my garage freezer and some treats from TJs I found interesting and want to try that I bought before they stop selling them - out of sight and easy reach means I won't grab any of it without thinking about it.

    I also have homemade cake, cornbread, cookies, etc frozen away because I like to bake.

    All of what I have now will be eaten eventually - I have some every day, but there will be more bought/made to replace so the stash never really depletes.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm not in maintenance, but I have acquired a weird hoarding habit too. Not for cookies and stuff, I don't want these often so I'm perfectly fine buying a single serving whenever I feel like it. I stocpile... wait for it.. BEANS! Don't ask me why.. Every time I go grocery shopping I buy cans of beans, even though I know for a fact that I have a whole bunch of them at home...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Haha that's me.

    Eventually my kids and husband end up eating the stuff because I just don't have enough calories in my days to eat them all. And yeah I've wasted money doing that (I still have too many Quest bars that I just never eat anymore). And I keep forgetting about things I have...

    I wish everything came in 1-2 servings packaging. I just like trying new stuff, but it's tough for me to finish a whole box/package.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I can't eat gluten (autoimmune disorder) so when my favorite expensive gluten-free pasta (that tastes like the real thing) goes on sale that's what I stockpile. Other than that, I'm not really a food hoarder. But I can understand the concept. :)
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    That's actually a cool idea if it works for you...but there are certain foods I would not trust myself to have around like that. For example I love chinese cracker mixes and I pigged out on it almost every time I bought it. It would not be pretty if I had that stuff around in bulk!

    I have that problem, too. I thought I was over it and bought a bag of rice cracker mix at Costco a few weeks ago. Bad idea. My teen boys didn't care for it and I finished off way more than appropriate. If I go there again, it will be with an Aldi size bag.
    amyk0202 wrote: »
    rhtexasgal wrote: »
    I have two teenage boys and a hubby who is weak about anything sweet. I don't have to worry about stockpiling or hoarding! They eat everything. If there is something special I want just for myself, I hide it within an empty brussel sprouts box in the large deep freeze or I buy a pint of ice cream that I like (like mocha java chip) that they do not like so I don't have to worry about it being gone when I am in the mood for it.

    I was just thinking that I could never stockpile anything. I have 5 kids in the house--3 of them teenagers. They eat everything immediately. The empty brussel sprouts box is genius!

    Under the veggies in the crisper drawer also works well if you don't want your treats frozen solid. Just took the halloween candy stash out from under the spinach and put it in the kid's snack box to get rid of it. The were amazed that we still had some and I wasn't about to let them know it was right under their noses all this time!
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    Not in maintenance yet but I used to stockpile sweets and then realized it was all getting stale before I could get to it- yes candy gets stale. Now I take it to work so I can still eat the amount I would have, and the rest doesn't go to waste.
  • David_2015
    David_2015 Posts: 231 Member
    I thought I was the only one...!

    The pic below is just a snapshot of my hoard.. I also have countless tubs of Ben and Jerry's and Haagen Dazs, loads of various ice cream bars, cones and sticks, frozen desserts that have been portioned that I defrost as and when, pop tarts, boxes and packs of biscuits.. the list is endless... amazing to think that as I now have control of food I can keep it all in the house.

  • catt952
    catt952 Posts: 190 Member
    i eat the stockpile
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    DrEnalg wrote: »
    .... I stockpile junk food.

    Mostly candy and cookies, but also things like Doritos, fried chicken, etc. Re. the candy, I have a spot on top of my refrigerator and it currently has three gourmet chocolate bars of different provenances, a basket of valentines candies of various kinds I just cant part with, a package of Oreos, two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies, various bags of jelly beans, and three multipacks of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups stacked on top of one another.

    I do eat them, but very slowly and very occasionally. I mostly just like to look at it, and then NOT eat it. Is that weird? Does anyone else do this?

    I'm not in maintenance but I am squirreling away food like the zombie apocalypse is due to begin tomorrow. I'm not binging on it, the food just sits in my pantry or fridge and I eat it eventually. I figure if having it around makes me secure enough NOT to eat it, it's a bizarre quirk but harmless. Expensive, but harmless.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    David_2015 wrote: »
    I thought I was the only one...!

    The pic below is just a snapshot of my hoard.. I also have countless tubs of Ben and Jerry's and Haagen Dazs, loads of various ice cream bars, cones and sticks, frozen desserts that have been portioned that I defrost as and when, pop tarts, boxes and packs of biscuits.. the list is endless... amazing to think that as I now have control of food I can keep it all in the house.


    I think I just fell in love.


    I don't quite stockpile but I do keep a good variety of stuff around. I'm currently working on resisting buying more things as I know I need to eat up what I have.

    I sometimes wish I didn't live alone, just so someone else could be eating the food!
