Frustrated? Carb in , Carb out?



  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I agree with BrainyBurro in that low carb is, or at least was for quite a few years, a "fad". This way of eating has been around for hundreds, and in some would argue thousands, of years. During the 60's and 70's a few pioneers in the modern, western take of the plan cropped up and treated obese and ill people with their plans in an environment that was extremely hostile to this kind of talk.

    Sometime in the 90's/early 00's a few positive reexaminations of this style of eating cropped up, and BOOM, the diet industry caught on and popularized the notion. That's when the storm of books, processed low carb junk, brand new gurus, and the such broke out. Even a few restaurant chains and major food manufacturers started publishing the "net carb" intake on their menus and packages. It absolutely did become the "fad" thing to do. Lots of people eating low carb as a quick fix diet, TONS of ignorance about how the plan really works, and the science behind it, and eventually lots of people regaining a lot of weight because they never realized that those who work best eating this way have to, on some level, restrict carbs for the rest of their lives. Also tons of people who ignorantly assume low carb equals no veggies or fruits, or the ability to even integrate back in pastas, breads, and starchier vegetable, depending on your needs and goals.

    It seems to have slowed down considerably from it's fad zenith point.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    (heck Atkins himself died of heart disease/heart attack if I remember correctly).

    Wrong. That was a popular lie that sprouted up the minute Dr. Atkins passed as an attempt to go "haha! look low carb is evil like we told you!".

    Dr. Atkins had a heart attack in 2002 after battling a chronic infection that lead to cardiomyopathy. His doctors confirmed that his heart attack was not remotely linked to his low carb lifestyle, but to the infection. He survived the attack.

    He died a year later after slipping on some ice during a snowstorm, suffering major head trauma, falling into a coma, and dying from his head injuriy a little over a week later.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    where are the bad carbs from...Iran?

    LOL bwahahahahah